A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 176: Secret Room Ice Cave! 【Third update】

No matter what the other party's status is, since he is willing to spend 100,000 to buy your stuff, he is sure that your stuff can bring him a bigger return.

Chen Muyu has never seen the stuff, but it must be worth a lot of money.

"Uncle, why didn't you tell my parents about this beforehand?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Muyu couldn't blame him. After all, he was an elder and it was not his turn to blame.

"I told you!"

The uncle grinned and took a puff of cigarette, "I told your mother that she asked me to make my own decision. If I make my own decision, then I will definitely sell it. Besides, 100,000 yuan is not a lot, and it is enough for our family. I haven’t eaten or drank for two years!”

What does mom know?

Chen Muyu shook his head repeatedly and wanted to say something. However, the things were left by his grandmother. No matter how valuable they were, no one else had the right to say what his uncle wanted to do with them.

My mother is married, and there is no such thing as inheritance rights among the older generation. When my uncle sells things, he sells them, and even my mother cannot interfere.

"Do you remember the name of the person who bought your stuff? Where is he from?" Chen Muyu took a deep breath.

The uncle was 100% cheated. He might not feel it himself, but Chen Muyu felt uncomfortable in his heart. After all, it was a relic of his grandmother, and it was just a thought to keep it. How could he just sell it?

"Name? I don't know what the name is. I just heard people traveling with him call him Fang Naokei. I heard that his accent is not local, he sounds like he's from a provincial capital!"

The uncle said, as if he noticed something, "Xiaoyu, you don't think I made a loss on the sale, do you? 100,000 is a lot, just a few bowls and two bottles!"

"It's okay, I'll just ask!"

Chen Muyu sighed in his heart. He was still a little envious of his uncle. He lived in a muddle-headed way, but he was quite comfortable. He was content with being a little rich.

Square head?

Chen Muyu wrote down the name, and then asked Wu Xiaobao to help him check if he could recover the things.

Apart from playing cards, there were no entertainment facilities in the village. It was only half past nine, and every household had already closed its doors, turned off the lights and went to bed.

On such a cold day, it is still comfortable to stay in bed.

Chen Muyu came to the back of the old house. There used to be a courtyard behind it, but it is now deserted. The grass is very deep.

Not afraid of snakes in the middle of winter, Chen Muyu went straight into the grass and came to the octagonal well.

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This well is quite old. It has been there since Chen Muyu could remember it. Five families living in the same courtyard used to draw water from this well.

After so many years of neglect, the well is almost dry. There is still a little water at the bottom, less than a foot deep.

The water reflects the moon in the sky, which is a bit shabby.

Chen Muyu turned over and jumped down. The well was not high, less than ten meters.

Stepping on a raised stone in the water, I took out my flashlight and looked around. It was easy to find an iron gate embedded in the wall of the well on the right.

The iron gate is about one and a half meters high and one meter wide. It has been there for who knows how long and it is full of rust.

There was an iron bar on the door, and a lock hung on it.

The lock looks quite new, it must have been replaced not long ago.

I took out the key and tried several times before I found the correct key and opened the lock.

The iron door creaked open, and there was a strong smell of wet earth inside. Chen Muyu shined a flashlight, and there was a long passage behind the door.

He picked up the key and walked in a little doubtfully. Because the passage was relatively short, Chen Muyu could only move in slowly while leaning forward.

After walking about twenty meters, another iron gate blocked the road, with a lock still hung on it.

After trying again, he found the correct key and opened the iron door.

Behind this flash iron door is a basement space.

The space is not too big, just the size of an ordinary room. The flashlight swayed, and there was a desk in front of it with candles on it.

I found a lighter in the storage ring and lit the candle.

The weak candlelight gradually became stronger, illuminating the entire basement. Someone should have cleaned it, but there was still a lot of dust accumulated.

Since Qin Hong gave him the key, Qin Hong must come here often.

There is an incense altar on the desk, and on the wall behind the altar is a shrine with a statue enshrined in it.

It is neither a Buddha nor an immortal, but it is a beast statue with four different characteristics.

Chen Muyu looked at it carefully. It looked a bit like the legendary beast Qilin. The only difference may be that this beast has a single horn on its forehead.


Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, and a name came to his mind.

A kind of mythical beast in ancient myths and legends. It is as big as a cow and as small as a sheep. It is similar to a unicorn. Its whole body is covered with thick dark hair, its eyes are bright and lively, and it usually has a horn on its forehead.

Haechi is a symbol of Dharma. In ancient times, it was usually placed at the entrance of government offices. It is said that it has high wisdom and understands people's speech and human nature. It has angry eyes, can distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, loyalty and traitor. If it finds a treacherous official, it will knock him down with its horns and then eat him. It can distinguish between straight and right, and is also known as the divine sheep.

"How come you enshrine this thing?"

Chen Muyu was a little confused. Could it be that someone else in his ancestors had been a high official?

Looking around, there was nothing else in the stone room.

The old man Qin Hong asked him to come here just to see this thing?

It’s just a bronze statue, what’s so good about it?

"Isn't there some mechanism?"

After looking around, he didn't find any suspicious target. Chen Muyu's eyes fell on the bronze statue of Haezhi again. If nothing was suspicious, then this bronze statue was the most suspicious.

Standing in front of the bronze statue, Chen Muyu bowed a few times, said sorry, then reached out and grabbed the bronze statue, and pulled it. It didn't pull up, but it was obviously loose.

"Is there really an agency?"

He immediately grabbed the bronze statue and twisted it hard.

Click, click, click!

There was a sound of the machine starting up, and with the rotation of the bronze statue, the wall embedded in the shrine began to slowly rotate.

Chen Muyu took two steps back. After a while, the shrine automatically turned away, and another iron door appeared behind the shrine.

This iron gate is two meters high, and there is still a lock on it.

There were three keys left, so it was easy to try. Soon, the iron door was opened.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Muyu clearly felt a cold breath.

It was very cold, like falling into an ice cave.

Although it was cold outside, it was not this cold at all. The temperature seemed to have dropped ten degrees all of a sudden.

Turn on the flashlight, lift your legs and walk in.

There was a vast white mist inside, and as far as the eye could see, there were ice cubes everywhere, as if we had really entered an ice cellar.

With his inner strength flowing to resist the cold, Chen Muyu walked into the stone chamber.

This stone room is slightly larger than the outside, but the temperature difference between it and the wall is so big. It should be four or five degrees below zero. Chen Muyu was wearing a single coat. If he hadn't had some cultivation, he would have been unable to bear it!

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