A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Several reports

In the white space, everything is in eternal silence and tranquility. Only the slight rustling of the tip of the feather pen across the notebook pages echoes around, like the sound of leaves blown by the breeze.

Owen ignored the rabbit that was dying next to the desk and recorded his conjectures on the second page of his notebook. He stopped to think about it from time to time, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Clearly, Irving was once again having a wall-to-wall moment. The advantage of being in this space is that he doesn't have to worry about anyone disturbing him. The feeling of being interrupted from a burst of inspiration by someone with an innocent look on his face can drive even the usually gentle Owen crazy for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before Owen stopped writing. He stretched out and put the notebook back in the corner of the desk. Feeling the fatigue sweeping over him after the excitement, he canceled his plan to practice the spell tonight and returned to reality.

Huddled in the armchair and moving his numb legs, Owen opened his eyes, looked at the warm and bright fire in the gorgeous fireplace in front of him, and yawned lightly.

"You're awake. I really don't know why you are so tired today." Daphne was packing up the textbooks and parchments on her desk. She turned around and chuckled after hearing the movement.

"I think I can understand him." Blaise also yawned and scribbled and corrected on his homework. "It's normal to be too excited to sleep on the first day of school... Of course, I couldn't sleep because of the dormitory. Those two stupid guys in there..."

Owen smiled and glanced at him, picked up his backpack and stood up: "You can learn the Silent Spell, although it won't last long. In fact, the best way is to prepare a pair of earplugs."

"This is a really good idea," Blaise said listlessly, "in case I don't want to suffocate them while they sleep one day, and then get a ticket to Azkaban..."

"Haha, I'm going back first, good night." Owen smiled and waved his hand, passing through the crowd of twos and threes in the lounge.

The chandelier in the bedroom exudes a soft, non-glaring silver light, making the room under the black lake look less gloomy. A few giant squid tentacles flashed occasionally in the lake outside the window, and the sight of large and small suckers made one's scalp numb.

Malfoy and Theodore hadn't returned yet, and Harry was sitting alone on the bed, staring at his Transfiguration textbook, as if he had a grudge against the words in the textbook.

Owen changed into a nightgown and stared out the window at the bottom of the lake with floating water plants. He wanted to open the window and feel the cool breeze blowing at night and the golden and warm sunshine during the day... But there was none of these!

"Well, why didn't I tell the Sorting Hat that I wasn't going to Slytherin?" Owen muttered to himself as he threw himself on the four-poster bed.

Harry raised his head as if he had just woken up from a dream, feeling that these words came to his heart. If he could go back to yesterday, he would definitely give himself a slap in the face and tell himself not to believe the lies of the Sorting Hat! He said "Slytherin will help you move towards glory". If death in society can be considered brilliant, he is already at the pinnacle of his life!

By the way, tell yourself never to talk to Malfoy, this is very important! He always feels that Malfoy is here to take revenge on him...

"Owen, do you think Hogwarts allows transfers?" Harry threw aside the textbook in his hand.

"There has never been an example of transfer to another hospital in thousands of years." Owen said with his eyes closed, hearing the other party exhale heavily.

"What's wrong?" he asked, opening his eyes.

Harry took out a few crumpled newspapers and book pages from his schoolbag, stood up and paced quickly: "I don't know, do they all think of me this way?"

Owen sat cross-legged on the bed and took a glance at them. They were all clipped from today's newspapers and periodicals.

"Daily Prophet": The Boy-Who-Lived, Slytherin's new life.

"...The boy who survived, Harry Potter, entered Hogwarts yesterday and became a freshman at Slytherin House. This news has aroused many people's questions...We still don't know what this is. Is it the Sorting Hat's biggest mistake in its millennium history, or is it the prelude to another turmoil in the magical world...

"A spokesman for the Ministry of Magic claimed: This just illustrates the outstanding talents of Harry Potter. We should eliminate past prejudices and not be worried by baseless rumors..."

As the most influential newspaper in the wizarding world, the Daily Prophet's speech is relatively restrained, along with the Ministry of Magic and Slime, but the speech in other newspapers and journals is much more intense.

Wizards Weekly: Harry Potter, savior or new devil?

"...Harry Potter was able to defeat the rising Dark Lord at an early age. There is no doubt that he possesses innate terrible magical talents and needs the right guidance...Mr. Albus Dumbledore will He was raised by a Muggle family and refused to disclose his current situation to anyone on the grounds of protection. We have reason to doubt Mr. Dumbledore's intentions... Is it protection or prevention?

"According to reliable information, Harry Potter suffered long-term abuse in a Muggle family, which largely contributed to his disgust and hatred of Muggles, and even planted the seeds of rebellion and revenge in his mind. …

"Therefore, when his parents are both members of Gryffindor House and loyal fans of Dumbledore, and knowing that Slytherin was once the base camp of the Dark Lord's followers, the increasingly extreme Harry Potter Te still resolutely chose to enter this academy...

"Wizards sent hundreds of howling letters to the Ministry of Magic today, strongly demanding that the detailed address of the Muggle family be disclosed to everyone, but they were decisively rejected...Dumbledore is still determined to have his own way...

"Wizards believe that Harry Potter, who became famous as a baby, will eventually achieve great magical achievements. And under the influence of the pure-blood theory that is still in power in this academy, will Harry Potter succeed? Following in the footsteps of the Dark Lord? When Dumbledore's plan fails, will the two drift apart and eventually turn against each other? Where will the wizarding world go from then?"


This is obviously the most extreme report. It contains many exaggerations, inciting public opinion and conspiracy theories. It sounds like it is witnessed by one's own eyes, but in fact most of it is fabricated.

Owen glanced at the author of the report, Rita Skeeter...oh, that's okay.

This woman has always liked to stir up trouble and make up rumors. If the report she writes is published in the Daily Prophet, about 30% of it can be believed. If it is published in other publications, not a word of it can be believed.

Owen quickly glanced at other articles, and the descriptions were similar.

"Haha, it seems that for a period of time in the future, these reporters and writers will depend on you." Owen returned these reports to Harry, "They are just boring guys making fun of you. They are all relying on you." People who eat with their pens must write some shocking arguments to avoid starving to death."

"By the way, Malfoy found all this for you?"

Harry nodded dully, his expression still angry and a little disappointed: "My parents are both from Gryffindor? I heard that the relationship between the two houses has always been very bad. No wonder Hagrid looked so ugly at that time. …”

"Owen, I want to know...if your family was once a follower of Voldemort?" He suddenly stared directly into Owen's eyes.

"Well, no, at least not really." Owen thought carefully about his words.

Harry's expression relaxed, then he frowned: "What about...Draco?"

"You should ask him yourself about this kind of thing." Owen smiled meaningfully.

"Okay, then can you tell me, what does pure blood theory mean?" Harry felt a little self-defeating.

"You'd better look up these things in books yourself instead of trying to get the answers from others." Owen yawned, raised his hand to lower the curtains of the four-poster bed, and lay on the bed with his hands on the back of his head: "What others said The opinions always contain that person’s subjective emotions, which can easily lead to preconceived notions about you. This is how prejudice often arises.”

"Look for it yourself and think independently instead of passively waiting for others to instill it in you, so that what is finally formed is your own thoughts and ideas." Irving said lightly. The most important thing is that he wants to sleep now instead of wasting time giving common sense to Xiaobai.

Harry nodded slowly, looking thoughtful.

"Well, good night." Owen said, "By the way, it's best to read more potions textbooks when you have time. The dean likes diligent and studious students."

"Huh? Oh." Harry responded confused.

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