A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,491 Are there really ancient vampires?

There were people standing around the pit.

Chen Muyu looked down. It was probably thousands of meters deep. With the naked eye, he could see an exposed dark stone platform at the bottom of the pit below.

The stone platform is covered with various spatial patterns, which are obscure and difficult to understand.

Among the crowd, only Chen Muyu and Old Man Xingchen could see something fishy.

There is still a lot of space energy permeating the pothole. It has indeed just been started not long ago, definitely no more than five days.

Judging from the space pattern on the formation disk, this is a cross-border teleportation formation, but the distance between the target and the different space should not be too far.

If this disk array is to be started, the consumption will probably not be small.

Is this kind of teleportation array useful for short-distance cross-border teleportation?

It's not impossible, maybe it's the mountain gate leading to a certain cave. Because the mountain gate is guarded by a powerful seal, it is impossible to break in directly and can only be entered through the teleportation array.

"This should be the sect teleportation array from the Hongmeng period."

Sure enough, Yan Ying, who rarely spoke, spoke.

Among the people present, Yan Ying was the oldest and the most powerful.

Everyone looked at her.

"Look, the fang-like patterns in the center of the array are the bloodthirsty patterns of the Ancient Blood Clan. This is probably the Mountain Gate Formation of the Ancient Blood Clan." said Ying Ying, pointing to the array plate below.

Ancient blood clan?

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Are there really ancient vampires?

Aren’t they all lies made up by those ninth-level experts? Are the ruins of this ancient blood clan’s sect really in Yuntan Star?

Didn’t the ninth-level ancestors make up lies?

For a moment, everyone didn't know whether to believe it or not. They all looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Chen Muyu also looked over with a questioning look.

King Qian said, "Yu Ying can be considered a descendant of the ancient blood clan. The memory left to her by her father is still intact, so there should be no difference."

Only then did Chen Muyu realize that the Demon Clan was also a branch of the Ancient Blood Clan. Strictly speaking, it belonged to the Ancient Blood Clan. Moreover, the Demon Clan back then was not necessarily worse than the Ancient Blood Clan. His father was once a ninth-level strongman of the Demon Clan, and inherited It is not unusual to have formation disks in my memory.

Bao Ying may not be trustworthy, but King Qian must be trustworthy. Since King Qian has said so, then there should be no objection to this being the Shanmen array of the Ancient Blood Clan.

"So, they have entered the ruins of the ancient blood clan?"

Jiu Feng licked his lips. Like everyone else present, their eyes turned red when they learned that it was the formation disk leading to the ruins of the ancient blood clan.

Why did they come to Yun Tan Star? Why did he sacrifice the lives of countless seventh-level warriors under his command?

Isn't it the cake that the ninth-level ancestors drew for them?

It is said that there are ancient blood clan ruins on Yuntan Star, and there are opportunities to break through to the ninth level. You all compete fairly, and those who get the opportunity can advance to the ninth level.

For the sake of an unexpected opportunity, they really believed it. Baba rushed over and almost cost their lives. However, they were told that it was just a big lie told by the ninth-level ancestors just to play a game.

I was originally feeling disheartened, but now I have taken a turn for the worse.

Do the ruins of the ancient blood clan really exist?

Since it exists, what are you waiting for? How long have the other strong men been in? If we don't go in, the day lily will be cold.

The crowd was instantly commotion.

One by one, they jumped down and arrived at the huge array.

But no one knew how to activate the array, and there was a lot of noise and abuse.


Bao Ying soared in the air and let out a cold snort, threatening all directions.

It became quiet for a moment.

The majesty of this most powerful man is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Everyone is paying attention, with a bit of hope in their eyes.

Since this woman recognizes this formation disk, she must also know how to activate the transmission of this formation disk, right?

"Have you seen the patterns under your feet? If you pour your power into the patterns, the teleportation array will naturally be activated." Yu Ying said calmly.

King Qian's eyes widened, "Did you hear that? Act quickly!"

There was no need to wait for King Qian to speak, the crowd had already dispersed, pouring their power into the formations at their feet.

Two to three hundred eighth-level experts used their strength together, and the patterns on the array plate lit up almost instantly.

The majestic power of space suddenly arises.

Sure enough it started.

The faces were full of smiles and expectations.

However, after a few seconds, the smiles on everyone's faces gradually froze.

Why no response?

What about the promised delivery?

The formation disk has been activated, but why is it still in place?

Suddenly the noise started again, and everyone looked at Baoying again.

Bao Ying's eyes under the mask were also very solemn at this moment. It was obvious that she had not expected such a scene.

The array disk has been activated, how could it be impossible to transmit?

At this time, Old Man Xingchen stood up and said, "I'm afraid the formation plate on the opposite side has been damaged, and the formation plate here can't find the target."

"How is it possible? How did Long Guang and the others teleport there?" someone in the crowd said.

Old Man Xingchen touched his beard and said, "Perhaps they were the ones who destroyed the array?"


Everyone's face turned green for a while.

If this is really the case, then you really are not a son of man. This is nothing more than burning down the bridge. Once you enter, you will block the road for us and prevent us from entering. What is the rationale for this?

"It doesn't make sense. They have blocked the road. How can they get out? Is it possible that they don't want to get out?" someone in the crowd asked again.

Old Man Xingchen stroked his beard and continued, "It's very simple. Either there is another way out inside, or they accidentally destroyed the array while fighting inside. There are many possibilities, but the fact is that the array on the opposite side was indeed destroyed. "

Old Man Xingchen is proficient in the laws of space. He is like a senior expert in this regard and has a lot of say.

Chen Muyu's Space Law has been refined nine times and is comparable to a ninth-level powerhouse. He is also somewhat aware that although the space power here is condensed, it only has a general flow direction and no exact receiving point.

"We found a huge deep pit in the eastern corner of this space. There is an altar in the pit. It looks like an ancient teleportation formation, and the formation should have just been activated. Master, in my opinion , those guys should have left here through the teleportation array."

Jin Chan explained the discovery in detail.

Chen Muyu frowned slightly, then relaxed.

It is said that this group of people cannot disappear out of thin air. Now that the teleportation array has appeared, there is a high probability that the disappearance of those gods and demons is related to this teleportation array.

"Let's go and see together."

Without saying a word, Chen Muyu immediately typed the layout, and the group immediately rushed towards the east.

But after a moment, a huge pit appeared on the dry land.

To be precise, it is not just a deep pit, but there are many potholes nearby.

It can be predicted that the dragon and phoenix were fighting here, breaking the ground, revealing the teleportation array buried underground, and then the fighting stopped and the teleportation left.

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