A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 120: Xian'e Cave Heaven!

The vegetation in Ebei Mountain is very lush. When they started growing tea a few years ago, the villagers opened a lot of wasteland to plant tea trees. There are tea forests everywhere. In recent years, there have been fewer people picking tea, and the original large tea forests have disappeared. Trees were planted.

There were few people in the deep mountains and old forests. Grandpa was afraid that they would be in danger and even said that he would accompany them up the mountain. Chen Muyu did not dare to let him go. Firstly, he was old and he could not bear the responsibility for anything bad done. Secondly, , he came to find the treasure, and it was not convenient.

As long as Xu Meng is with him, he knows the way.

Few people come to the back mountain and the road has long been deserted, but this does not stop Chen Muyu's enthusiasm for treasure hunting.

Since there was no one on the mountain, he took off directly with the Silver Shadow Flyboard and took Xu Meng to the direction of the Immortal Cave.

Deep in the dense forest, there is a slightly flat place on a cliff. It is easy to walk from top to bottom, but it is difficult to walk from bottom to top.

Landing directly on the platform, you can see a crack half a meter wide on the stone wall in front of you, and the ravine is deep.

Looking at the shape of the cave, Chen Muyu vaguely understood why this cave was called Fairy Cave.

Really, image!

There are some crooked words carved on the stone wall next to it. Basically, they are words like so-and-so came here for a visit, so-and-so I love you and so on.

When we came to the cave, the entrance was triangular and very narrow, with only room for one person to pass through. The inside was so deep and dark that we couldn't see clearly at all. We could only feel a gust of cold wind coming out of it.

"Wait for me here, I'll go in and take a look!" Chen Muyu turned around and said to Xu Meng.

"Let me go in with you!"

Xu Meng shook her head. The light in the forest was dim and she was even more scared if she was left alone outside.

Chen Muyu had no objection and walked ahead so that if something happened, he would have time to react.

This cave is really deep.

I shined a flashlight and couldn't see the end.

Fortunately, the section at the beginning was a bit narrow, and Chen Muyu's physique was squeezed in. After walking about twenty meters, things suddenly became clearer.


What surprised Chen Muyu was that about forty or fifty meters away from the entrance of the cave, there was a place as spacious as a stone room. There were actually stone tables and chairs in it, and there were even traces of buried pots for cooking.

Trash such as melon seed shells, bagasse, film bags, and even uneaten spicy strips and used sanitary products were scattered everywhere!

Xu Mengdao said, "I heard that during the war years, villagers came here to escape. The stone tables and chairs were made at that time. Some children in the village used to like to come here to play. The roads have been deserted these years, so there must be no people." coming."

Hearing this, Chen Muyu's heart sank. This cave is not a secret place. It seems that many people have been there.

If there were treasures in the cave, wouldn't they have been discovered long ago?

"This cave is very deep. I have been here before when I was a child. It is so deep that the adults in the village may not have gone all the way down." Xu Meng added.


Chen Muyu was stunned for a moment.

Xu Meng nodded slightly, "Go a few dozen meters further in, and the road ends. The cave turns downwards. Below is a cave. It's very high. I'm afraid no one dares to go down."


Chen Muyu became interested, swung the flashlight forward, and then pulled Xu Meng deeper.

Sure enough, after walking sixty or seventy meters, the road ahead seemed to be cut off and stopped abruptly. What appeared at Chen Muyu's feet was a cliff-like collapse.

A few words were manually chiselled on the stone wall next to it, which read: "Danger ahead, be careful where you step."

I shined my flashlight down and found that it was really deep, and I couldn't see what was going on underneath with my naked eyes.

There are slippery stone walls all around. The stone walls are straight and there is no way to go down. You can only hear the sound of dripping water, which is very loud in this closed space.

It was not difficult for Chen Muyu to go down, but he didn't know what was going on down there. It might be dangerous to go down hastily.

Especially with Xu Meng, if a giant rock toad-like monster jumps out, it won't hurt him, but it will be troublesome to hurt Xu Meng.

"Mu Yu, do you want to go down?"

Xu Meng was full of curiosity. With Chen Muyu beside her, she seemed not to feel afraid.

"what is that?"

Just as he was about to answer, Chen Muyu suddenly stopped. Where the flashlight shone down, a layer of white mist suddenly rose up. He didn't know where it came from. The white mist became thicker and thicker, and it was still rising rapidly. In just a moment, The effort has almost risen.

Seeing this scene, Xu Meng's beauty turned pale, and she tightly clasped Chen Muyu's fingers.


Chen Muyu frowned slightly. The scene in front of him really made people feel evil.

The sinister look makes people feel creepy and sends chills down their spines.

"Let's go out first!"

No matter where the fog in this cave comes from, people often hear people talking about miasma and poisonous gases. What if the things coming out of the ground are poisonous?

At that moment, he pulled Xu Meng and turned around, quickly leaving the Immortal Cave.

"Mu Yu, what was that just now?" On the way back, Xu Meng was still frightened.

She originally didn't believe in things like gods, Buddhas, ghosts, and the like, but the experiences of the past few days had shaken her heart. Her boyfriend had become a practitioner, and he could even take her for a ride in heaven. Such outrageous things were beyond belief. If it happened, what could be more outrageous that wouldn't happen?

"I don't know, maybe there are hot springs down there, maybe it's the water mist produced by the hot springs." Chen Muyu shrugged and explained forcefully, "I'll come back and take a look at it tonight."

"Are you coming at night?" Xu Meng was a little scared. The scene just now was indeed terrifying.

Holding Xu Meng's shoulders, Chen Muyu smiled and said, "You stay at home, I'll come alone. Don't worry, I haven't seen anything. Monsters, ghosts, and snakes will have to stay away when they see me."

To be honest, Chen Muyu was a little scared, but didn't he still have a few talismans on him? Even if he encountered something, he shouldn't have to be afraid, right?

After dinner, the family watched TV, and the second aunt ordered a movie, What a coincidence, Mr. Zombie.

The plot of the movie reminded Xu Meng of the scene in the cave. Before finishing the movie, he pulled Chen Muyu into the room to sleep.

After ten o'clock in the evening, when everyone in the family was asleep, Chen Muyu quietly went out under Xu Meng's repeated instructions and prepared to explore the Immortal Cave for the second time.

Fairy Cave.

Unknown birds in the forest make hoarse calls from time to time, the shadows of the trees sway like ghosts, and the cave is dark and eerie, even more terrifying than during the day.

This time, Chen Muyu was quite well prepared. Guan Yunpeng brought several pieces of talismans back from the Ruyi Temple in Xianhe Mountain. Previously, he only repaired one piece and gave it to Guan Yunpeng. Chen Muyu just repaired another piece of the Five Thunder Tokens and took them with him.

It cost 1 million to repair and can be used three times.

I also held the plasma freezing hand cannon in my hand, thinking that no matter what I encountered, whether it was physical or spiritual, I would be able to deal with it.

Of course, I hope it’s best to encounter nothing.

When he came to the cliff of the cave, Chen Muyu also released the giant stone toad. He was a little scared to come here alone. Although this thing is a beast, it can also give him courage.

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