A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,474 How many pills can be made?

I have just earned 1.5 billion in wealth, so I will spend 1 billion.

Chen Muyu smiled bitterly, it doesn't matter if there is still something left, it is not in vain.

Immediately, he directly collected Xiongqi.

After all, he is a descendant of the Eighteen Meridians, so he should not suffer any loss.

The background is their greatest added value.

After Chen Muyu subdued Xiangqi, King Qian took out a Supreme Blood Pill and asked him to take it.

This supreme blood pill still has some effects on the eighth-level experts, at least in terms of recovering injuries.

After Xiongqi took the blood pill, he threw it aside and ignored it.

King Qian took Chen Muyu to a nearby stone room to discuss matters.

The Hongmeng Bell was respectfully returned to Chen Muyu's hands.

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "I thought you hadn't come out of seclusion yet, but you really shocked me just now!"

King Qian smiled and said, "I came out of seclusion five days ago. In the past few days, I and Yan Ying have been walking around, catching some lone eighth-level gods and demons, and preparing them for refining elixirs. These guys came just in time, and they have enough to refine a pill." The Demon Ancestor Blood Pill has allowed the bloodthirsty demon spirit to reach the peak of the eighth level!"

Speaking of which, the arrival of this group of people really brought food to King Qian.

Although they now have some capital to be proud of Yuntan Star, they still dare not go too far. If they provoke the joint siege of the Eighteen Meridians, it will have disastrous consequences.

After all, they have not reached the ninth level yet, and now they can only divide and eat the power of these eighteen veins.

Take the last Jingxin incident as an example. Although the outside world has not yet confirmed Jingxin’s demise, many people have already made some speculations in their minds.

Once this speculation is confirmed, it will definitely cause an uproar.

After all, he is the disciple of Patriarch Brahma and the role of spokesperson.

Therefore, King Qian and the others were cautious and only hunted down some lone eighth-level warriors.

These eighth levels don't have such a high reputation, and not many people care whether they live or die.

This is also the reason why King Qian decided to leave Xiongqi alive.

Xiongqi's identity is special, and the effect left behind is greater than destroying him. It is better to turn him into one of my own and use him for my own use.

With the addition of Jiufeng, there are already two people on their side.

Although Jiu Feng was rebellious and had already planned to stab Jiu Feng in the back, King Qian believed that he knew Jiu Feng quite well. As long as he used absolute strength to suppress him and give him a warning, this guy would lose hope and dare not Act rashly.

In addition, apart from the Jingxin matter, Jiufeng was also involved. When word spread about this matter, Patriarch Brahma pursued the case, and I am afraid that even his master, Patriarch Sword Demon, could not save him.

Jiufeng should know the importance. For now, everyone is just a grasshopper tied to the same boat.

"How many eighth-level experts are here on Yuntan Star now?" Chen Muyu asked.

King Qian said, "The eighth level is still coming one after another. There are currently about 1,200 people, mostly gods and demons of the 18th lineage, and casual cultivators only account for a small part..."

Having said this, King Qian paused, "One thousand, two hundred eighth-level gods and demons are barely enough to refine twelve Demon Ancestor Blood Pills!"

Chen Muyu's forehead was covered with black lines. In his eyes, these powerful gods and demons were just walking blood pills?

No, to be precise, it should be the raw material of blood elixir.

"How many Demon Ancestor Blood Pills are needed to break through to the ninth level?" Chen Muyu asked.

King Qian said, "This Demon Ancestor Blood Pill is condensed from the blood essence of the eighth-level warriors. The blood pill refined from the whole body flesh and blood strength of a hundred eighth-level warriors is already comparable to extremely high-quality pills." I can’t say how much Demon Ancestor Essence and Blood is needed, but of course the more the better!”

King Qian took a deep breath and said, "Based on my experience from my last failed breakthrough, one person should be able to prepare at least ten pills and be safe!"


Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Even if you kill all the eighth-level people on Yuntan Star, you still can't gather so many?"

Currently, there are only 1,200 eighth-level people on Yuntan Star. Even if these existences are completely wiped out, they will only be able to refine twelve Demon Ancestor Blood Pills.

If the three of them want to break through to the ninth level, they have to prepare thirty pills, and they haven't even reached half yet!

King Qian smiled and said, "There is a lot of difference, but it is not that it cannot be replaced by other things. We don't have to worry about the breakthrough of the demon spirit. The gods and demons of the Eighteen Meridians will naturally help him. During this period, the Eighteen Meridians have built up Use the Supreme Blood Pills to worship the demon spirits on the altar. These Supreme Blood Pills can also be used by me. I can barely make up the amount of eight Demon Ancestor Blood Pills..."

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, "You took the blood pill, how can the demon spirit break through?"

Those supreme blood pills are used by bloodthirsty demon spirits to break through. If King Qian and the others take them, the demon spirits will definitely be cut off from their supply.

"We don't need to consider this issue. The demon spirits cannot break through the ninth level. Those eighteen old monsters will definitely increase the investment of seventh and eighth level gods and demons until the demon spirits break through. Therefore, this will be beneficial to us!" King Qian is full of confidence and has everything in his mind.

Chen Muyu took a deep breath. This guy really has a dark heart. He wants to kill all the gods and demons in Yuntan Star.

If it were Chen Muyu, he definitely wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

If the system hadn't already subdued him, Chen Muyu would have been a little scared to face such a person.

"Besides, it doesn't necessarily consume that much, it's just a matter of preparation!"

King Qian smiled. It was indeed difficult to destroy the entire eighth level of Yuntan Star. However, now that the master Chen Muyu was here, he felt that it was not impossible to accomplish.

All he needs to do is help Chen Muyu and bring all the heads of the Eighteen Meridians under his command. Now it should be said that the Seventeen Meridians, after all, Jingxin has fallen.

As long as everyone in the Seventeenth Line becomes one of our own, then won't the gods and demon monks of the Seventeenth Line be killed one by one?

The entire plan can be said to be seamless.

The key is actually to get Chen Muyu to cooperate. Although it will cost a lot of wealth, the remaining bodies of these eighth-level powerhouses and some resources left by them can also make up for Chen Muyu's losses.

Just like the case of Xiongqi this time, King Qian killed his subordinates and Chen Muyu picked up the leaks behind. In addition to the gods and demons Daoyun, he also got 1.5 billion in wealth value. He spent 1 billion to conquer Xiangqi. Didn't he also earn 500 million? ?

Since there is something to be gained, why not do it?

It's just that such a mass killing goes against my Taoist conscience.

But with the huge profit trend, how much is Tao Xin worth?

What's more, if they don't do this, what kind of survival will they have if a ninth-level powerhouse comes in the future?

Ultimately, this move is all about survival.

If these gods and demons do not fall, they will be the ones who fall in the future.

Chen Muyu took a deep breath. It was completely helpless. If he wanted to break the situation, he must be strong. To be strong, these gods and demons were the price.

Gods and demons are not of my race, and there are not many good ones, so don’t feel any psychological burden.

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