A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 145 Attacked

Weird emotional riots occurred several times in the school in just a few days. Although each time did not last long, they still seriously disrupted the order of the campus and left many professors anxious and searching for the truth. cause.

Owen was happy to have someone help him find the source, and he watched the show with peace of mind. Although he was accidentally hit twice, he cried the second time. After coming out of the sadness, he was so embarrassed that he pressed his toes to the ground and wished he could spread the ashes of Harry who was holding him and crying. But when it's not affected, this situation is still quite interesting.

Except for Dumbledore, who was paddling with great interest, and Lockhart, who was confidently helping, the other professors used their subjective initiative to quickly find out the transmission mechanism of this emotional contagion, and reported it to All students in the school.

A prominent notice was posted on the bulletin board in the Slytherin common room. Madam Pomfrey told everyone that this may be a new wizarding disease that is harmless to the body. Recently, she is working with Professor Snape on a method to completely cure it, so everyone should not worry. The following is a reminder on how to prevent infection.

"...Every emotional contagion must have a source, which is usually a person who is experiencing severe mood swings. When someone feels very happy, sad, or angry, etc., he may become the source of infection, and his own emotions The fluctuations will be significantly amplified and spread to people in close contact with him."

"Once you find that your emotions are suddenly amplified, please keep the source of infection and infected people away from the crowd as soon as possible to avoid large-scale transmission... People who are not infected can avoid infection by adjusting their expressions to be consistent with those of the infected..."

"Adjusting the expression to be consistent with that of an infected person?" Draco muttered with a sullen face, "Are we still pretending to cry when everyone else is crying?" He remembered the last time he, Crabbe and Gao were in the auditorium. We hugged each other and burst into tears. When he woke up, he realized that he was almost pinched to death by two big men... Thinking of this, his expression became even worse.

Harry coughed awkwardly and glanced at Owen who looked normal. That time he wiped handfuls of tears and snot on Owen's robe. He always felt that Owen seemed to want to kill him after he woke up... It was indeed an illusion.

Owen glanced at him angrily, then squinted his eyes and muttered to himself: "Are emotions contagious? It's interesting."

This incident was quite interesting, and it seemed that there was no need for him to rush to find the source. Well, he felt that the students' boring campus life needed a little interesting spice.

Owen sat back in his armchair, curling up lazily. The orange firelight gave his whole body a soft shimmer.

It was raining continuously outside again, the sky was covered with low gray clouds, and the castle was as dark as night.

After the last class in the afternoon, Owen sat in a corner of the library, writing his Transfiguration homework. A long line of little spiders crawled across the table, climbed up the wall, and then scurried away along the corner.

Owen looked away and saw Harry staring directly in the direction where the little spider was crawling away, with a dazed expression on his face. Immediately afterwards, Harry stood up and strode towards the bookshelf area. He stopped in front of a bookshelf, took down one book after another and flipped through it quickly.

"What happened to him? He was shocked." Draco yawned and scribbled his Defense Against the Dark Arts paper.

"Who knows." Owen let his quill start writing automatically, holding his chin in one hand and looking at the gloomy drizzle outside the window.

About an hour later, Harry trotted back with a book and said excitedly, "I think I know what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is!"

Draco straightened up suddenly and looked at him with raised eyebrows. Owen also turned his head, his expression unchanged, his dark eyes as calm and deep as a black lake at night.

"On Halloween, we were attacked at that spooky party. I was the only one who could hear that scary sound..." Harry said breathlessly, "I didn't think about it at first... Only I could From what I heard, could it be because it was a snake?"

"Why can you hear a snake?" Draco looked confused.

"Nothing, I'm a bit special..." Harry said vaguely, "Well, in short, I just read a lot of books about monsters, looked up all the information about snake-like monsters in them, and then found this - snake Weird!" He spread the book in his hand on the table.

"The Basilisk, also known as the Snake King, is very huge and can live for hundreds of years... It has deadly fangs and can kill people by glaring. Anyone who looks at it will be killed immediately, even if it is seen indirectly. Its eyes will also be petrified...The spider will run away when seeing the basilisk, and the crowing of the rooster is fatal to the basilisk..."

Harry's tone became more and more urgent: "That's right! Slytherin is a Parselmouth. It's normal to leave a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. It can live for hundreds of years. The spider is running for its life, and Hagrid's cock is also All died inexplicably. Crevat was petrified. A window in the corridor where she was that night was broken. She may have seen the eyes of the basilisk through the window glass..."

"Those ghosts may have directly seen the eyes of the basilisk, but they couldn't die a second time, so they were just petrified..."

Draco stretched his neck and read the description in the book, and said slowly: "The basilisk was hatched from a rooster's egg by a toad... What I'm interested in is, how does a rooster lay eggs?"

"Some dark magic can do that," Owen said casually.

"Oh -" Draco drawled, his eyes rolling, "Do you think it would be cool to raise a basilisk?"

"Not cool at all, Draco!" Harry said sternly, looking very much like Professor McGonagall.

"The hatching of a basilisk sounds easy, but in fact it is very complicated and requires a certain amount of luck." Owen explained with a rigorous academic mentality, "And the basilisk is a high-risk creature that basically cannot be tamed and can only be tamed under certain conditions." It is controlled to some extent by Parseltongue wizards and is very dangerous to other wizards, and its glare is an indiscriminate attack."

"You don't want to accidentally take a look at your pet and die suddenly one day, do you?" Harry nodded.

"I'm just saying." Draco spread his hands.

Harry looked at Owen and asked expectantly: "Owen, do you think what I'm thinking is right?"

"I agree." Owen smiled and replied, "Awesome."

Harry couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with some pride, but looking at Owen's calm expression, the smile on his face slowly disappeared. This guy wasn't surprised at all just now. He must have guessed it a long time ago, right?

He stared at Owen suspiciously for a long time, then closed the book on the table and said: "I have to tell Hermione about this. She is being targeted by the heir and is in a very dangerous situation. By the way, you'd better be like me. Wear a pair of glasses to avoid seeing a basilisk one day... It's better to be petrified than die."

"Owen and I are both purebloods and will not be targeted by the heir, and neither will you." Draco raised his chin arrogantly, "I don't know why you are afraid of this and that, this matter has nothing to do with us. It doesn't really matter, Harry..."

"The basilisk's glare is an indiscriminate attack." Harry repeated with a straight face, "Even if you are not its target, you may still be affected. Okay, I'll go look for it..." He turned to look at the library. On the other side, he said "Hmm" and said, "Where's Hermione? Wasn't she still there just now?"

"Ha, I must have gone to the bathroom." Draco lazily began to pack his school bag, "Granger can't possibly leave the library before you, otherwise how could he be called a nerd?"

"But her schoolbag is gone." Harry said, "Which of you wants to go look for it with me..."

Before he finished speaking, Draco picked up his schoolbag and said slowly: "I'm going back to the lounge, Owen, are you coming together?"

"Okay." Owen packed his things and smiled at Harry who looked pitiful. It wasn't that he didn't want to be with Harry, it was just that it was too cold and he was too lazy and missed the warm fireplace and soft armchair.

"You two...well, I'll go by myself. She should go back to the Gryffindor common room..." At this point, Harry sighed. His reputation in Gryffindor has not been good at all recently. , so everyone shouted and beat him. He twitched the corner of his mouth, suspecting that Owen and Draco were afraid of being beaten.

He also put on his schoolbag and followed the two of them out of the library. After coming out, he consciously squinted his eyes and looked around, as if there was a basilisk hidden in every corner.

Owen blinked and saw Draco covering his eyes with his right hand, carefully peeking out from between his fingers. This may be a normal reaction after learning that there is a basilisk hiding in Hogwarts.

Seeing the two people looking back three times, Owen raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and took out a transparent glass bottle from his schoolbag. He pulled out his wand and smashed it, producing several rounded pieces of glass. Immediately afterwards, he turned his palm over, and two black iron rings appeared in the palm of his hand. Under the influence of the transformation technique, they were elongated and deformed, and connected with the glass pieces, turning into a pair of simple and pleasing to the eye glasses.

"Indestructible." Owen tapped the glasses with his wand, then threw them to Draco, "Put them on."

"Thanks, although it's a bit ugly." Draco took the glasses and put them on with a look of reluctance.

"It's possible that the basilisk's gaze will destroy the lens. It would be much safer to add an indestructible charm." Owen pointed his wand at Harry's eyes and said "indestructible", then withdrew the wand.

"Thank you, Owen, don't you prepare a pair for yourself?" Before Harry finished speaking, he saw Owen skillfully take out a pair of silver-white plain glasses from his pocket and put them on the bridge of his nose.

"Uh, you..." Harry opened his mouth. This guy has definitely guessed it's a basilisk, right?

"Be prepared." Owen smiled and pushed up his glasses. He had cast more protective spells on his glasses, as well as spells he and Tom had discussed specifically to prevent being killed or petrified by the basilisk. Of course, he has not yet tested whether it is effective, and it is impossible for him to test it on himself.

Harry took several deep breaths and finally resisted the urge to kick him a few times. He gritted his teeth and said, "Can you prepare two more pairs of glasses for me?"

"Okay." Owen followed suit as he walked, handing the newly made glasses to Harry.

The three of them walked along the corridor outside the library for a while. Just when they were about to reach the stairs, they happened to meet Hermione who was walking quickly.

"Hermione!" Harry smiled and waved. It was great not to have to look for anyone outside the Gryffindor common room.

"Harry, Owen, it's great that you are here. I have something to say to you!" Hermione said rapidly as soon as she saw them, completely ignoring Draco.

Draco snorted loudly, crossed his shoulders and looked at her sideways.

"Just in time, I have something to tell you." Harry said urgently, "We know what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is! It's a basilisk! Anyone who directly sees its eyes will die, and those who see it indirectly will be petrified. ...You put these on, Hermione." He handed over the glasses that Owen had fixed.

"Oh...Okay, thank you. I didn't expect that Hogwarts would have such a thing..." Hermione was stunned for a moment, took the glasses and put them on, and then said hurriedly: "We had guessed that Ron Being threatened or controlled, he was asking us for help, but then I suddenly thought, what if Ron is not the only one being controlled?"

She took a deep breath, raised her hands to smooth her messy long brown hair, and said with some hesitation and uneasiness: "I have been hesitating whether to tell you or not. After all, this may be just my imagination, but I just discovered... "

Her voice suddenly stopped, and her eyes looked behind them through the gap between the three people, and her expression instantly became extremely frightened. Owen frowned and drew out his wand alertly. Harry and Draco were stunned and instinctively turned to look behind them.

"No!" Hermione screamed, suddenly pounced on the two of them, and threw them heavily to the ground.

"Ouch!" Draco screamed in pain from the fall, "What are you doing, Granger!"

"What happened?" Harry raised his hand to hold Hermione's arm, but was horrified to see that the other person's body had turned gray and stiff, and he kept his arms open, with a look of horror on his face. His big eyes have become dull.

"No! No! Hermione!" Harry shouted. Draco's mouth opened in surprise and panic, and his face instantly turned pale.

Owen looked at Hermione's situation calmly. At this time, he also heard a rustling sound coming from behind, as if something huge was flying across the ground.

"The basilisk is behind you, run!" He grabbed Draco and said concisely.

"We have to take Hermione!" Harry forced himself to calm down. Hermione couldn't be left here, there was really no saving her once she was broken.

Owen waved his wand, causing Hermione's body to float lightly. Harry jumped up, held Hermione under his left arm and ran wildly.

"Horrifying!" Owen recited a fear spell directly at the voice getting closer and closer behind him. The sound of crawling against the ground paused, followed by the sound of a heavy swishing tail. The walls and floor were slapped heavily, making a loud rumble. Even the ground was shaking slightly. The ornaments and hangings on both sides of the corridor It fell to the ground with a crackle.

Apparently, Owen's fear spell worked. The basilisk was so frightened that it couldn't care less about chasing them.

"I didn't hear the basilisk's voice just now!" Harry said breathlessly, his expression full of remorse and guilt, "I should have heard it..."

"But...it's daytime now..." Draco's face turned pale.

"Is now the time to think wildly?" Owen raised his left eyebrow, pointed to the corridor behind him and said "The slide is flat", turning the ground behind him into a smooth slope like a slide. The curtains on both sides of the corridor were lifted high after they passed by, and under Owen's command, they turned into solid stone walls, sealing the corridor tightly.

There were very few people wandering around outside at this time, which was a good thing as not too many people would be affected. But as they climbed the stairs, they bumped into a little wizard.

"Harry Potter!" Colin Creevey exclaimed, his face turning red.

"Oh, no! Colin..." Harry hurriedly cast a blocking spell behind him, then grabbed Colin's arm with the hand holding the wand and pulled him upstairs, "Listen ! If you don’t want to die, be sure not to look behind you. If there is any movement, close your eyes and listen carefully!"

"Listen... listen clearly..." Colin was confused by the situation in front of him, and the basilisk had already rushed through the walls set up by Owen, making endless rumbling sounds.

This time, Harry finally heard the basilisk's voice: "Kill that girl... kill her... let me eat her..."

"No! Stop! Don't kill her!" Harry couldn't help shouting.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed Draco looking at him with an extremely strange and complicated look, and Colin also looked confused. Owen glanced at him briefly and continued to rush upwards, casting a magic spell behind them from time to time to slow down the basilisk.

"I must kill her... Dear Parseltongue wizard, I have to follow my master's orders first..." Harry actually heard the hoarse and terrifying cold voice reply. Only then did he realize that he had been speaking in Parseltongue unconsciously.

"Who is your master?" Harry asked. He heard his own words come out as a strange hissing sound.

"I can't tell you, respected wizard... If you get out of the way, I won't kill you..."

Harry didn't care to reply. He gasped for air and felt the smell of blood in his throat. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Help!" Where were the professors?

At this moment, a beam of white light "swished" through the air, came from above the stairs, and rushed straight towards Harry. He was caught off guard as he was holding someone in both hands. He could only hurriedly turn to the other side to avoid it, but it was already too late.

"Armor protection!" Owen's iron armor charm opened in front of Harry, deflecting the white light that rushed towards the opponent's chest.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and saw a red-haired boy slowly walking downstairs, with a dazed look on his pale face, pointing a wand at him.

"Ron Weasley, what are you doing?" Harry stopped and stared at him.

Owen also stopped and let go of Draco's arm, hearing the crawling sound behind him getting closer and closer. He twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, why did this kind of thing always happen to him? Sure enough, we can't let Harry stick too tightly in the future...

Although some of the dark magic he is good at is enough to solve the current problem, those methods cannot be used at Hogwarts. He does have a disadvantage in general magic. To solve this problem, he can only find ways to improve his magic level and research magic advancement, which are both long-term processes.

Ron Weasley seemed to suddenly wake up. He blinked blankly, looked at the wand in his hand, and then looked at Harry. His expression instantly became ferocious and frightened. He hissed: "Run away!"

Immediately afterwards, his expression suddenly returned to calm, and a leisurely smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What a coincidence, there are so many people here..." he said with a smile.

Thanks to book friend 20220501012724947 for the 100 starting coins~

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