A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,373 The more you fight, the more you fight!

When his eyes fell on the Sky-Opening Ax in the opponent's hand, Chen Muyu's eyes became extremely sharp, as if he had discovered something.

The Sky-Opening Ax in the opponent's hand seemed to have cracks, but the cracks were extremely small and covered by the golden light of the ax body, so he had always ignored them.

In other words, the sky-opening ax in the opponent's hand is always inferior to the real thing in his own hand.

If this formation can create the ultimate divine weapon, it would be too exaggerated. After all, this formation is the evolution of ninth-level gods and demons. Even if the ninth-level gods and demons master some of the ultimate laws, they can create the ultimate laws. What?

The answer should be no. Therefore, the magical weapons and weapons used by the battle puppets in the formation will probably not be at the level of the ultimate spiritual treasure, and they can be considered fakes at most.

Since it is a fake, it means there is a gap between it and the real thing. Chen Muyu sneered in his heart, this should be regarded as a weakness of the war puppet.

Originally, he planned to use the system directly to capture the opponent if he couldn't do it. After all, no matter how powerful the formation was, it would be difficult to copy his system.

This is also the reason why Chen Muyu told Kunchaner that he could break through the ninth formation.

He is not empty talk, but has something to rely on.

Now, the strength of this warrior is still within the controllable range, and it is just suitable for practicing. It has been a long time since he has fought with an equally matched opponent, so the opportunity is rare.

"Let me see how much more you can take from me."

Chen Muyu grinned, disappeared suddenly, appeared on top of the war puppet's head, and chopped it down with an axe.

The void was pulled out with flowing ripples, almost torn apart.

The war puppet didn't panic and raised his ax to block.


The violent power is enough to annihilate 100 million big worlds.

The terrifying energy impact made Chen Muyu's arms numb, and a feeling like an electric shock burned throughout his body.

The war puppet was also killed by this ax and disappeared. A moment later, when he reappeared in front of Chen Muyu, his clothes were in tatters, and the Sky-Opening Ax in his hand only had a handle left. .

Chen Muyu chuckled, "Fake goods are fakes, do we still need to fight them?"

The face of the war puppet remained unchanged, golden light flashed in his hand, and the ax blade grew again on the ax handle.

"Not enough." A calm voice came from Zhan Puppet's mouth.

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you so stubborn? You can't be my opponent. Why don't you let me pass?"

"Hmph." The war puppet snorted coldly, but made no move to continue fighting.

Chen Muyu's eyes moved slightly, and a smile appeared on his face, "How about we discuss it? You let me pass, and I will take you out of the formation. Although you are a war puppet created by the formation, you are actually no different from ordinary gods and demons. Outside, the world Gao Haikuo, let you be free, why stay in the formation, by the way, if I leave now, will this formation destroy you..."

When the war puppet heard this, he seemed to be indifferent, "We are controlled by the formation. The laws in the formation exist for one day. It is impossible for us to leave. Since you have come to break into the formation, please show your true skills and defeat me." You can proceed to the next level.”

"next level?"

Chen Muyu frowned, "Is there another level?"

Zhan Puppet was noncommittal, "You will know after breaking the formation."

Chen Muyu's face trembled slightly. This is already the ninth formation. Is there another one?

The owner of the Tomb of the Demon Ancestor must have been a level planner in his previous life. He designed so many levels, each one getting bigger and bigger than the last. There is no end in sight.

With countless alpacas running past in his heart, Chen Muyu had the urge to spit on the ground.

"How can I beat you?" Chen Muyu asked.


Zhan Puppet uttered two words indifferently, and then added, "Of course, I'm not sure if the law of the formation will create new war puppets to deal with you after you destroy me."

His face twitched slightly, and he held the ax handle tightly with his hand, "I feel like chatting with you, but I really can't bear to kill you, but now that you want to die, here you are,

You are in my face again, all I can say is sorry. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Muyu stepped forward with his ax in hand.

Cutting down one by one with an axe.

Although the opponent was also very strong, as Chen Muyu gradually became familiar with and controlled his own power, his combat power soared a lot. Moreover, the guy in the opponent's hands was fucked and exploded again and again, and the war puppet soon became Being beaten passively.


With a loud noise, the cracked body of the war puppet exploded and turned into nothingness in an instant.


Chen Muyu stood with an ax in his hand and took a few long breaths. His handsome face was flushed, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was still there, as if there was still some unfinished contentment.


Thunder suddenly appeared, and two vortexes formed in front of Chen Muyu.

The dark vortex looked like two portals, and two figures stepped out of the portals.


Chen Muyu cursed.

The two people who came out of the vortex also looked exactly like him.

Two war puppets.

He was also a battle puppet in the middle of the sixth level of heaven. The opponent did not hide his aura at all. He was holding a sky-opening ax, one on the left and one on the right, standing in a powerful position with Chen Muyu. uuread a book

"Come again? You guys are a bit ungrateful."

Chen Muyu snorted coldly.

The two war puppets didn't talk nonsense with Chen Muyu, they just raised their axes and charged forward.

Two against one, Chen Muyu quickly fell behind.

But this guy was also angered and continued to hone and improve his fighting skills in the battle.

After receiving more beatings, his own combat effectiveness has also improved. Although the weapons and legal combat skills used by these two war puppets are the same as him, the war puppets are just war puppets after all, and many things about the original body cannot be copied.

For example, treasures to replenish physical strength and divine power, various auxiliary elixirs, and Chen Muyu's system were not available in the war puppet. Therefore, although he was at a disadvantage at the beginning, Chen Muyu gradually regained his balance.

As the energy of the war puppets was consumed, their strength gradually weakened. As long as the initial attack was withstood, the subsequent battles would be much easier. After fighting for half an hour, Chen Muyu finally put an end to the two war puppets.


Chen Muyu drank a large jar of Cangwu's Spirit, and his spirit and body quickly recovered. In a moment, his combat power returned to its peak.

Almost at the same time, Chen Muyu felt danger coming again.

Four black hole vortices appeared in the void in four directions: front, back, left, and right.

Just like before, four war puppets came out of the vortex and surrounded him.

The next second, the vortex disappeared.

"No, are you still coming?"

Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After beating one, two will come, and after two, four will come. If I beat these four, won't there be eight more? Or just sixteen?

When will this fight end?

Now, Chen Muyu finally understood why Kunchan'er said that this mental formation was terrifying, and why even those who were stronger than Huangdi and others could not break through it.

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