A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 133 Wushu Association Ma Santong!

Chen Muyu stood up and made a move to leave.


You Songshan lost his temper and slapped the table, "Let's just leave. Can you be polite?"

"What? Lao Youtiao, why do you still want to hit someone?" Qian Jueming was not polite and patted the table.

The atmosphere, which had been peaceful just now, suddenly became tense.

Qian Jueming and You Songshan stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. No one was losing. The air in the entire conference room seemed to be frozen.

The confrontation lasted for about ten seconds.

"How old are you two, and you are still so angry? Sit down and don't let the juniors see the joke!" Mo Zaiyan finally spoke.

The two of them regained some of their momentum and each snorted, but the look in their eyes still disapproved of the other.


Chen Muyu coughed lightly, "I just have an urgent need to urinate and want to go to the toilet. There's no need for this, right?"

When everyone heard this, their foreheads were covered with black lines.

"Then should I hold it in for a little longer?"

Chen Muyu sat back.

Mo Zaiyan laughed sarcastically, "It doesn't matter if you have more money or less. I will make up for the missing part. Since you have spoken, Xiaoyu, I will give you a piece of advice here. In this competition, no matter what Win or lose, you can take away the 5 million lottery prize agreed upon..."

Chen Muyu shook his head, "What we are discussing now is not 5 million, but the 100 million. Listen to what Senior Mo means, can we get 100 million if we win?"

Mo Zaiyan nodded very calmly, "Money is an external thing. As long as you have the ability, let alone 100 million, even if..."


Before he finished speaking, You Songshan coughed violently next to him.

Mo Zaiyan stopped talking, a little dumbfounded. He wanted to say, let alone 100 million, even 200 billion would be fine. It seemed that You Songshan was afraid that Chen Muyu would climb up the pole again and continue to raise the level this time. The cost of competition.

"Xiaoyu, I accept the 100 million, but you must not risk your life for some external things. The competition is just for the sake of learning, not life and death!" Mo Zaiyan said.


Chen Muyu nodded, "As expected, Senior Mo is still bold and generous, not as petty as others!"

Touring Songshan was very depressing.

"Then it's settled!"

Mo Zaiyan smiled and said, "Let's have a meal together at noon and compete at four o'clock in the afternoon. The venue for the competition will be the Phoenix Mountain Villa Area..."


Phoenix Mountains!

Phoenix Mountain is located in the northern suburbs of the provincial capital, 40 to 50 miles away from the urban area. It is considered a well-known scenic spot in the provincial capital.

There is Phoenix Lake at the foot of Phoenix Mountain. There is an artificial island on the lake called Phoenix Island, with several villas built on it.

Although this place is not as high-end and expensive as the land prices in Luhu, it is still beyond the reach of ordinary people. A villa costs 20 to 30 million yuan, and the scenery is not inferior to Luhu at all.

The Phoenix Island villa area was developed by Zhao Real Estate, and the boss of Zhao Real Estate, Zhao Xiangui, was Mo Zaiyan's third apprentice.

Qingshenshan Laojun Temple has a very wide layout in the province. Compared with others, Shao'e Mountain is basically on the ground and one in the sky.

It was precisely because of this that when Chen Muyu mentioned the 100 million lottery, Mo Zaiyan agreed so calmly.

The villa area is a single-family house. Each one covers an area of ​​several acres and is very spacious. The more than ten villas in the south of the island are the private property of Qingshen Mountain. Except for Mo Zaiyan and You Songshan, all the second-generation disciples of Qingshen Mountain are Basically there's a private house here.

It's a bit like welfare housing!

In terms of money, their situation is much bigger than that of Shao'eshan.

Before three o'clock, we had already arrived at the place.

Chen Muyu had seen the world, and he did not show any surprise at the various scenes on the island.

You Songshan arranged a room to rest, and the etiquette was quite good.

"Oh, what the hell, you still have people guarding you. Are you still worried that we might escape?"

Opening the door, there were two big men in suits standing outside. Qian Jueming closed the door with a bang, cursing.

Maybe they were really preventing us from escaping. They never let them out of sight along the way. The chosen place for the competition was Phoenix Island surrounded by water.

I looked out the window and could see Phoenix Lake, which was sparkling and the scenery was nice.

Wu Xiaobao was sitting on the bedside. At this moment, he felt a little complicated. He felt like he had accidentally jumped on a pirate ship. The people outside seemed not that easy to mess with.

Especially the two old men, he had met both of them before. Needless to say, they had contact with his father when they visited Songshan Mountain. He also knew the other Mo Zaiyan. He had also gone to Qingshen Mountain to practice once or twice. Months later, I just couldn't stand the hardship anymore and ran away.

The leader of Laojun Temple cannot be offended.

Wu Xiaobao was hesitating in his heart whether he should call home and ask his father to come and get him, but he should not be detained here.

"Xiaoyu, how confident are you now?" While Wu Xiaobao was full of thoughts, Qian Jueming came to Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu went to bed, "I'm going to say ten points, do you believe it?"

Qian Jueming sneered, "Xiaoyu, you can't be careless about this. Mo Zaiyan dared to pay even 100 million, which is enough to prove his confidence in that boy from the You family. If we lose, although we won't have any financial losses, But the key is to lose Shao'eshan's face. They will definitely make a fuss about this matter and take the opportunity to suppress Shao'eshan..."

"Mr. Qian, if you are worried about this, it is completely unnecessary!" Chen Muyu waved his hand, "I am not a disciple of Shao'e Mountain, and I am not practicing Shao'e Mountain's skills. Everything is just their wishful thinking. Even if I Losing has nothing to do with Shao'eshan. After all, senior Li Yuanshan is not here, can you and I represent Shao'eshan?"

After Qian Jueming heard this, he thought about it and it was indeed true, "When you compete in martial arts later, remember not to be reckless. If you can win, just fight. If you can't, forget it..."

"That's not possible. It's 100 million anyway. Since they took it out, is there any reason for them to take it back?" Chen Muyu retorted.

He came here just for this 100 million. If he doesn't get the money, wouldn't his work be in vain?

Qian Jueming's face trembled slightly, knowing that he couldn't persuade Chen Muyu, "It's better to be careful in everything. Mo Zaiyan has reached the seventh level of Yuan Shen realm. There's no way he can't see how much you weigh. I was careful just now." I’ve seen that person traveling around. His whole body is full of energy and blood. I’m afraid he’s not far from the fifth level of Zhongyuan Gong…”


Just after four o'clock.

The south bank area next to Phoenix Lake is a park. There is a forest in the park and the greening is good.

The forest was surrounded by people sent by the developer, saying that it was under renovation and entry was temporarily prohibited.

There is an open space inside, half the size of a football field.

Relevant people are already in place. In addition to some disciples from Qingshen Mountain, You Songshan also used his network to invite a few friends. One of them was an old man wearing a white dragon-patterned gown. He seemed to be the vice president of the Provincial Martial Arts Association. , seems to be called Ma Santong!

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