A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 28 Mind Reading Magic

According to the route map obtained from the Weasley twins, Owen drew two signs on the map he drew and planned a route for himself that would allow him to explore other areas to the greatest extent possible.

As for the trick I just used, of course it’s not Legilimency, it’s just micro-expression psychology. As a magician, it's normal to be proficient in psychology.

After walking around on the third floor, Owen took a deep breath and looked at the time. It was already past midnight.

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts office is ahead. Well, go around it." Owen glanced at the map, "Then take the stairs on the other side and go up to the fourth floor."

Even if he was searching the castle as efficiently as possible, Owen knew that his chances of finding that damn fax machine tonight were probably slim. If you rely solely on one person's efforts to search, luck will play a large role.

Without any incident, Owen climbed up to the fourth floor through the stairs on the right hand side of the third floor. He glanced at the off-limits corridor from a distance. Everything in the straight dark corridor was clearly visible, and there was no trace of the fax machine. As for the door at the end, Owen had no intention of going in and searching. He didn't want to have a close encounter with a three-headed dog.

He explored aimlessly along the route he had planned in his mind. The lights in the castle were dim in the middle of the night. Only the candles lit on both sides of the corridor gave off a faint orange light, which could only illuminate a small area. Instead, the light was lost. The position it reached made it darker.

The human shadow flashes on and off under the flickering candlelight, as if it has an independent life. The area that cannot be covered by the light source is dark, and there are strange rustling noises from time to time, as if some monster is peeking out and preparing to move.

"It's a little hairy..." Owen rubbed his arms and suddenly felt that the temperature around him had become a lot colder for no reason. Something was really coming out of the darkness in front of him!

He paused and took out his wand, the temperature in the air getting lower and lower. The darkness ahead surged, and a faint silver light gradually emerged, like a ball of enchanting and cold silver fire. Gradually, the light source gets closer and closer, and slowly converges into the shape of a person.

A familiar ghost floated over quietly and seemed to glance at Owen with a haughty look. This is a slender ghost lady, floating a few inches above the ground, with long curly hair reaching her waist, and a floor-length robe. She has extremely beautiful appearance, but an arrogant demeanor.

"Well, good evening, Ms. Grey." Owen recognized the Ravenclaw ghost and put his wand back in his pocket.

Ms. Gray raised her eyebrows. It seemed that she rarely encountered students who ran out for a night out in the middle of the night and greeted them so naturally when they were caught. She nodded, said nothing, and then left.

"Please wait a moment, Ms. Grey." Owen walked quickly with the other party, with a very friendly smile on his face, "The night is so charming, do you want to take a walk in the castle together?"

The ghosts of Hogwarts! Although this group is easily overlooked, because they can penetrate the walls and explore the castle at will, this group is definitely the most well-informed existence in Hogwarts!

Irving has targeted this group early, so he might as well start planning now. However, starting from the cold and arrogant Ms. Gray, it seems that I chose the highest difficulty level... However, it is more interesting if it is challenging.

Ms. Gray glanced sideways at Owen and could tell she didn't want to pay attention to him. She said without enthusiasm: "If you want to get any news from me, you can leave."

Hooked! Owen smiled mysteriously and said in a low, soothing and seductive tone: "Of course not, if I want to get some news from you, there is no need to go to such trouble...I mean, I know the magic of seeing through people's hearts. "

"I'm a ghost." Ms. Gray glanced at him lightly. The meaning revealed in her simple words was that even Legilimency was not effective against her as a ghost.

"But I always have some unique abilities." Owen raised his left hand and showed Ms. Gray the empty palm and back of his hand. Then he rubbed his fingers together, and a stack of specially made Tarot cards appeared in his hand, unfolding into A perfect fan.

"If you don't believe it, we can play a game." Owen's tone is light and mysterious, which makes people feel involuntarily relaxed, but also fascinating.

Ms. Gray tilted her head and looked at him, with a look of scrutiny and arrogance on her beautiful silvery cheeks, as well as a hint of well-hidden curiosity. She wanted to see what tricks the little guy in front of her wanted to play.

Owen put down the suitcase he was carrying in his right hand, closed the tarot cards with a smile, and said softly: "Have you seen this deck of tarot cards? Do you believe it? As long as it is the card you selected, I can know it; you What I see in my eyes will always be conveyed to my eyes..."

"Now, Ms. Gray, please remember one of the cards." He quickly opened and closed the cards in front of the female ghost's eyes, and the smooth movements were very beautiful.

"Do you remember it?" Owen looked into the other person's eyes, "If you don't remember it, you can just look at it a few more times."

"I remember." Ms. Gray said quietly.

"That's good." Owen showed off some tricks of shuffling, cutting and flying cards in front of the female ghost. After he finally closed the cards in his hand, he picked up the first card on the back with a smile. Zhang, opened in front of Ms. Gray.

"The Priestess card." Owen said in a eloquent tone, "A woman who is quiet, reserved, intellectual and has excellent insight will find a friend who has a deep connection with each other spiritually. With the help of your companionship, you can achieve infinite inner development..."

For the first time, Ms. Gray's always cold face showed a surprised look, her brows furrowed slightly, looking very confused.

"Then, let's continue..." Owen put the priestess cards back, shuffled them quickly, then casually divided the tarot cards in his hand into two parts, and showed the cut cards to the other party, "Madam, what do you think of in your eyes?" See, that’s what I see…”

Ms. Gray glanced at the card.

"Hmm, Fool? It's the Major Arcana card again. What a coincidence." Owen didn't even glance in the direction of the card. He just stared into Ms. Gray's eyes and said seductively, "It represents the beginning and the end, an unchanging life." The end of the journey, the beginning of a new journey. Someone will surprise you, move forward, and embrace the infinite possibilities.”

Seeing the female ghost's flickering eyes, Owen performed the magic trick several times in different ways, while Ms. Gray's expression at this time was not just surprised, but also wary.

At this time, Owen closed the cards in his hand and scattered them like a goddess scattering flowers. The tarot cards in the sky were like flying snowflakes, falling lightly on their heads.

"You see, they're just ordinary cards, they don't have any magic in them."

"But the card you choose in front of a magician will always be the card the magician wants you to choose." Irving said silently in his heart, and gently blinked his left eye at Ms. Gray.

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