A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1660: Teaching test!

Chen Muyu smiled. He knew that things were definitely not that simple. What he had done before was just to make things happen, and what he wanted to talk about later was the real topic.

"Palace Master, please speak!"

Chen Muyu was all ears. At this time, he had no one to rely on. Of course, he had to behave well in order to make a good impression on the other party, which was also a means of self-protection.

Yang Lin was indeed very satisfied with Chen Muyu's attitude. He stroked his short beard and said, "Suffering from this catastrophe, among the eight and nineteen peaks of the Jidao Palace, three and six peaks have lost their inheritance. Now the Jidao Palace is When hiring people, I am still considering who will take over the inheritance of the Three Palaces and Six Peaks. Master Jiang Peak told me about you before, saying that you are blessed with great luck and are a suitable candidate. Therefore, I called you here today. I want to give you a test, and secondly, I want to invite you into my Jidao Palace..."


Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, "Palace Master said, test?"

Yang Lin nodded, "Master Jiang said that you are blessed with great luck, but luck is something that cannot be seen or even touched. It is the most mysterious thing. Not everyone can enter our Jidao Palace. Naturally, you have to take a test." …”

"How to take the test?" Chen Muyu asked.

Yang Lin said, "You will follow me to a place later to pay homage to the founder of Jida. You will know how to take the test when the time comes!"

Meet the founder of Jida?

Chen Muyu's heart moved.

Did you hear that right? Yang Lin said he wanted to take him to meet the founder of Jida?

"Of course, you can also refuse. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you, nor will I embarrass Chen Jinsong and Xiang'er. The previous promises are still valid..." Yang Lin said softly.

Chen Muyu came to his senses and shook his head quickly, "No, I didn't say I would refuse..."

The corners of Yang Lin's mouth curved slightly.

The Jidao Palace existed, and he didn't believe that Chen Muyu would refuse.

"If you can pass the exam, you can choose one of the three palaces and six peaks to become the master!"

Yang Lin drew a cake for Chen Muyu.

If he is really lucky, giving him the position of the leader of his lineage will not be a loss for the Jidao Palace.

After all, the Jidao Palace is now short of people, and Jidao luck is particularly important to them at this time.

Chen Muyu had no objection.

The palace lord and the peak lord are secondary. The key is that Yang Lin said that he would take him to see the Jida.

Chen Muyu has always been curious about the Jida, which is the limit of all monks' cultivation. He has heard this name many times, but he doesn't know whether he is a person or an object. Now there is an opportunity to meet the Jida. Of course he Don't want to miss it.

It just so happened that the system was being upgraded and the contact with him was cut off. He was not afraid that the Jidao would notice something strange about him.

After Yang Lin drew some cakes for him, he left Zhengyang Palace with Chen Muyu.

Jidao Peak has a huge building complex. Many elite disciples used to live here, but now, they are almost empty.

Most of the people active in the palace were low-level disciples below the heaven level and some servants.

The glorious Jidao Palace in the past seemed to have lost its glory overnight.

Ask the tower.

This is a pagoda in the Jidao Palace. It is similar to the Daoxin Pagoda at Qingzhu Peak, but the grade of this Daoxin Pagoda is higher.

This is a supreme treasure.

The tower has six floors and was once the place where five supreme elders and palace master Yang Lin practiced.

By practicing here, you can better come into contact with the true meaning of the Ultimate Way.

Top of the tower.

The space is not big, just an ordinary quiet room.

A futon, a shrine.

The shrine houses a tablet.

Master, the honorable position of the Supreme Dao!

Yang Lin came to the shrine and knelt down to worship.

Yang Feng followed suit and followed suit.

Chen Muyu stood quietly beside him. It was okay to say goodbye. After all, he was the Supreme Dao, the master of monks in the world.

But it makes sense not to worship you. After all, I don’t know you at all, so why should I worship you?

After kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times, Yang Lin stood up and turned around to look at Chen Muyu.

"Is this what the palace master said, to pay homage to the founder of Jida?"

Chen Muyu was somewhat disappointed. He thought he could see the founder of Jida, but he didn't expect that all he saw was a tablet.

"Master is invisible and indeterminate. He can exist anywhere in the world with any identity and in any way. Even I have never seen his true face..."

Yang Lin smiled slightly, and when he mentioned the Jida, his expression was unusually respectful.

Chen Muyu was a little unbelievable. A disciple of the Jida has never seen the true face of the Jida. Isn't this funny?

"Don't be so surprised. Master is a supreme being, and it is naturally beyond the reach of mere mortals like us!" Yang Lin smiled when he saw Chen Muyu's surprised look. In his opinion, this might be a normal thing. thing.

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Chen Muyu said, "Then, the teaching test that the Palace Master just mentioned..."

Yang Lin pointed to the incense box next to the shrine, "Take a note of incense. If the master accepts your note of incense, the exam will be considered passed..."

"So simple?"

Chen Muyu was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's that simple!"

Yang Lin nodded calmly, "If Master accepts this stick of incense from you, he will give you feedback..."

"The feedback the Palace Master mentioned was..." Chen Muyu looked at him in confusion.

Yang Lin shook his head, "You'll know when the time comes!"

I haven't passed the exam yet, so it's a bit too early to say this.

Yang Lin moved aside.

Chen Muyu walked forward with some anxiety and took out a stick of fragrance from the incense box.

With a shake of the hand, the fragrance spontaneously ignites without fire.

Turn to the shrine.

"Junior Chen Muyu, pay homage to the founder of Jidao!"

In front of the Jida, calling yourself a junior is not a loss.

Immediately, at Yang Lin's instruction, Chen Muyu inserted the fragrance in his hand into the incense burner in front of the shrine.

He took a step back and quietly waited for the so-called feedback Yang Lin said.

The thin green smoke surged up from the three fragrant incense, erratically, and circled towards the divine card.

After a moment, the divine card began to vibrate.


Suddenly, a divine light shot out from the divine card and instantly hit Chen Muyu's eyebrows.

At that moment, Chen Muyu felt an energy flowing throughout his body from head to toe, from the outside in.

It seemed like it was being scanned up and down, inside and out, by some kind of instrument.

The whole process only took a moment, and Chen Muyu had no time to react.

Immediately, Chen Muyu entered a mysterious state.

That state was like drinking too much, somewhere between coma and sobriety. The whole person was top-heavy and his thinking was a little confused.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a figure.

Very far, yet seemingly very close.

The figure's back was turned to him, and his age and appearance could not be seen.

"Who are you……"

Chen Muyu shook his head, trying hard to stay awake and see the man's appearance clearly.

"Chen Muyu, are you willing to respect me as your teacher and join my Ji Dao sect?"

A voice seemed to come from the distant sky.


Chen Muyu was a little confused, was that shadow talking to him?

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