The twelve Heavenly Lords set off to the central star field.

Except for a few of them, everyone else has been to the Central Star Territory, and they know a lot about the Central Star Territory more than once.

Although they are strong men in the Southern Territory, the Southern Territory cannot restrict them. There are no such strict geographical restrictions in the Emperor's Tomb. As long as you are strong enough and you run fast enough, from the Southern Territory to the Northern Territory, from From the Eastern Region to the Western Region, no one will care about you if you run back and forth every day.

The boundary between the central star field and the four-sided star field is very narrow, and there are no barriers or other barriers.

The Mocha Star Territory is the closest to the Central Star Territory. A group of people are all Tianzun-level experts. After traveling for less than a day, they have entered the Central Star Territory.

The Central Star Territory is also filled with stars. Compared with the Southern Territory, it seems to be no different.

The only difference is that perhaps because this is the center of the entire Emperor's Tomb, the civilization of gods and demons is relatively more prosperous. There are many monks of gods and demons, and there are more powerful people.

This central star field is divided into 18 very large galaxies, and each galaxy is suppressed by a powerful ninth-level god and demon.

There are many powerful forces here, and there are countless powerful ones. Once you reach the heaven level, you can find a planet in the central star field to establish a sect.

There are countless sect forces here, and they are also divided into three, six or nine levels. Each force has its own sphere of influence. Within their respective spheres of influence, quotas can be given to lower-level forces as needed. There is an iron rule that low-level sects The power must unconditionally accept the jurisdiction of the superior sect and make offerings to the superior sect on a regular basis!

In other words, a star domain ruled by a ninth-level strongman may control many sects founded by eighth-level strongmen, and within the sphere of influence of an eighth-level strongman, there may be many seventh-level sects. Sect power...

Going down layer by layer like this, the hierarchy is very strict.

Chen Muyu and the others were heading to the Star Palace, a sect established by an eighth-level powerhouse.

The Star Palace is located in the southwest of the Central Star Territory and is under the rule of Jianling Pavilion, a ninth-level force in the Sword Demon Star Territory.

The owner of this Star Palace is named Old Man Xingchen. He is a powerful god and demon in the middle of the eighth level. In the entire Sword Demon Star Territory, except for the ninth level ancestor in the Sword Spirit Pavilion, the eighth level is already considered the top. .

Xingchen Palace is not outstanding in the Sword Demon Star Territory. Among the 162 eighth-level forces, it is ranked in the middle and lower reaches. The strength of the Xingchen Old Man is among the 162 eighth-level powerhouses.

Barely ranked around 100.

Chen Muyu secretly made a calculation in his mind. A Sword Demon Star Territory has at least 162 eighth-level powerhouses. If several other Demon Ancestral Star Territories have such forces, wouldn't it mean that the entire Central Star Territory Among them, there are nearly 3,000 eighth-level gods and demons alone.

Or even exceed this number?

Are the eighth-level experts like cabbage here?

With Zhan's strength, having just entered the eighth level, I'm afraid he can only be ranked in the third thousandth place.

The prosperity of the civilization of gods and demons in the Central Star Region is truly beyond imagination.

There are so many eighth levels, but what about the seventh level? There must be tens of thousands of seventh-level experts. Are they scattered all over the place?

The Star Palace is located on a huge planet.

This planet is unprecedentedly huge, and the magnificent palace in the distance has an indescribable vicissitude.

There are many strong people on the planet, and Chen Muyu has already felt that there are definitely no less than hundreds of seventh-order or higher momentum fluctuations in the palace.

The arrival of a group of more than ten people was treated with courtesy by the Star Palace.

The wide square is connected to the main hall, and a banquet has been set up in the hall to welcome them, the newly arrived seventh-level powerhouses.

There were already hundreds of people sitting in the main hall at this time, all of them were in the seventh level.

On the main seat is a man with a red robe and a bull head.

He is tall and majestic, with muscles that seem to break through the red robe. If he could wear a nose ring, his appearance would be even more fierce.

One look at it is powerful.

He is a strong man in the late seventh level.

"Everyone, my master is still in seclusion and cannot come out to greet you in person. I am Jinniu, the eldest disciple of Elder Xingchen in Xingchen Palace. You should have some understanding of this operation in advance. Next, I will explain to you... …”

The bull-headed man's voice was loud and strong, and the originally noisy hall fell silent in an instant.

There were nearly two hundred people present, of which almost one hundred and fifteen were directly recruited from the forces under the Star Palace, while less than fifty people were invited from the Sifang Star Territory.

In the Southern Territory, Chen Muyu and the others contributed twelve people in this wave.

In other words, there are only about thirty people from other star regions in total, which is about the same as the Southern Region.

I'm afraid this Star Palace doesn't have enough appeal!

That's right, there aren't many forces that go to the Southern Territory to invite people, just a few. And in the entire Central Star Territory, there are quite a few eighth-level forces, hundreds or even thousands. They all know that the Southern Territory is barren, and some are not competitive enough. The forces will choose to go to the Southern Territory to pick up leaks.

At the end of the seats, several people looked at Nanming Tianzun, as if they had chosen the worst one.

Nanming Tianzun is calm. Which company to accept the invitation is a decision made by everyone together. He cannot be blamed. Besides, they choose which company to go with just to see which company provides more benefits. Only these are relatively weak. Only with certain powers can they get courtesy.

The bull-headed man is talking and reading a book above

They are all talking about the purpose of this operation, the ruins of the ancient blood clan sect of the Hongmeng era that is about to be born.

He told some information about the ancient blood clan, but he didn’t know whether the bull-headed man knew only a little bit, or whether he was deliberately concealing it. He only talked about some superficial information, and he didn’t even know as much as Chen Muyu.

There were also many gods and demon monks at the scene who asked questions, but either they couldn't answer the questions or they couldn't ask the questions to the point.

"Brother Taurus, how many experts will participate in this operation? Will the eighth-level experts participate? Or ninth-level experts?" asked a female god and demon in the crowd.

The bull-headed man said, "I'm not going to hide it from you. It's not like this kind of sect relics have appeared before. Such sect relics usually have powerful sect-protecting formations or other dangers. Our mission is to In fact, it means breaking the formation, but you don’t need to worry too much. There will be at least tens of thousands of seventh-level experts participating in this mission. Although there will be dangers, after the formation is broken, opportunities in the ruins are waiting for you. of!"

"As for whether the eighth-level and ninth-level powerhouses will take action, I can tell you with certainty that all the ninth-level powerhouses have made an agreement not to get involved in the sect's ruins this time. The opportunity is left to the eighth-level powerhouses. Yes, because if we get this relic, a new ninth-level powerhouse may be born!"

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