A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,496: Earned ten times!


Jiufeng and the others were already waiting in the palace.

Chen Muyu took out the jade bottle and dripped out a drop of Buddha's blood. The blood droplet flew towards Yan Ying out of thin air.

Baoying reached out and grabbed it.

The blood droplet fell on her palm, and immediately burst into bright golden light. The golden light seemed to be corrosive in some way, and it instantly burned her palm into a blackened dot.

Then the golden light dissipated and the blood beads disappeared.

The strange color in Yan Ying's eyes swept away, and she raised her head to look at Chen Muyu, "It is indeed Buddha's blood. How much do you have?"

The Ancient Buddha Clan and the Ancient Blood Clan are natural enemies, and the Ba Clan also belongs to the Ancient Blood Clan, so the Buddha's blood can cause certain damage to the body of the Ba Clan. Of course, Bao Ying just tested it deliberately. Otherwise, this earth-level Buddha's blood is It was impossible to hurt her body.

"If one person takes one drop, it will be enough for all of us!" Chen Muyu said in a calm tone.

Yan Ying raised her eyebrows, but did not ask Chen Muyu where he got so much earth-level Buddha blood. He immediately nodded, "In that case, let's gather our subordinates and prepare to enter the sealed world!"

Chen Muyu raised his hand to interrupt and looked around, "The value of this Buddha's blood is not low. I will prepare your share for you, but for others, you have to exchange it for something of a certain value, which can be spiritual treasures or blood essence. , the spirit treasure needs to be of heaven level, and if it’s blood essence, it should be eighth level blood essence, at least three drops!”

Heaven-level spiritual treasures are equivalent to holy-level spiritual treasures. As for blood essence, Buddha blood is also essence blood, and it is only the essence blood of earth-level monks, but it contains some bloodline attributes of the ancient Buddha. There is some added value, but because Chen Muyu needs the goods urgently, the value is a little higher. The cost price is one million yuan worth of wealth.

The blood essence and blood of an eighth-level heaven-level expert is theoretically worth many times more than the blood essence and blood of an earth-level person. But if you ask the system to give you a recycling valuation, it will only give you a scrap price. How much is the scrap worth?

Moreover, in system trading, this price is still floating.

Chen Muyu just took a look and found that the price of the blood essence and blood recycled by the system for the eighth-level powerhouse was only 2 million wealth.

He didn't want to make a loss in this business.

Of course, once he gets the blood essence, he cannot recycle it to the system. After all, the eighth-level blood essence is valuable to him. Since it is useful, why sell it as scrap?

It's just three drops of essence and blood. For an eighth-level powerhouse, it shouldn't be able to hurt the bones.


Jiu Feng and others responded. They were not allowed to pay anyway, they were just searching for the people below. Maybe when they passed the order, the three drops would become five drops.

The reason why Jiufeng and the others were asked to do this instead of calling everyone together directly was because Chen Muyu was afraid that these guys would cause a disturbance. If they got hot-headed and started robbing, how could hundreds of people withstand it?

In this regard, Chen Muyu also ordered Jiufeng and the others not to cause unrest.

These people are already crazy about entering the sealed world. Now that they have a way in front of them, they will inevitably become jealous. You still want my essence and blood? The essence and blood are free of charge. Everyone is robbing them.

Sure enough, Chen Muyu still underestimated Jiu Feng and the others.

Chen Muyu asked each of them to ask for three drops. As a result, they asked for two, and each of them actually asked for ten drops. Chen Muyu asked for a spiritual treasure, and they asked for three.

They are simply bandits. Although those eighth-level strong men are nominally under their jurisdiction, if you want so many, you will definitely have to break your muscles and bones.

There will definitely be complaints. At this time, Chen Muyu asked King Qian to come forward and reduce the ten drops per person to eight drops per person.

This calmed the public's anger.

Because they were all eager to enter the sealed world, they didn't bargain too much.

If there is a spirit treasure, just give it to the spirit treasure directly. If there is no spirit treasure, just condense the essence and blood.

For these eighth-level powerhouses, although eight drops of essence and blood are a bit much and will hurt their cultivation, they are still within the tolerance range. As long as they enter the sealed world and get the opportunities inside, won't they make up for everything? ?

Chen Muyu also didn't expect that this operation could generate so much income out of thin air.

These gods and demons basically don't have any spiritual treasures, and even if they do have them, they are reluctant to hand them over, so they basically use their essence and blood to pay for them.

After all, essence and blood can be regenerated if you raise them, but if you give the Lingbao away, you will really give it away.

Chen Muyu didn't want all eight drops of blood essence. He only wanted five drops, and the remaining three drops would be given to Jiu Feng and the others.

This group of guys also need these things to improve their strength. Even though they are following Chen Muyu, it is not too much to give them all to Chen Muyu. They will not have any complaints. However, as a qualified boss, Chen Muyu has never given him the benefits he deserves. Will be stingy.

Five drops per person. When Chen Muyu received it, he had almost 1,500 drops of blood essence.

He bought these Buddha's blood for 1 million a drop, and in exchange for the eighth-level blood essence, the system's scrap recycling price is only 2 million a drop. After all, even if the blood essence is recycled as waste, this operation After that, he also made ten times the profit.

This is only the benefit obtained from a drop of Buddha's blood that needs to be consumed when entering. You will still need Buddha's blood when you come out, and you can harvest another wave by then.

It's tragic to say that Chen Muyu completely regarded these guys as machines for producing sperm and blood, harvesting leeks.

The reason why he did not give them two drops of Buddha's blood at one time was because Chen Muyu considered that if they took out so much blood essence at one time, they would probably break their muscles and bones, so he let them nourish themselves.

Capital is really ruthless.

600 drops of Buddha's blood, 600 million worth of wealth in exchange for a return of almost 6 billion, this business is enough to make people crazy.

What's more, the value of these blood essences is definitely higher than the 6 billion.

Chen Muyu couldn't help but have the idea of ​​keeping these guys in captivity and raising them like cows, so that they could continuously provide him with blood essence.

So evil.

Chen Muyu couldn't help but feel ashamed that he had such an idea. He was the only one who dared to think like raising an eighth-level powerhouse like a cow.

Of course, this is just an unrealistic idea. These eighth-level experts are not fools. If you really want to touch their core interests, they will unite to do you.

"Miss Bao Ying, those guys outside are clamoring to enter the sealing area quickly. Look, are we..." Jin Chan looked at Bao Ying. When they just came in, there was already a row outside.

There was no way to enter before, but now there is a way, and it cost a lot of money. The certificate to enter the sealed world has been obtained, and no one wants to wait any longer.

Bao Ying nodded slightly, "The body is entrusted in the blood of the Buddha, so it can naturally avoid the detection of the seal."

It's that simple?

Everyone was a little surprised, thinking that Yan Ying would use some secret skills, but it turned out that it was just as simple as hiding the Buddha's blood.

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