A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,070 Five Thousand Saints!


In the Chaos Palace, Ai Rong stood respectfully in front of Chen Muyu.

At this moment, he was no longer as unruly as before, and his face was full of submission.

Mo Xiang stood nearby with a smile.

"Seventy-two Holy Sons, how many are under the Great Dao Realm?" Chen Muyu sat on the futon and pinched the bridge of his nose, as if he had some plan.

Ai Rong said, "Replying to the master, there are fifty-four, and there are eight other great realms, but there are only six early-stage great realms and two middle-stage great realms!"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "Are these people familiar with you?"

Ai Rong smiled bitterly, "The seventy-two saints are also divided into factions. The eight great saints are divided into four factions, headed by the eldest Tiankui, the second Dihong, the third Xuanyuan, and the fourth Huang Hao. I have a very good relationship with Huang Hao’s faction, and we can be considered the fourth brother’s faction…”

Chen Muyu pondered for a moment, "I'll give you two a mission!"

"Master please give me your orders!"

Mo Xiang immediately stood over and listened respectfully.

Chen Muyu said, "Seventy-two Holy Sons, these fifty-five who are under the Great Dao Realm, you think of a way to lead them here one by one..."

"Master, do you want to..." Mo Xiang raised her head and looked at Chen Muyu.

As soon as Chen Muyu said this, he could already guess what Chen Muyu was thinking.

"Can it be done?" Chen Muyu only said.

The two looked at each other and nodded. Mo Xiang said, "This is a simple matter. With our identities, we can lure them out for any reason!"

Ai Rong said, "However, it's too troublesome to lead one by one, and there will inevitably be one or two who are unwilling. It's better to lead a few more at a time..."

"not too much!"

Chen Muyu waved his hand. He had just broken through to the Great Dao Realm. Although he had no fear under the Great Dao Realm, he would still have to work hard if he came too much at once. If the movement was too big, it would inevitably alarm the temple.

Let the temple discover that he is poaching, and why not go out with all their strength to fight him?

"Ten at most at a time!"

Chen Muyu gave them a certain amount to prevent the two from misbehaving, "And, only those below the Great Dao realm!"


The two responded and left immediately.

Chen Muyu rubbed his temples. It seemed that he had found a way to deal with the Chaos Temple.

Use these two people to first collect the strong ones in the Hunyuan Realm of Heavenly Dao who are under the rule of the Chaos Temple. As for the Dao Realm, there shouldn't be too many. When the time comes, we will also use this method to attract the strong ones in the Dao Realm.

If you can't handle it alone, don't you still have Hongjun and Yang Mei?

If these two people are willing to help, there should be no problem in dealing with those powerful people in the Great Dao Realm.

There will definitely be strong ones among them, but with Chen Muyu's cannibalizing method, his side will only become stronger and stronger. When everyone is on his side, will the strong ones on the other side still have room to struggle?

It just so happens that the master of the temple has not yet come out of seclusion. After his actions, by the time he comes out of seclusion, he may already be a bare commander.

Thinking of this, Chen Muyu breathed a sigh of relief.

If the plan goes well, a Chaos Temple seems to be nothing to worry about.

But Chen Muyu knows very well that the Chaos Temple only represents one force in the eight eastern regions of the Chaos World. Even if he takes down the Chaos Temple, it will affect the whole body. The Chaos Temple is not the only force in the Chaos World. .

From Gu's mouth, we learned that there are still nine saints in the Hunyuan realm in the chaos, and the master of the temple is just a small role.

There is a long way to go.

The future may be uncertain, but as Gu said, Chen Muyu will have to confront the existence of the Holy Dao Realm.


Mo Xiang and Ai Rong were still very efficient at work, but within half a month, they brought several waves of people over.

There are fifty Sons in total.

They were all in the Heavenly Dao Hunyuan Realm. Chen Muyu had been prepared and easily subdued these fifty people.

The seventy-two holy sons of the temple are all geniuses among geniuses, dragons and phoenixes among dragons and phoenixes.

Fifty of the fifty-five holy realms have already been taken under his command, and there are five left. I heard they were out on missions, so they couldn't get in touch, so they could only wait for an opportunity later.

But there is no doubt that most of this group of young elites in the temple have been snared by him.

But this is not enough.

There are more than seventy-two holy sons in the temple. There are thousands of people in other holy realms at least.

He doesn't dare to move in the Great Dao realm yet, but there is no reason why he wouldn't dare to move in these Saint realms.

At present, fifty Holy Sons have joined his command. With more people available, things will become more convenient.

Far away from the fairy world, Chen Muyu set up a large formation in the chaotic world, and repeated his old tricks, letting these saints continue to lure the holy monks over.

First use the big formation to suppress them, and then use the system to make them surrender.

As for staying away from the fairy world, Chen Muyu was afraid of making too much noise, disturbing the temple, and thus affecting the fairy world.

In two months, Chen Muyu was exhausted and spent a huge amount of wealth to recruit nearly 5,000 Holy Realm monks under his command.

Five thousand, what a terrifying number.

You know, there are only eight thousand sacred places recorded in the temple.

Although there are many big worlds under the rule of the temple, many of the big worlds only once had a holy realm or a stronger existence, and most of them did not have a holy realm to control them.

Moreover, these 8,000 people are registered, and some of them, although registered, have actually died long ago.

In other words, although about 8,000 people have been registered, the real number is not that many.

Let’s call him eight thousand, but now, five thousand are under Chen Muyu’s command.

That’s almost half of it.

For this reason, Chen Muyu's wealth was almost wiped out.

But it doesn't matter, some of these beings have spiritual treasures, and if they each hand over a part, it will be enough for Chen Muyu to regain his health.

There are at most two thousand people left, which is nothing to worry about. Chen Muyu won't force it. If these five thousand people go back, it will be time to fight against the Holy Temple in the future. Hey, people have a herd mentality. Holy The environment is no exception.

Next, Chen Muyu's eyes have to be on the Great Dao Realm.

There are 235 Dao realm monks in the temple.

This is a very scary number.

Just thinking about it is still very powerless.

But what can I do if I am powerless? I still have to do the same thing.

What Chen Muyu wanted to do was to use the same method to kill all the Dao realm monks in the temple one by one, and ask Hongjun and Yang Mei to take action together and eat them one by one.

But Chen Muyu searched for half a month in the chaotic world and couldn't find anyone.

The chaos was so great that the two of them didn't know where to go to contact fellow Taoists.

Alas, he disappeared at the critical moment!

Chen Muyu was really helpless. With his current strength, he was still a little inferior when he met a Dao Realm monk alone.

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