A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 158: Body training mode! 【Third update】

"Sit in!"

In less than ten seconds, Chen Muyu helped the monk who turned on the light up and let him sit in the auxiliary pot.

"I can't guarantee whether it will work or not. We will know in half an hour. If it doesn't work, don't blame me!" Chen Muyu said.

The monk turned on the light and nodded repeatedly. For him, there was no other way but to believe in Chen Muyu.

With a bang, the lid of the auxiliary pot was closed.

Body training mode is on.

Whether it can work or not depends on this wave. Half an hour later, if the monk is still alive after turning on the light, it proves that this old life has been temporarily extended. Before the injury continues to worsen, as long as enough medicine and energy can be found, Stone, you can take this life back,

But in this case, Chen Muyu's mission this time would not be completed, and he would have to let the monk turn on the light to cancel the order.

In this way, the monk's skill of turning on the light is useless, but if he loses something, he will gain something. If the monk is alive, the reward to Chen Muyu will definitely be greater.

Chen Muyu turned around and walked out, feeling hungry. This hour was enough time to have a meal.

Outside the room, Bai Sanniang and others were still waiting.

"How is it?" Elder Gong asked.

Chen Muyu has been in there for a long time. When he comes out now, the monk is afraid that if he turns on the light...


Chen Muyu explained simply, "Don't go in and disturb me for the time being. Whether Master Turn on the Light is alive or dead will be known in half an hour!"

"You mean, he can still be saved?" Bai Sanniang was slightly excited.

"I can't say for sure!" Chen Muyu didn't dare to vouch for it and shook his head, "Let's treat a dead horse as a live doctor. If you have time, you'd better help collect some medicinal materials, ginseng, Shouwu, Ganoderma lucidum, the more the better... …”

"I go!"

Bai Zhantang shouted and ran downstairs. He was familiar with the drug stores in the town.

However, after taking only two steps, he stepped back and scratched his head, feeling embarrassed.

No money!

Bai Sanniang rolled her eyes at him, took out a stack of banknotes from her arms, and handed them over to Bai Zhantang, "Remember to leave the receipt so that I can go back to Six Gates to pay the bill!"


Bai Zhantang responded and disappeared in a flash!

Several people went downstairs together. From morning to afternoon, everyone had not eaten a grain of rice. The food was already set downstairs. Bai Sanniang asked Chen Muyu about his situation.

Chen Muyu finally got to know the cooking skills of the inn chef Li Dazui. This great chef, who claimed to have worked as a cook in the Yellow Crane Tower, made really unpalatable dishes.

Maybe, there is no intention to do it at all.

In the end, Zhu Wushuang cooked himself and made some fried rice, and everyone just made do with it.

"Brother Chen, where are you coming from?"

Zhu Wushuang was full of curiosity about Chen Muyu, and unknowingly, he even changed his title.

Bai Sanniang and others also looked at Chen Muyu curiously. They were also curious about Chen Muyu's identity.

He can fly and summon thunder. They are all magical means that have never been heard of in the world.

Chen Muyu was too mysterious to them.

Chen Muyu smiled, "I'm from, I'm from Xichuan, Xichuan Shao'e Mountain, do you know..."

This is not a lie!

Xichuan Shao'e Mountain?

Elder Gong said, "Of course I know about Shao'e Mountain. When I was young, I went there several times, but Xichuan Mountain is high in the mountains and densely forested, and the road is dangerous, so I won't go there again!"

Bai Sanniang continued, "When I was young, I also heard that in the land of Xichuan, there were many sword immortal monks and many immortal caves. I also went to Shao'e Mountain to search for immortals and visit the Tao, but later I accidentally joined the Sunflower Sect. , then I stopped thinking about it!"

Zhu Wushuang stared at Chen Muyu, secretly memorized Shao'eshan's name, and classified Chen Muyu into the category of sword immortals described by Bai Sanniang.

Chen Muyu just shook his head and smiled without explaining.

Bai Sanniang didn't ask any more questions. After all, it was obvious that Chen Muyu was hiding something. It might be because it involved the sect's secrets and it was inconvenient to reveal them!

"Chen Shaoxia, thanks to your help this time, we were able to save a life and take down the old thief Gongsun Wulong!"

Bai Sanniang changed the subject, "Next, I have to escort Gongsun Wulong's body to Beijing. The reward offered by the court this time is 100,000 taels of silver. When the time comes, I will send someone to deliver it to you. , look, is it convenient for you to have a place to stay?”

100,000 taels of silver.

Chen Muyu was quite excited before, but now, there is no excitement at all.

He waved his hand and said, "No need, this time it's not all my fault. Brother of the Beggar Clan, all the detectives under you have suffered a lot of losses, as well as some other people who participated in the operation. This money, everyone Let’s divide it!”

100,000 taels is indeed not much, and it is only worth more than 10 million taels. You know, Chen Muyu still has Gongsun Wulong's one million taels of silver in his pocket!

Of course, it was inconvenient for him to take out this thing.

"Chen Shaoxia is indeed a generous person!"

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Elder Gong patted the table, picked up the wine bowl, raised it to Chen Muyu, and downed the bowl.

Chen Muyu waved his hand, picked up the bowl and took a sip.

The wine wasn't that good either. It was obviously adulterated with water and didn't have much flavor.

"You two, it's almost time. I'm going to see the lighting master."

After eating and drinking, Chen Muyu took out his phone and checked the time. It was almost an hour.

Several people gathered around Chen Muyu. They had never seen a mobile phone and had no idea what kind of magic weapon Chen Muyu was holding.

Went upstairs and entered the room.

The auxiliary pot is still in the room, and the appointment time has come, and it is beeping.

Several people surrounded the egg-shaped pot. They didn't know where this thing came from, and they looked very strange.

Ignoring it, Chen Muyu stepped forward and pressed it. The egg-shaped shell shrank to the side, and soon the monk with the light on inside was revealed.

Everyone was curious, but Chen Muyu kept his heart in mind.

I saw the monk sitting cross-legged inside with the light turned on, his eyes closed, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Master, can you still breathe?"

Chen Muyu asked, if he died, his few fire element stones and a hundred strands of Gongsun Oolong's internal energy would be in vain.


The monk turned on the light and let out a breath of turbidity.


Bai Sanniang and the others got closer and bore the brunt of the blow. Their noses were hit by the foul breath. The smell was so bad that they almost vomited. They covered their noses and backed away.

"Sorry, couldn't help it."

The monk turned on the light with an apologetic expression on his face. His face was still a little pale, but it was a little brighter than before.

"How do you feel?" Chen Muyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Logically speaking, it would take less than an hour or three for a monk to turn on the lamp and the oil would run out, and he would die. Now he has lived for an hour and can still speak, which means that the body-refining function of this auxiliary pot is effective for his injuries. of.

However, the energy provided is too little, and the degree of repair is definitely limited.

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