A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1371 Everyone enter together!

Start waiting again.

After waiting for another half an hour, the lucky guy who just entered also did not come out, and the Venerable Li who entered before did not make any movement either.

This has made everyone feel uneasy. Are they looking for someone to come in again?

Several Tianzun frowned. Is this formation so powerful? Two sixth-level gods and demons entered the formation, but none of them could come out?

The sixth level is only one level lower than the seventh level. The previous earth-level gods and demons are incomparable. Moreover, they are not allowed to break the formation, but only to explore the reality. Just go away and never return?

"Perhaps, he is trapped inside." Bailong Tianzun said.

The other people nodded slightly and agreed.

It is indeed possible that this is just a trap, trapping people, of course, it is also possible that it is a killing array, and the people are gone.

Except for Chen Muyu and Zhan, no one at the scene knew what was going on inside.

Chen Muyu didn't say it, and Zhan didn't mean to say it. After all, if you say this, you still have to explain to them how you knew it. If you don't explain it well, you might bring trouble to yourself.

They are not the ones who have fallen now. They just have to watch these guys struggle. The more of these guys fall, the more benefits they will gain after breaking the formation.

Unknowingly, Chen Muyu realized that he had become so cold and hard-hearted.

"Why don't you choose a few more people to join the battle?"

It was Lie Tianzun who spoke, with his lion-like head swaying back and forth, and his tone was so cruel.

All the sixth-level gods and demons were already retreating when they heard this.

Nanming Tianzun frowned slightly when he saw this. If he continued to arrest people, he was afraid that these people would be in chaos.

"Brother Zhan, what do you think?"

Nanming Tianzun looked at Zhan, who was standing next to him calmly. He always felt that this man acted very relaxed.

"Brother Nan Ming just decides." Zhan responded with a smile.

Nanming Tianzun paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother Zhan, there is no need to shy away. Since we are all here together, we will always fight side by side, so you might as well speak out if you have anything to say."

Zhan turned around and glanced at everyone, "Everyone should know how strong the eight major formations in front are. No matter how strong this ninth-layer formation is, I'm afraid it won't be much stronger. So, I think everyone is so Waiting is not the answer, we might as well join the battle together and work together to defeat it."

Join the battle together?

Everyone frowned slightly, but many of those sixth-level experts relaxed their brows after frowning. At present, it seems that this method is more reliable.

Instead of going in one by one to test and die, it is better for everyone to go in together. In this way, it is more fair. Even if they are in the Fallen Formation, they are unlucky and weak. No one has anything to say. They all do their best to break the formation together. Eight With a seventh level plus six hundred sixth level, what formation can't be broken?

"I feel very good."

Qing Mang responded, like most gods and demons, he had long lost his temper after waiting again and again.

"What do you think?"

Nanming Tianzun looked at the others, actually seeking the opinions of several other powerful Tianzuns.

Bailong and others looked at each other, then nodded.

In fact, what they were thinking was to let these six hundred and six levels enter and break the formation, but the sixth level is the sixth level after all, and they can handle them all easily. The six hundred sixth level people are a considerable force. If anything happens, When they get angry, they are afraid that they cannot control it, and it is not a good time to lose strength.

Seeing everyone nodding, Nanming Tianzun hesitated for a moment, "Okay, let's do that. After we enter the formation, no matter what happens, everyone should not get separated. With the combined efforts of us and others, it will be enough even if we encounter an eighth-level powerhouse." A battle.”

Indeed, such a force is still enough to resist even if it encounters a force as strong as the eighth-order supreme in the formation.

If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. Among this group of ants, there are still two people who are only one step away from the eighth level.

Hearing what Tianzun Nanming said, everyone felt a little calmer. Most of the previous fear was wiped away. This is human nature. No matter how scary a place is, as long as there are more people, they will not be afraid.

Zhan turned around and looked at Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu understood what he meant. He wanted Chen Muyu to stay outside and wait until they broke the formation before entering.

But Chen Muyu shook his head at him, because Kun Chan'er said that this ninth-level core formation was far more powerful than the previous eight-level formations. There were eight seventh-level formations who entered at the beginning, but they still came back defeated. With these people in front of them, it is not necessarily Can break it.

This formation is like a big iron door. If it cannot be broken open by force, then the only way is to find the key to open the door according to the design of the formation. Only those who get the key can enter.

Chen Muyu already has some understanding of the formation. After entering the formation, everyone will be teleported to different places. It will be almost impossible to break the formation together. At that time, they will be attacked by forces several times their own. The winner will be through the formation. If you fail, you will perish, or if you are lucky, you will escape.

He wanted to go in and give it a try. If he could break the formation first, he might have a chance to gain more benefits from the Demon Ancestor Cemetery.

"Everyone, follow me into the battle."

At this time, Nanming Tianzun shouted, and immediately led the gods and demons into the light curtain.

Most of the more than 600 strong men left in an instant. When all the sixth-level strong men entered the formation, White Dragon Tianzun and others followed closely behind.

The moment he entered the battle, he threw something at Chen Muyu and said, "Dear brother, take care."

After the words fell, people had already entered the formation. Chen Muyu looked around, and he was the only one left in the entire passage.

He is special. He came with the war. No one can control him whether he joins the battle or not.

Chen Muyu looked at the object in his hand. It was a jade plaque with the word "war" engraved on it.

The system scanned it and found that this was a jade talisman refined by Zhan. If used, it could release Zhan's peak strike.

The peak attack of the battle was the peak of seventh-level combat power. If caught by surprise, it would be enough to instantly kill a late-seventh-level god and demon warrior.

There is no doubt that this is a means of survival left for him.

"Brother, take care."

After putting away the jade talisman, Chen Muyu murmured, and his eyes immediately became sharp. He was not in a hurry to enter the formation. After all, if the formation was broken by force, he would not risk entering the formation.

But after waiting for two quarters of an hour, there was no movement in the formation. Chen Muyu knew that if he waited like this, there would probably be no results.

"Senior, I'm about to join the battle."

Chen Muyu said to Kunchaner in his mind.

Kunchan'er quickly responded to him, "During the time you enter the formation, I will fall into a deep sleep and will not be able to help you. Otherwise, once the laws of the formation discover my existence, you may have a few more Compared with my ordinary opponents..."

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