A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,574 The power of the ninth level!

"If you don't want to go in, just stay outside. If you want to go in, follow behind!"

Chen Muyu said that there was nothing he could do against these people.

They were all a bunch of uneducated roughnecks, just bickering. Thank God there was no fighting.


Enter the space rift.

What appeared in front of Chen Muyu seemed to be another world, which was different from the Hongmeng in his imagination. Hongmeng was void and black, so dark that it made people feel scared and terrified.

The world in front of him was filled with colorful halos, like ribbons dancing in the space. It looked strange and dazzling.

"I'll go, are you entering a disco?"

Chen Muyu rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but complain.

No one else knew what a disco was, but no one asked.

Chen Muyu complained about loneliness.

"These are the manifestations of the divine and demonic Dao Yun condensed into essence. It can be seen that the divine and demonic Dao Yun here is sufficient!" The spirit mother said from the side.

Gods and demons.

Isn’t this what this trip is for?

Chen Muyu stretched out his hand, and the visible divine and demonic energy flowed around his fingers. It felt like warm water flowing through his skin, which was so comfortable.


Chen Muyu exhaled and turned around to see that everyone was coming in.

Although some of these guys are not very strong, they all have very strong self-esteem. No one wants to be underestimated. Letting them stay outside is more uncomfortable than killing them.

At this time, the gods and demons looked at the gleaming world in front of them, and their faces showed a look of intoxication that was different from their fierce appearance.

Indeed, this space is somewhat beautiful.

I heard old man Xingchen talk about it before, but I never expected it to be like this.

"Wake up, everyone, don't be fooled by the appearance of this place. Beneath the beauty, there are often dangers!" Chen Muyu shouted.

Everyone woke up and realized that the environment they were in now was full of adult goblins. How could they be distracted by such a small thing?


In the distant space, there was a roar of filial piety.

Obviously they are the indigenous people in this space, maybe they have sensed the arrival of the strong man. This is a provocation to their territory, so they naturally have to respond.

Chen Muyu felt several powerful auras approaching.

Three were at the peak of the eighth level, and several were at the late eighth level.

In a moment, a huge figure penetrated the space first, breaking through the dense colored light, and appeared in the field of vision of Chen Muyu and others.

It was a god-demon with an upper body like a praying mantis and a lower body like a spider.

The whole body is colorful and dazzling. The hand knife is waved, and the space is scratched with cracks.

At the peak of the eighth level, let’s call it a mantis spider.

The mantis spider was very fierce and did not restrain its momentum at all.

Sensing the aura on his body, many of the gods and demons behind Chen Muyu changed their expressions slightly. If there weren't so many of them, many of them might not be able to help but turn around and run away.

Behind the mantis spider, a bear face penetrated.

The upper body of this monster is like a raccoon, the lower body is like a kangaroo, and it also has a pair of huge fleshy wings. Call it cute, but it is not cute at all. It only makes people feel fierce.

On the other side, there was a giant shrimp-shaped monster with a red shell, as if it had just been fished out of a frying pan.

They are all gods and demons at the peak of the eighth level!

It was obvious that they were all here for Chen Muyu and the others.

There were twenty or thirty gods and demons behind them, and they gathered from all sides one after another, almost all of them beings of the seventh or eighth level.

The roars of filial piety were endless, and under the leadership of the three eighth-level peak gods and demons, their momentum was so fierce that it suffocated everyone present.

"You three, deal with it!" Chen Muyu directly ordered the three kings of Qian.

King Qian looked back at Hui An and others.

Although the opponent was coming menacingly, their side was not bad either. Two to three hundred eighth-level soldiers swarmed forward, and the opponent was only defeated.

However, in a melee, there will inevitably be bumps and bumps, especially if there are three eighth-level peaks on the opposite side, there may be casualties here.

This is what Chen Muyu doesn't want to see.

King Qian didn't say anything. The master had already spoken. How dare he not come?

It was just a few words of praise before, but if he just stood by and caused a lot of casualties, Chen Muyu could chop him up.

The Spiritual Mother had already stepped out first, so naturally King Qian was not far behind.

The momentum of the two people was released.

The momentum of the ninth level is like mountains and seas collapsing, and it is so majestic.

The gods and demons rushing towards them stopped instantly, their eyes filled with doubts, which then turned into fear.

These guys didn't look smart, but it was obvious that they felt the danger.

This is biological instinct!

Just like a group of rabbits suddenly found two ferocious tigers standing in front of them, the terrifying momentum was overwhelming, and the three eighth-level gods and demons in front were the first to bear the brunt.


There were low roars, and the voice was obviously trembling.

Afraid, they are afraid.

The mantis spider first retracted its legs and slowly began to retreat.

The same goes for the other gods and demons.

The next second, it spread like a torrent bursting its banks.

A group of gods and demons, like ants under a cave, fled as fast as they came, disappearing in an instant.


Seeing this scene, all the gods and demons were happy.

I thought these guys could do such a big thing, but they turned out to be so timid. Ganwang and the others didn't even take action, and just showed a little momentum to scare them away.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books. I can switch sources and read aloud with more sounds.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

So dramatic!

However, the momentum of the ninth level is really terrifying!

That kind of momentum makes people unable to resist.

"Boring, Spirit Mother, you have a kind heart!"

King Qian and Mother Ling returned hand in hand. King Qian was still complaining that Mother Ling shouldn't show his momentum. Instead of frightening these guys away, it would be better for him to take action and kill them all directly.

"The purpose of our coming here is not to kill them!"

The spirit mother shook her head and smiled bitterly. He was a spirit mother, not a holy mother. Although he had a good temper, he also had a murderous intention. The reason why he did not touch these gods and demons was because he did not want to kill them rashly.

They are the indigenous people here. You just broke in and destroyed them. What's going on?

At that moment, the spirit mother thought of all the sentient beings in his blood realm. What sin did they have? Why should they be killed if they were so good?

King Qian explored his hand and didn't say much, just saying that King Qian was boring.

This guy has always looked gentle and gentle, and it is difficult to associate him with the ferocity of the ancient blood clan.

Look at Bao Ying, and then look at the spirit mother. This spirit mother may be just an alternative to the ancient blood clan.

"Let's go find the veins of minerals!"

Chen Muyu said calmly, and led everyone into the depths of the space to explore carefully.

The purpose of this trip is to find the Yunshi mineral vein as soon as possible and help Nanming wake up. This is what Chen Muyu wants to do.

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