The important thing is that the clone of the Dragon Emperor also fell. Before the death, the clone of the Dragon Emperor used a secret technique to teleport the Dragon Emperor and the emperor's son Long Kuan away. However, it was still affected by the self-destruction and fell into the northern sea after being seriously injured.

If the Supreme Elder hadn't arrived in time, the two people who were seriously injured and unconscious would have been swallowed by the ferocious beasts in the sea.

After treatment, the Dragon Emperor had regained consciousness, but the emperor's son Long Kuan was still in a coma. Everything that happened in the Panlong Sect that day really came from the Dragon Emperor's mouth.

No one would doubt the authenticity of the Dragon Emperor's news, because he was the Dragon Emperor. Even if everyone in the Long family betrayed the Long family and betrayed the Dragon Emperor, the Dragon Emperor would not betray them.

The incident about the Panlong Sect spread throughout the True Dragon Continent. Because of this incident, the Long family lost five first-level super-god realm experts and even a clone of the Dragon Emperor. In addition, the accompanying God Emperors and God Kings all lost their lives. completely annihilated.

The Long family won, but it was just a miserable victory.

The monks from all walks of life are guessing who the ancestor of the Panlong Sect is, but no one seems to know the answer.

In fact, it is meaningless. No matter who he is, he has self-destructed and fallen. From now on, there will be no Panlong Sect in the True Dragon Continent, and there will be no Panlong Sect in the Chaos World.


In the southern region of the True Dragon Continent, Qianlong City is a small city in the south. Further south is the sea in the southern region.

Chen Muyu and his party were walking on the street. In a few days, news about the Panlong Sect had spread here, and he heard many monks discussing the matter.

There is no entertainment in the chaotic world, and these monks can only talk about gossip.

As the instigator of this incident, Chen Muyu,

At this moment, he was a bystander calmly.

"Master, where are we going next?" Yuan Ling asked from the side. She was a little confused as to why Chen Muyu brought them to the Southern Territory.

Are you preparing to go to sea and leave the True Dragon Continent?


Chen Muyu pondered for a moment, "That old guy Shu Tongtian said he has some wealth, but he almost cheated on him this time. We should collect some interest, right?"

Although the people of the Long family were all dealt with by Chen Muyu, Shu Tongtian and Chen Muyu temporarily spared his life, just to save Shu Tongtian's little food.

The old guy was so afraid of death that he almost tricked Chen Muyu this time and was captured alive by Chen Muyu. In order to survive, he dared to take out anything.

Chen Muyu temporarily locked him in Ze's inner world.

Chen Muyu paused, "But before that, we have to go to the God of War Continent."

"War God Continent?" Yuan Ling and Jie Li were both a little surprised.

What are you going to do in God of War Continent?

Chen Muyu didn't explain either, and there was no need to explain to them.


This time the drama between the Long Family and the Panlong Sect has been completed, but the finishing work still needs to be done well, otherwise there is still the possibility of the secret being revealed.

I learned from the Dragon Emperor that the Zhan family in the God of War Continent has a treasure called the Karma Plate.

The reason why the Long family was able to find out about Pan Qing'er was because they borrowed this treasure and found out the cause and effect of that day.

Therefore, since the Long family can check it once, they can check it a second time.

In case the Dragon King takes action, or a strong man from the Long family has a whim and goes to check the cause and effect chart.

It's okay if he can't be found out, but what if he is found out?

Therefore, Chen Muyu thought of a trip to the War God Continent. Since he had already taken in the Dragon Emperor, he would find a way to take in the War Emperor as well.

When the time comes for the Long family to borrow the treasure, they will simply refuse to borrow it, or Chen Muyu will borrow it first. Then it will be settled, right?

It has to be collected sooner or later anyway, so why not do it as early as possible.

Chen Muyu felt that this trip to the Ares Continent was necessary.

Just in case, don't miss any loopholes.

The God of War Continent is in the south of the True Dragon Continent. With Ze's speed, if they teleport a few times, they can do it in one day.

But Chen Muyu didn't want to rush so much. He found an inn in the city and several people stayed there first.

Qianlong City is small, with less than 100,000 monks in the city. Even if it were of this size on Earth, it could only be considered a town.

"After that, we have to go to the Bone Continent and get the map that the ancient emperor mentioned!"

In the room, Chen Muyu secretly thought about the upcoming arrangements.

The White Bone Continent is on the way, in the same direction as the God of War Continent. As for Shu Tongtian's deposit, Chen Muyu has a low priority, so he can put it aside later.

"Woo, woo..."

Just as Chen Muyu was meditating with his eyes closed, a horn sound came from outside.

The sound was rapid, coming from far away.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Muyu felt several auras rising into the sky from the city.

They are all existences in the realm of the God-Emperor.

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows. This small Hidden Dragon City was full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Opening the window and looking outside, the sound of the horn came from the direction of Nancheng.

Chen Muyu probed his mind.

Facing the sea outside the south city, there is a large beach with a vast area and stretching for thousands of miles.

At this time, a huge creature was crawling on the beach.

That thing was extremely huge, like a big fish, like a mountain, rising and falling. The air holes on its back breathed out the energy of chaos wildly, and the surrounding space was pulled into a vortex by its breath.

One after another figures appeared around the big fish, flying around the big fish to observe. The contrast in size was really huge, like a swarm of mosquitoes and flies entangled in an elephant.

"Is this a whale? Stranded?"

Chen Muyu was stunned for a moment. The huge creature was quite similar to the whales he had seen on earth.

The next second, Chen Muyu also appeared on the beach.

From a long distance away, Chen Muyu felt a terrifying aura.


The behemoth roared, as if to prevent those around it from approaching.

But Chen Muyu heard a bit of age and sadness in the voice.

Those strong men also dispersed one after another, seeming to be quite afraid of the behemoth.

Chen Muyu pulled out the system and scanned it. Surprisingly, the system found no information about this behemoth.


An idea came to Chen Muyu Mo Yulai's mind, but he quickly shook his head, thinking it was a bit ridiculous.

How could the emperor appear here in this form? Looking at his appearance, could he still be Emperor Kun?

Looking at this giant creature's desperate look, if he is Emperor Kun, is it possible that the Emperor-Slaying War has already begun?

Obviously not realistic.

With Chen Muyu’s current strength, uu reading

If he can't scan the information, except for the Emperor, there are only those who are comparable to the Emperor and are above rank seven!

Could this giant be a powerful person above rank seven?

This idea seems even more incredible?

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Several god kings have already begun to attack this behemoth.

However, they soon discovered that the skin of this behemoth was harder than the Holy Spirit Treasure, and their attacks had no effect at all.

The behemoth didn't even resist!

. Lewen Novel Network

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