A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,454 There is a plan!

A black line crossed Chen Muyu's face. If I had that thing, I wouldn't use it myself but give it to you. Am I stupid?

"What if it's the Demon Ancestor's essence and blood?" Chen Muyu asked again.

He had previously obtained three Demon Ancestor Essence and Blood Stones, and used two and a half during the battle to break through, leaving him with some. And later he learned that the master of the Essence and Blood in the stone was not low-level, and ordinary ninth-level strong It is impossible for the person's essence and blood to help Zhan break through to the eighth level with less than three essence and blood stones.

Since the power of essence and blood is used to temper the body, logically speaking, the power contained in the essence and blood of the Demon Ancestor should be no less than that of the Supreme Blood Pill.

If the Demon Ancestor's essence and blood could be used, he wouldn't have to sacrifice the near for the far.

"Do you have the essence and blood of the Demon Ancestor?" Kunchan'er looked at Chen Muyu strangely.

Chen Muyu has heavy black lines on his forehead. If I answer yes, you won't just start grabbing, right?

Shaking his head, Chen Muyu said very calmly, "I just asked casually to see which one is easier, so I can choose an easier path."

Kunchaner smiled, "To be fair, the demon ancestor's essence and blood is indeed a treasure that can quickly and powerfully strengthen the body, but after all, it is the essence and blood of a ninth-level strongman. For a seventh-level strongman, the blood energy is too powerful, unless you The physical strength of the body has reached the late seventh level, or the seventh level peak, before you can try it. Moreover, the process of this attempt is also extremely painful. I once had a Taoist friend who forcibly fused with the Demon Ancestor at the mid-seventh level realm. The essence and blood exploded directly, barely protecting the soul, and giving me a chance to rebuild..."

Speaking of this, Kunchan'er sighed, "The essence and blood of the Demon Ancestor also has grades. Even if it is only the essence and blood of a strong person in the early ninth level, its intensity is not something that the seventh level can easily withstand. This is different from your original law. It’s the same principle.”

Chen Muyu took a deep breath. It was indeed too risky to use these things beyond the level.

The reason why Zhan dared to use his Demon Ancestor Blood Essence Stone was because Zhan was an emperor at the time and had the protection of the Jida. The power of the Demon Ancestor Essence and Blood should not harm him too much, and the energy of the Essence Blood was quenching the Holy Spirit. In the process of taking the heart stone, his body was further tempered to become stronger.

Therefore, after tempering the Sacred Heart Stone and losing the protection of the Jidao, his body was strong enough to continue to resist the impact of terrifying energy and successfully advanced to the eighth-level realm.

This can only be said to be a special case, just due to chance.

Moreover, after the battle, he also told Chen Muyu that his breakthrough to the eighth level this time could be said to be a narrow escape from death.

Others could only see that Zhan had broken through the eighth level, but no one knew how much pain he experienced during his time in seclusion.

Therefore, although Chen Muyu now has the essence and blood of the Demon Ancestor, his physical body is not strong enough and he still does not dare to try it easily.

Now it seems that it may be more reliable to find the Supreme Blood Pill. On the other hand, he also needs more gods and demons.

Dao Yun of Gods and Demons, Supreme Blood Pill?

At this moment, a small plan took shape in Chen Muyu's mind.

The Supreme Blood Pill, according to Old Man Xingchen's advice, after the arrival of the eighth-level powerhouse, many people began to practice this thing.

Although Chen Muyu was somewhat resistant to blood pills, when it really mattered to his own life, he had to overcome it no matter how much he resisted.

As for the god and demon Daoyun, he had heard from King Qian before that he knew the location of a vein of Daoyun stone. Although he was not sure whether King Qian told him the truth at that time, it was at least a hope.

Otherwise, the only way is to collect Tao Yun on Yuntan Star, but now it is really dangerous outside. He is constantly fighting and killing, killing and refining pills. As long as gods and demons fall, Tao Yun will naturally escape. He has a system, and collecting it does not count. The problem, the problem is danger, and he has to seize the right moment. When he learns that a war is happening somewhere, he has to rush there at the right time. If he goes there early, he may be killed together, if he goes too late, Tao Yun may have escaped. It's over.

After all the hard work, this method is not the best option.

He decided to meet King Qian first.

This meeting was necessary. On the one hand, he wanted to confirm the Daoyun stone vein. On the other hand, he wanted to join forces with Baoying to go to Luojiu Peak to collect debts from Old Man Xingchen.

Wasn't he refining the Supreme Blood Pill? Chen Muyu thought about cutting off his beard after he finished refining it.

By the way, it would be better if we could kill Old Man Xingchen.

The ancient emperor turned his head and glanced at Chen Muyu, and saw a smile on the corner of this kid's mouth. He knew that this kid must be holding back some bad tricks, so he didn't ask any questions at the moment. He could still laugh at this time, which proved that this kid had no use for them. Help, and he really doesn't have the ability to help. In the end, he is just an obsession.

As for Kunchaner, she had just lost several pieces of Daoyun Stone, and she was still thinking about how to seek compensation from Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu saw something wrong with Kun Chan'er's eyes and quickly ran away.


After making a plan, Chen Muyu went to Zhan alone and told Zhan about his current physical condition.

"Brother Xian, you should tell Brother Wei as soon as possible about this kind of thing. Otherwise, Brother Wei will really think that you are not hurt at all."

Zhan first scolded Chen Muyu, and then said, "Tao fruit is damaged. This is a big deal. Don't be careless. Don't worry, I will protect you even if I risk my life for my brother."

With that said, he personally checked Chen Muyu's physical condition. The result was the same as Chen Muyu said, it was indeed very bad.

He couldn't help but feel angry in his heart, and his hatred for Taoist Xingchen became even more intense.

Chen Muyu told Zhan his plan.

"It may be a bit unrealistic to look for Daoyun stone veins now. Even if the veins exist, it is unlikely to be on Yuntan planet. In ten days, we are afraid that we will not be able to leave Yuntan planet." Zhan nodded. , talked about his worries, and then comforted, "However, brother, don't worry too much, let's meet with King Qian first. If he is really interested in joining forces with us, with the help of that Yingzhi, he can take down the old man Xingchen. What a difficult thing."

"When the time comes, we will kill Old Man Xingchen to avenge you and steal the Supreme Blood Pill he refined for you to use."

"As for the gods and demons Dao Yun, the worst I can do is hunt down some seventh-level gods and demons for you..."

Zhan spoke in a very arrogant and domineering manner, either robbing or killing.

Of course, that’s the way the world is, and that’s the way it is for everyone.

Chen Muyu didn't say much, just thanked him.

His current physical condition does not allow him to act alone, so it would be best to have Zhan accompany him. Otherwise, once he encounters a strong enemy, he will have to use the power of the original law, which will inevitably intensify the consumption of the divine and demonic Dao Yun.

As far as Zhan is concerned, Old Man Xingchen is already an enemy. If he doesn't deal with this enemy, life in the future may not be easy.

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