A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,295 Don’t count me out?

As soon as Zhan Yiyi returned to the palace, she reported the contents of her conversation with the Emperor to Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu couldn't help crying or laughing after hearing this.

The majestic War Emperor actually hides in his palace and dares not come out to see anyone because of his bad luck?

This sounds so funny.

Unfortunately, Zhan Yiyi did not find out the specific situation.

But it seems that it is impossible to see the War Emperor in a short time.

After Zhan Yiyi retired, Chen Muyu was thinking in the room. Suddenly, he realized a problem.

The Zhan family has a sacred object like the cause and effect disk. Could it be that the reason why the Emperor Zhan said he was unlucky was because he saw something with the cause and effect disk?

Could it be that he saw that he would be disadvantageous to him?

Chen Muyu frowned slightly. It was definitely not a trivial matter for the majestic War Emperor to be so cautious.

If someone plots against him, there will naturally be cause and effect. With cause and effect, will the cause and effect chart be found in advance soon?

Thinking of this, Chen Muyu shuddered in advance, and the younger generation felt a chill, and immediately had an urge to escape from here immediately.

But soon, he calmed down.

No, if he found out that I was plotting against him, he would definitely have taken action against me long ago.

Chen Muyu thought carefully. If the War Emperor knew that someone was plotting against him, he would definitely take action immediately, but he did not. Instead, he chose to hide in the palace and not come out.

There were only two reasons for him to do this. One was that he found that the person who plotted against him was too powerful and he could not defeat him at all, so he could only hide.

But this possibility is unlikely. After all, their Zhan family is an imperial family, and with the Emperor of War suppressing him, even if the person who plots against him is an emperor, he cannot hide away.

If this possibility is ruled out, then there is only the second possibility.

The War Emperor noticed that someone was plotting against him, but he was still unable to find out who was plotting against him. Now, except for his true confidants, he probably thought that everyone was an enemy, so he chose to use various methods to plot against him. An excuse to hide in the palace and not come out.

"if it is like this……"

Chen Muyu smacked his front teeth and bit his lip. He didn't find out who was plotting against him, which proved that he was safe for the time being.

But if it is true as he suspected, the War Emperor will definitely do his best to find out the cause and effect. The existence of the cause and effect disk is a huge variable.

If you can't find out today, it doesn't mean you can't find out tomorrow.

Originally, Chen Muyu thought it would be a very simple matter. After all, he had enough wealth points. He only needed to meet the War Emperor, scan his information, and directly spend the wealth points to buy it to draw him into his camp.

But now, if the War Emperor really uses the cause and effect disk and understands the cause and effect, his plan will be very difficult.

This bone is not as easy to chew as before.

There is an emperor in the Zhan family. If the emperor is lured to take action, Chen Muyu will be in great danger if he continues to stay here.

But if he leaves now, he is afraid that the Zhan family will lend the Karma Disk to the Long family, which will expose Panlong Sect's affairs.

This posed a big problem for him.

Chen Muyu thought about it and decided that a compromise would be to temporarily give up on the War Emperor and prioritize the Zhan family's affairs.

The cause and effect disk is looking for cause and effect. As long as he gives up plotting against the War Emperor, the cause and effect will no longer be there, and the War Emperor will naturally not be able to find him.


The Stone Palace, the ancestral palace of the Zhan family.

In the Reincarnation Hall, Emperor Zhan and his father Zhan Yi came to the stone platform.

Zhan Yi winked at him.

The War Emperor placed his right hand on the cause and effect disk anxiously.

The two of them looked at the cause and effect disk with bright eyes.

One second, two seconds...

Soon, a minute passed, and there was no reaction at all on the cause and effect disk.

The War Emperor frowned slightly and continued to wait!

One breath, two breaths...

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed, but there was still no reaction on the cause and effect disk.

The two people stared at each other.

what happened?

The cause and effect disk is broken?

Zhan Yi was a little doubtful of the authenticity of what Emperor Zhan just said.

My son, isn't he suffering from psychological problems due to lack of care over the years? He is suffering from persecution paranoia?


The War Emperor tried several times, but still had no results, so he immediately wanted to explain.

Zhan Yi waved his hand, "When was the last time you used the cause and effect disk?"

"Yesterday morning!" said the War Emperor.

Zhan Yi nodded slightly and said solemnly, "Let's try again tomorrow morning!"

With that said, the two left the ancestral palace.

This karma disk cannot be used casually. For the same person, it can only be used once a day. Although it has been a day since the last time the War Emperor used it, Zhan Yi feels that the War Emperor must have used it many times during this period. The cause and effect disk is overly stressful. The cause and effect disk requires mental energy to be extracted. Maybe he didn't have a good rest, so the cause and effect disk did not work.

Of course, this is only one of the possibilities.

"Father, I was indeed..."

After leaving the ancestral palace, the War Emperor was eager to defend himself.

Zhan Yi interrupted him, "Let's try again tomorrow. It's possible that this person has given up on you!"


The War Emperor frowned slightly and gave up on his plot against me?

Don't count me out?

The War Emperor was a little confused. Behind his back, this being had changed his mind again?

"Besides me, who else have you told about this matter?" Zhan Yi asked.

The War Emperor shook his head, "I didn't mention this to anyone!"

Having said this, the War Emperor paused, "However, I did have a brief chat with Yi'er just now, but I didn't mention the specific matter. Father, you don't suspect that it is related to Yi'er, right?"

Upon hearing that it was Zhan Yiyi, Zhan Yi shook his head. Anyone was worthy of suspicion, but Zhan Yiyi?

That was the noble little princess of the Zhan family. Not only was the Emperor Zhan's favorite, but he, the grandfather, also valued this granddaughter. Others might betray the Zhan family, but Zhan Yiyi would definitely not.

Besides, she doesn't have that strength. Every move she makes is under the eyes of the Zhan family. She has been cared for since she was a child and has no chance to come into contact with strong men from other forces.

The War Emperor is a ninth-level God Emperor. To enslave the War Emperor, one must definitely be above the Super God Realm, and it is not an ordinary Super God Realm. In addition, some special means must be used.

After all, the War Emperor is the head of the Zhan family. How can he betray the family and accept the title of master without any special means?

For those who can do this, the first target to be suspected is the Emperor.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that he has given up on plotting against you. Maybe this being has so many tricks that the cause and effect disk loses its effectiveness." Zhan Yi touched his chin, but there was not a single beard on his chin, and he didn't feel embarrassed either. "That's what worries me the most."

It would be good if the cause and effect disk could respond. At least some clues could be found. Now that there is nothing, the situation is a bit passive.

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