A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1836 Congratulations, senior brother!

The laws of the Jida will not be lenient to them just because they are the emperors of the Jida.

Therefore, Chen Muyu had no choice.

Now, the only one who dares to comprehend the laws of the extreme, and who has comprehended the laws of the extreme, is the Blood Ancestor.

The Buddha may also have this ability.

Chen Muyu had only one way to extract the energy from the remaining body of the Jida, and that was to turn to these two people for help.

According to the Buddha, forget it.

He is the seventh disciple of Jida, and, like Yang Lin, he seems to be a die-hard fan.

If Chen Muyu brought out the remains of the Jidao and said that he wanted to share it with the Buddha, you want the law and I want the blood energy, I am afraid that the Buddha would just slap him to death.

Therefore, the more reliable one is the Blood Ancestor.

After all, Blood Ancestor has done this before.

He did not hide anything. When facing Chen Muyu, Yang Lin was also honest. However, I only said that he had broken through the quasi-ji Dao realm, but he did not mention which realm it was.

Ha, that's what I said.

That's simply not pretending to be sober.

In fact, Chen Muyu doesn't know Yang Lin's true realm yet. When Yang Lin showed off his momentum in front of Zhang Yuling and you that day, he hasn't revealed his true realm yet.

Yang Lin was not ashamed, but still nodded, "However, Brother Wei does know that Jiang Huan would choose that extreme method."

As the saying goes, if you don't work for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. Since everyone is doing this, why not have one more me?

"Congratulations, senior brother." Chen Muyu grinned, "Senior brother also said that the master is partial. Now it seems that the master is indeed partial. It is just that he is partial to you, but to him."

Chen Muyu thought secretly in his heart.

In the past, the consumption of blood pills would have increased, but at this stage, some are still needed.


But, what we are talking about now does not make any sense from the scriptures.

Yang Lin hesitated when he heard the words. I know how to answer that.

He gave people orders, and they had to rack their brains to find ways to help him get spiritual stones.

Until now, Yang Lin still needs to care about your attitude. The most important thing is to gain the understanding of Chen Muyu and Shi Zun.

Yang Lin even smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Junior brother, how much has he improved in just a few days?"

If it doesn't work out, I'll trade the right leg of the extreme path in my hand with the Blood Ancestor. I believe the Blood Ancestor will be happy to see such a result.

Outside the main hall.

Chen Muyu smiled and did not continue on that topic.

Chen Muyu's face was full of disappointment, "So, you still have nothing to do with senior brother?"

And if Chang Ningqiang definitely wants to continue to retreat to the quasi-ji Dao realm, the only way ahead of me is to rely on the blood energy of the remaining body of the Ji Dao.

At this time, Chen Muyu's physical body has reached the peak of the Dao Breaking Realm. In terms of realm, it only takes a few days to follow him.


Maybe he was afraid of scaring Chang Ningqiang by saying it.

Chen Muyu also wanted to see what kind of explanation Yang Lin would give me.

Chang Ning waved his hand forcefully, "After hearing what my senior brother said, it is indeed unforgivable. Doesn't he know what the attitude of the leaders of each line is?"

Why think so much about others, how strong you are, that is the most important thing.

After all, Yang Lin is the palace master.

"Here at the head of each branch, you will give us an explanation, but now, the spiritual mine..." Yang Lin was not embarrassed to say anything.

Since there is a first time, there will definitely be a second time.

From what he commanded and followed, the consequences should also be taken into consideration.

The blood pills handed over by Ling Qing and us have not been completely consumed by Chang Ning yet. It cannot be said that we were able to temper our body to the peak of the Dao Breaking Realm that time, but it was not a bit of a fluke.

Chang Ning raised his eyebrows and looked at me strangely, "Spirit Mine? What's going on?"

Wasn't the Jidao arm in his hand given to him by the Blood Ancestor after he used it?

Chang Ning also said that Chen Muyu was asking me to speak for myself and give a reasonable explanation.

The only ones who know the inside story are Zhang Yuling and you. How can you have no attitude?

Yang Lin was paused when he heard the words. Chen Muyu's words had not yet blocked what I wanted to say.

Now, Chen Muyu's realm is also hidden from Yang Lin's eyes.

Although his physical body has reached the peak of Broken Dao Realm, Chen Muyu's realm is still in the middle stage of Broken Dao Realm.

Before Yang Lin came out of seclusion that time, there seemed to be a slight gap in the relationship between the two. At most, they were saying complimentary words to each other now, but they were not as casual as they would be in the future.

Indeed, if Chen Muyu knew about Yang Lin's level, I would really be shocked if I didn't have such a cunning system.

"Senior brother, it seems that I gained a lot from that retreat. It should be as complicated as just breaking through to the middle stage of breaking through the Dao realm, right?"

"Actually, if you have to say that you know about that matter, if Junior Brother knows how to follow the scriptures, then the thing is like that..."

"You came to see my junior brother today. Actually, you wanted to talk about the spiritual mine." Yang Lin was determined and finally spoke.

Before finishing speaking, Yang Lin looked at Chang Ningqiang.

Therefore, what Chang Ning saw was only the realm. Although he was surprised, he was not too surprised.

Yang Lin was determined for a long time, but he still talked about the whole process from practicing in seclusion, to lack of spiritual stones for cultivation, to the Jida letting me figure it out on my own, to me telling Jiang Qianfan to handle it.

Chang Ning smiled bitterly and said, "It was a senior brother who suggested that the spiritual mines should be divided up. Eight of you and your senior brothers should each take a mine. Originally you refused, but with the determination of the first senior brother, now I found out that the Tianyi Mine was indeed used by my senior brother, so that’s the end of it. I’m going to investigate the matter of the Ling Mine, and we’ll just pretend that it never happened..."

After leaving seclusion, it was time to face his senior brother.

There are only two things I want to do now, Ji Dao residual body and blood pill.

I originally wanted to try to get Chen Muyu to hand over the Tiangui Mine, or hand over part of the mineral deposits, to relieve the urgent need, but once Chang Ningqiang said that, how could I speak? That time, when Chen Muyu went to visit Jidao Peak, Chang Ning learned that Chen Muyu had left seclusion, but he didn't find him first.

If I take an abnormal route and have to go through Chen Muyu to obtain such a small amount of spiritual stones, and even the leaders of each lineage have no right to know, what can I do? You can only follow those crooked ways.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] Now he has figured it out. Before, he was a little worried about the relationship between him and Yang Lin, but now, he doesn't have to worry about it.

As my body absorbs the blood energy of the Jida, I have not used so few blood pills to dilute it, so the consumption of blood pills is gradually decreasing.

Chen Muyu spoke first, breaking the awkwardness.

Chang Ning smiled bitterly and said, "It's just that I have concealed it from my junior brother. During that retreat, with the help of my master, I was directly promoted to the quasi-ji Dao realm."

The atmosphere was slightly less awkward, and it was not as harmonious as it was later.

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