half year later.

Chen Muyu checked his homework and found that Zhuge Liang could memorize the books he had given him by heart, and he could also roughly tell the meaning between the lines.

Basically, Huang Yueying taught him. If he didn't understand, he would ask Huang Yueying. If he had any questions, the two of them would discuss it together. If the discussion couldn't produce a result, they would argue. If the argument couldn't produce a result, Huang Yueying would usually choose to take action.

In the end, even though Zhuge Liang was dissatisfied, Huang Yueying still said he won.

They came to find Chen Muyu, but Chen Muyu didn't let them judge who was right or wrong. At this stage, he just wanted Zhuge Liang to learn how to read.

Learn to stand first, then learn to walk. Everything must be done step by step.

This basic book is just some basic theories of Taoism. It is normal for everyone to have their own understanding.

After all, there are three thousand avenues leading to the same destination. There is no need for him to kill the ideas of two children at this stage.

After checking Zhuge Liang's homework, Chen Muyu was very satisfied.

Smart people are different. Although they may have some basic knowledge, they can recognize all the words in half a year and speak fluently. This is not something that can be described by a high IQ.

"Uncle, can you teach her to practice kung fu and learn spells now?"

Huang Yueying was smiling, and she was also looking forward to it. In the past six months, she had practiced the Changhong Sun-penetrating Heart Technique taught by Chen Muyu, and had successfully broken through to the realm of god refining.

It can be said that he has made rapid progress. At this moment, he also wants to give Zhuge Liang a try and learn some new skills from Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu didn't say much, and threw out a few more books, "Before learning Taoism, learn the art of war first!"

Huang Yueying took it and took a look, and was greatly disappointed.

"Tai Gong's Art of War", "Sun Tzu's Art of War"...

There were even many later works on the art of war, but Huang Yueying was not very interested in them and threw them directly to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was very interested. He held the book given by Chen Muyu and studied it with gusto.

"What a dork!"

Huang Yueying curled her lips, wouldn't it be good to practice martial arts? What kind of art of war do you want to learn?

Spring passed and autumn came, and a year passed like this. During this year, Zhuge Liang made some achievements in the art of war.

After reading a lot of books on the art of war, and with Chen Muyu's guidance, the eleven-year-old child was able to summarize a set of theories of his own.

But after all, it is just talk on paper, everything is just theory.

But it doesn't matter. After all, he is still young and he is indeed a talent.

Chen Muyu was not in a hurry. Starting from the second year, while learning the art of war, Chen Muyu began to teach him Taoism.

Of course, they are all simplified versions taken from the origin of Taoism, such as Qimen Dunjia, Bagua and Five Elements.

Give him too much at once, and his little brain can't absorb it.

Huang Yueying also learned a lot from him.

This little girl asked for leave and went home once, but she never went back again. She has been practicing in the mountains with Chen Muyu.

The little girl's IQ is actually no less than that of Zhuge Liang, and in some places it is even more outstanding. Of course, after Zhuge Liang's soul is restored, it will definitely be incomparable.

It's just that her interest is not in the art of war and strategy. Although she passively learned some from Chen Muyu following Zhuge Liang, she prefers to practice martial arts and Taoism.

Chen Muyu also gave her some small lessons and pointed out her shortcomings in cultivation.

The black rabbit flies away, time flies, cold comes and summer comes, and I don't notice it for seven years.

Seven years have passed by in a flash, and both children have grown up...

A big guy and a big girl.

The young man is tall and tall, so he is naturally very handsome. He is calm and composed in his speech and behavior, and has a refined air at all times.

I'm afraid I learned it subconsciously from Chen Muyu, a master with an immortal style.

As for this girl, her foundation is pretty good, but the marks on her face are a bit ugly, but after looking at her for a long time, she's actually not bad.

In terms of appearance, Huang Yueying has nothing to feel inferior to. She has successfully formed elixirs when she was twelve years old. Now she is almost seventeen years old and is already at the peak of the golden elixir realm. In the Three Kingdoms era, she can also be among the first-class masters. ranks.

It won't take long, and I will be confident that I can condense the Nascent Soul. When I reach the realm of Nascent Soul, my appearance can naturally be modified, and the marks on my face can also be removed.

Therefore, Huang Yueying is now looking forward to that day, and is also working extremely hard in cultivation.

Chen Muyu had never given her any initiations or elixirs. She was able to reach the peak of the Golden Elixir Realm in just seven years, which shows that she has outstanding talent.

As for Zhuge Liang, his talent is also good, but he spends most of his time learning the art of war and Qimen Dunjia, and he is more interested in this aspect.

Naturally, there is a lot of waste in terms of cultivation. Of course, it is just compared with Huang Yueying. After all, the two have different desires.

Today's Zhuge Liang has just successfully formed the elixir and entered the early stage of the golden elixir realm.

It can be said that there is a huge gap between Huang Yueying and Huang Yueying. However, with the assistance of various strange Taoist techniques, Huang Yueying may not be able to control him in a real fight.

It's been seven years, and it's time for Chen Muyu to leave.

When she learned that Chen Muyu was leaving, Huang Yueying was a little reluctant to leave.

"Uncle, do you really want to leave?"

In the morning, before Zhuge Liang came, Huang Yueying looked pitifully at the immortal uncle who had been with him for seven years.

Chen Muyu nodded, "I have taught you what I should teach you. You have grown up. The world is getting more and more chaotic. It is almost time for you to shine..."


Huang Yueying hesitated and didn't know what it was for a long time. "Uncle, Kong Ming hasn't come yet. He respects you so much. I'm afraid he won't be able to accept your sudden departure!"

Chen Muyu smiled and didn't care, "Little girl, I haven't taught you anything seriously in these years. Before I leave, uncle will teach you another magical power. Do you want to learn it?"

"I want to learn, I want to learn!"

Huang Yueying said without hesitation, "Uncle, what's your magical power?"

"My magical power is called the Technique of Tianyan Transformation. After you master it, any existence in the heavens can be transformed!" Chen Muyu said.

Huang Yueying's eyes lit up, "Uncle, I want to learn!"

He quickly knelt down in front of Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu smiled, reached out and tapped Huang Yueying's forehead, and then used the magical power.

There seemed to be thousands of figures flashing in Huang Yueying's eyes.

It only took a moment to absorb the magical information sent by Chen Muyu.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Huang Yueying was inexplicably surprised and quickly tried to use magical changes.

However, after trying for a while, it didn't work.

Chen Muyu said, "This is a magical power. You have to practice it diligently. There are those who can eat a big fat man in one bite. And with the little skill you have, it is somewhat difficult to use this magical power. Just practice hard and wait until you reach the Nascent Soul realm." Got it!"

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