A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 139 Time travel next year? 【Second update】

"You are?"

The old lady came over and looked at Chen Muyu and Chen Muyu a little doubtfully, obviously not recognizing them.

Chen Muyu hurriedly walked over with a smile on his face, "Hello grandma, I am Liang Zhichao's friend. I was asked by him to come and see you."

He quickly gave Wu Xiaobao a wink, and Wu Xiaobao quickly put down his backpack, took out a few boxes of supplements, and handed them to the old lady.

"Superboy's friend?"

The old lady was a little confused, "Since when did Xiaochao have friends like you? Are you not mistaken? Did that boy do something bad at school again? I got rid of the guy next door, and I knew that this bastard would spend his whole day Just know how to cause trouble for me..."

As she spoke, the old lady actually began to breathe out fragrance.

Chen Muyu and Wu Xiaobao were both stunned.


Seeing that the old lady's scoldings were getting worse and worse, Chen Muyu hurriedly stopped and laughed dryly, "Xiaochao didn't cause any trouble. I'm really his friend. He asked me to come to Liangjiacun to see you..."

Speaking of this, Chen Muyu felt something was wrong. Logically speaking, Liang Zhichao traveled to the world of the Three Kingdoms and his grandson was missing. The grandmother should be very anxious, and she should be very excited when she heard the news about her grandson.

The old lady's reaction was a bit abnormal. She was excited, but not that excited.

Doesn't she know that Liang Zhichao has traveled through time? Or is it a parallel world, where Liang Zhichao is not affected?

"Are you kidding me?"

The old lady was also wary of Chen Muyu, "Our Liang Zhichao has just entered the first grade of junior high school. How can he still make friends with you with a cucumber egg?"

Towards the end of the year, scammers start to become rampant. Many scammers go to the countryside to deceive the elderly. They are often reported on TV. The old lady is also a very alert person and is quite vigilant.

She didn't dare to accept the gift Wu Xiaobao handed over. It was said on TV news that this is a common method used by scammers. They give you a little sweetness first. Once you take the bait and want to continue to take advantage, they will try to trick you into pocketing it later. Money.

"First grade of junior high school?"

Chen Muyu was stunned, "You said Liang Zhichao was only in the first grade of junior high school?"


"You don't even know what grade our Liang Zhichao is in, and you still claim to be his friend? Young man, are you just joking around here?" The old lady became more suspicious and pulled the little girl behind her. , exactly like a hen protecting her chicks.

At this time, Chen Muyu was really shocked.

He still remembered that when he was in the Three Kingdoms world, Liang Zhichao told him that he traveled through time while sleeping in class when he was in the second grade of junior high school.

Now the old lady tells herself that Liang Zhichao is still in the first grade of junior high school. In other words, he has not traveled through time yet?

A little confused?

So, time travel is next year?

Chen Muyu's head didn't turn around.

The old lady saw Chen Muyu stunned and thought she had discovered this guy's scam. She immediately picked up an empty basin next to her and said, "You guys leave quickly, or I'll call someone."

Show your fierce nature.

"Hey, you old woman, what's your attitude?" Wu Xiaobao said unhappily.

I gave you a gift so politely, but you actually chased me away with a basin. Isn't this too much?

After coming back to his senses, Chen Muyu couldn't help but sweat. He was such an upright person, but he was actually regarded as a liar.

This time I came in a hurry, without any preparation. It seemed that I was hasty.

He quickly stopped Wu Xiaobao and asked the old lady, "Grandma, where is Liang Zhichao now?"

The old lady looked at Chen Muyu defensively, and after a while she said, "The No. 1 Middle School in the county lives on campus."

County No. 1 Middle School.

Chen Muyu took note of it, and with a few smiling faces, he quickly took Wu Xiaobao away.

"Huh, young man, he's not bad looking, he's done something bad, he's out to lie to people."

"Chrysanthemum, please don't bring anyone home with you from now on. There are bad people everywhere now. Stay away from strangers when you see them."

The old lady's whisper came from behind.

Chen Muyu was so sick of the cold that he quickly fled.

"Brother Yu, that old woman is too aggressive. If she hadn't been a woman, I would have had to fight with her."

The tow truck called by Wu Xiaobao came and towed the car up.

On the way down the mountain, Wu Xiaobao was still a little aggrieved. Why did he regard himself as a liar?

"It's also our fault. We didn't investigate clearly beforehand."

Chen Muyu shook his head. He should have made preparations in advance. No matter what, he had to find a local to lead the way, so that at least he would not be regarded as a liar.

Wu Xiaobao shrugged, "What a pity, I still want to see what that little girl's mother looks like!"

Hearing this, Chen Muyu rolled his eyes and handed it over. This kid was too naughty.

After going down the mountain, he went directly to Zitong County and the County No. 1 Middle School. Wu Xiaobao used some connections at home to check the students in the first grade of junior high school, but found that there was no student named Liang Zhichao.

After coming out of the Academic Affairs Office, Chen Muyu pinched the bridge of his nose and felt a little dizzy.

After checking all the first, second and third grades of junior high school, there were a total of eighteen classes with hundreds of students, and indeed there was no one named Liang Zhichao.

"It doesn't make sense? Didn't the old woman say it was the county's No. 1 Middle School?" Wu Xiaobao also frowned.

After walking out of the school gate, Chen Muyu took a deep breath. Needless to say, he must have been deceived by the old lady.

"Brother Yu, Director Zhang just said that there are only two junior high schools in the county. Since there is no one in the first middle school, let's go to the second middle school. If we can't find the second middle school, we will go to their town or township. Search online, it’s not a big area, it’s not that hard to find!” Wu Xiaobao suggested.

Chen Muyu thought for a while, "Does it matter if your family is in the bureau?"

Wu Xiaobao paused, "Let me ask!"

Immediately, Wu Xiaobao made several calls in succession, and he didn't know who they were. After a while, a message was sent to Wu Xiaobao's mobile phone.

Wu Xiaobao looked at it and smiled happily.

"Brother Yu, look!"

The mobile phone was handed to Chen Muyu. Chen Muyu took it over and saw that it was Liang Zhichao's message.

Including name, age, student number, school, class, and a 1-inch photo.

When Chen Muyu saw it, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"Wolong Town Middle School, Class 1 and Class 2!"

At this moment, Chen Muyu was really speechless for the old lady. She was obviously in the town, but she actually tricked them into coming to the county town. If they didn't know someone, they would have been delayed for who knows how long.

"Let's go to Wolong Town!"


Chen Muyu waved his hand, Wu Xiaobao stepped on the accelerator and flew towards Wolong Town again.


Wolong Town Middle School.

The school is not big. After all, it is just a junior high school in the town. Many people would rather spend more money to send their children to study in the county. Therefore, the number of students in the town middle school is not very good. There are only three classes in the first grade of junior high school.

Wu Xiaobao asked acquaintances of acquaintances, and he didn't know how many people he knew, to get in touch with a vice principal of the school, and entered the school in the name of supporting poor students.

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