A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,369 Entering the Demon Ancestor Cemetery!

Zhan nodded slightly and started directly from the eighth level formation, which had already saved them a lot of effort. Moreover, in addition to those earth-level gods and demons, there were many heaven-level gods and demons at the scene. By then, these heaven-level gods and demons would definitely be allowed to fight. The super gods and demons entered the formation first to explore, maybe they could break through the eighth level formation without them taking action, and by then, they could directly break through the ninth level formation.

He already knew what the eighth level formation was.

According to the law of reincarnation, with the remaining gods and demons on the scene, and the hundreds of powerful gods and demons at the sixth level of heaven behind them, Zhan felt that it should not be difficult to break the reincarnation formation.

The only difficulty was the ninth level formation, which was said to be the Heart Formation. Even Emperor Huang and the others back then failed.


One day later, the ground suddenly trembled, ripples appeared in the space, and the seventh level formation was broken.

The leader of the gods and demons quickly came to report the situation, with a gray face and a dull look on his face.

This time when the formation was broken, more than two million earth-level gods and demons were lost, and there were only more than one million earth-level gods and demons left.

With the additions made in the past two days, we can barely make up the amount of two million.

The seventh level formation has already consumed more than two million earth-level gods and demons. This eighth level formation is definitely more powerful. The remaining two million gods and demons may not be enough.

Now, there are three options, or wait for their subordinates to continue arresting people. However, the number of people brought here has become less and less in the past few days. Basically, all the prefecture-level monks in the Southern Territory can be captured, and the remaining Some of them have already fled and hid. If we keep waiting like this, who knows when it will take, and who knows how many people we will need to arrest?

Everyone has been waiting for so long and can’t wait.

The second option is to continue to fill in these people, and then wait while filling in. If it is not enough, let the heaven-level monks join the formation.

The third option is for a few of them to enter the Tianzun realm directly.

Of course, several people unanimously chose the second option. For them, this second option was the most beneficial and did not harm their core interests.

At that moment, Nanming Tianzun gave orders to let those earth-level gods and demons continue to enter the formation.

The face of the leader of the gods and demons was full of bitterness at this moment, but he could no longer see the fear he had before. Perhaps he knew that even the heavenly powerhouses like them would be in trouble, but what could be done? ?


If you resist, you will die now. If you don't resist, there may be a glimmer of hope.

This cruel world and cruel hierarchical suppression have long made these gods and demons lose their blood when facing the stronger ones. Everything that the strong imposes on the weak, they take it for granted and passively bear it.

It can be seen from the formation breaking during this period that none of the millions of earth-level gods and demons stood up to resist, and were just crushed to death by these heaven-level gods and demons.

This time, the wait was a bit long.

A full five days have passed, and the eighth level of reincarnation formation has not been broken yet.

Chen Muyu took advantage of these five days to consolidate his realm and began the seventh refinement of the origin law.

He would like to go down and take a look. Millions of earth-level gods and demons have fallen inside. The remaining energy and other resources can definitely explode. This is an excellent opportunity to increase wealth. If you wait any longer, these energies will dissipate.

Even if they are outside the tomb, a lot of that energy has already escaped, and many high-level gods and demons waiting outside are taking this opportunity to practice and reap the maximum benefits.

As for Chen Muyu, his wealth value did not increase significantly just by absorbing the escaping energy. He wanted to go in and have a look, but was stopped by Zhan, who was afraid that he would encounter any danger and would not let him leave at all. around.

In five days, two million earth-level gods and demons entered the formation to consume the power of the formation, but it seemed that the limit of the formation was not reached.

This reincarnation formation is really powerful.

Several Heavenly Lords lost their patience, and gathered tens of thousands of gods and demons of the first and second levels of heaven, and forcibly drove them into the formation.

Heaven level one or two.

That is a strong person who is equivalent to the first or second level of a super god. In the chaotic world, that person is not a great god. But here, he can only be driven to work.

And this kind of part-time job is still the kind that requires one's life.

The formation continued to wear out, and except for a few remaining members of the legion of gods and demons that had previously been used to drive the gods and demons into the formation, the rest also entered the formation.

After another three days, the reincarnation formation was exhausted and the entire formation collapsed.

This time, the cost was huge.

Of the two million earth-level gods and demons, 1.4 million have completely perished, and 400,000 have been beaten back to almost mortal status by the power of reincarnation. Almost none of the remaining 200,000 can be saved. The original realm.

As for the tens of thousands of heaven-level monks, the losses were equally heavy. Nearly 20,000 people survived, and 70% of them were reduced to below the heaven-level by the power of reincarnation.

"Ha ha……"

Several Tianzun-level powerhouses laughed, and the gloom caused by the hard wait for days was swept away at this moment.

The death of millions of gods and demons, in exchange for the destruction of eight large formations, was simply worth it to them.

The person who came to report was the previous leader of the gods and demons. He was one of the few survivors who did not join the battle, but at this moment, his legs were already weak.

There are only six or seven hundred thousand left, and most of them have lost their combat effectiveness. Those who barely retain combat effectiveness, including those former heaven-level gods and demons, only have a mere ten or two hundred thousand people.

If he were asked to join the battle again, he might not be spared.

In fact, after the eighth formation was broken, the ninth formation appeared.

The formation was like a steel knife lying across his head, almost hitting him on the head again and again. Although he had escaped before, he might not be able to avoid it next time.

"Sir, another large formation has appeared in the tomb passage. Our people have no fighting power..." The leader of the gods and demons was trembling with fear, his voice a little stuttering.

Nanming Tianzun looked indifferent and said, "Clear the tomb passage."

"Empty the tomb passage?"

The leader of the gods and demons was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up. Was he trying to get them to withdraw?

Not daring to neglect at the moment, the leader of the gods and demons responded, quickly entered the tomb passage, and organized the evacuation of the gods and demons inside.

"Everyone, the formation in this tomb is extremely powerful. The men under my command have reached their limit. No one knows whether there will be a tenth level formation after the ninth level formation. We don't have to wait any longer. We will join the formation later. Bar."

Nanming Tianzun said to everyone that everyone had been waiting for so many days and had already lost their temper and wanted to go to the tomb to take a look.

Qing Mang grinned widely, "With Brother Nanming leading the team, it's just a group of tricks. Isn't it easy to catch him?"

The other people also followed up with some compliments.

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