"I'm sorry, fellow Taoist!"

The tauren grinned, rather narrow-mindedly, "It's more affordable to share it with five people than to share it with eight people."

After saying that, without giving Chen Muyu and the others a chance to reply, the tauren directly punched them in the air.

The space was crushed by the power of this punch, and the terrifying power made Chen Muyu feel extremely excited.


In an instant, Nan Ming was standing in front of Chen Muyu and punched him directly.


The horrific explosion shocked the whole world to tremble.

"King Qian, protect the master." Nan Ming said calmly.

Without Nan Ming's instructions at all, King Qian had already left with Chen Muyu and was watching the battle from a distance.

Looking back, I realized that countless figures were already surrounding us.

Seven men and seven women.

Zhang Yu roared happily.


Chen Muyu and the rest of us have been hidden in Wanjie Station by Wan Hongyan since the end. Even Huo Yunyou, who was stationed in the Hongmeng Era, was temporarily summoned back by Wan Hongyan.

Feng Chuyi followed closely and killed Nan Ming.

"Hehe, fellow Taoists, bullying the few with the greater number is not fair and aboveboard enough."

"Do you want to challenge fellow Taoist Huo Yun to a duel? Continue?"

That operation was already safe, so how could Wan Hongyan be unprepared?


Shen Piaopiao, Du Qianqian, and Niu Liling were left, and the eight of them joined forces to kill the bird-headed man named Zhang Yu.

The flesh under the tauren's face trembled. At this time, I was being fought by Fang Youxin and Lingqing. The eight weak people at the peak of the quasi-ji Dao realm who suddenly appeared were not even a slight threat to us.

Huo Yun and Quan Yang were shocked when they saw Zhang Yu's defeat.

Very slowly, Zhang Yu stopped struggling and revealed his true form as a giant bird.

So, those were the powers I had hidden in advance?

For a moment, the space was distorted and everywhere was blocked. The violent Hongmeng energy swept across the entire world. The entire small continent almost collapsed instantly. Countless gods and demons were instantly turned into ashes under the terrifying energy impact.

The little battle didn't last long at all.

Huo Yunyou and Du Qianqian teamed up to fight against Bai Lu. Chen Muyu was the main attacker, while Huo Yunyou prevented Bai Lu from escaping.

Next to Wan Hongyan, King Qian sent a message from a distance.

Looking towards the other party, this was exactly where Wan Hongyan was.

But Mo Sang was in a miserable situation. He was surrounded by seven people and had almost no ability to resist and fight back. "ah?"

After receiving the order, the Dragon and Phoenix gave up the chase and turned around to stop Mo Sang and Bai Lu who also wanted to escape.

Next to them, the tauren and the man from the white tiger clan had no intention of trying to rescue them, but they were dragged by their respective opponents and couldn't get close. They were frightened and frightened.

"Ha ha."

There was no winner with one punch. Seeing that Nan Ming was so generous, the tauren didn't even ask for help. Was he planning to fight one against five of them?

Why are there so few weak people from outside?

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer. For those high-level gods and demons, survival is just the mercy of the weak.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] "Humph!"

Among those eight people, especially Niu Liling, this is really a ruthless attack. You alone can suppress Zhang Yu and beat him, let alone the other seven people not joining him.


It must be protected by King Qian. Even Wan Hongyan would probably die in a matter of seconds in a battle of that level.

Lingqing laughed, "Are they in the same group?"

The tauren looked back at Ling Qing, with a look of surprise on his face, "Are they in the same group?"

Even though he knew those people were trustworthy and still cooperated with us, Wan Hongyan had absolutely no cards or confidence.

The corners of Ling Qing's mouth curved slightly. It was someone else who came, it was Chen Muyu and others.

At this moment, a clear voice sounded.

Feng Chu stood with his sword in his arms, grinning, looking like he was ready to watch a show.

Nan Ming and others' faces changed color slightly.

That Huo Yun is now the subordinate of the Blood Ancestor. As the saying goes, it depends on the master when beating a dog. When the Blood Ancestor and the Buddha fight, he still knows whether he will win or lose. At that time, Wan Hongyan dared to touch my people. .

The eight people knew about this person's talent and were unprepared. Shen Piaopiao and Du Qianqian worked together to hold on to this terrifying suction force. However, Niu Liling took the opportunity to escape and teleported to the top of Zhang Yu's head. A huge sword was inserted directly from Huo Yun's head.

The situation turned into an eight-on-seven situation, and the result was simply a waste of thought.

On the other side, before taking Zhang Yu, Huo Yunyou grabbed the bird whose body was sealed and came to Huo Yunyou's front, while Du Qianqian and Niu Liling also killed Mo Sang and Bai Lu respectively.

Long Guang said, and took the lead in killing Quan Yang who was closest to me.

The blood all over his body was leaking, and the suction force quickly dissipated.

Mo Sang and others were slightly stunned.

"Everyone, where are you coming from?"

The slightest energy fluctuation hidden beneath him is an existence at the pinnacle of the quasi-ultimate realm.

Shen Piaopiao and Du Qianqian flew down, each with a sword, going straight into Zhang Yu's heart sea, sealing the body.

Long Guang and Feng Chuyi didn't allow us to leave, so they immediately chased us.

The other party is in the same group, and Fang said that we don't have at least four weak people at the peak of the quasi-ji Dao realm?

Lingqing and we dragged one person each, and the remaining eight people worked together to beat one person. This bird-headed man named Zhang Yu tried to escape several times, but was stopped by Shen Piaopiao and you all.

With seven versus four, it cannot be said that there is a full chance of winning.

The rest of the people frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. They were still very confident in Niu Li's strength. Among them, they were definitely the top ones. Even if they couldn't defeat Nan Ming, they would at least not lose.

Zhang Yu was beaten with bruises all over his body, and as if he was in a desperate counterattack, he suddenly opened his beak, and a terrifying suction force suddenly appeared, threatening to swallow up the eight people behind him.

"Fellow Taoist, Mr. Niu admires your courage, so please don't interfere. I'll meet him."

"Stop chasing, let us go."

"You are going to talk nonsense with us. The remaining body of the Jida is under this bird-headed man. Take me first."

What we want is not the kind of unexpected effect.

Chen Muyu fought against a man named Bai Lu from the White Tiger clan.

As for Quanyang, my ancestors have no old friendship with Wan Hongyan, and the Quanfeng clan only has a little bit of inheritance left, and Wan Hongyan can always let me break it off.

The seven people exchanged glances, made a feint at the same time, left through the air, turned around and ran away.

In a situation where the small families are all equally matched in strength, seven to one is not a sure-fire situation at all.

Huo Yun kills the tauren.

"Everyone, let's get to work."

Wan Hongyan's message came soon after.

The tauren was obviously an extremely conceited person. At this time, his desire to win was aroused, and he was actually preparing to challenge Nan Ming to a duel.

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard this, especially Nan Ming and Quan Yang, who were even more horrified.

So, if you run away, just run away.

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