A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1913 Hongmeng Divine Kingdom?

In the palm of his hand, the phantom of the key to another world was still there.

Mu Jia glanced at it and said, "That's just the entrance key to an ancient ruins. I got it unexpectedly. If you want it, I have many more. Moreover, there are also keys to other ancient ruins, as long as you can afford the price."

Chen Muyu smiled and said, "Listening to what you said, you are really a man with great supernatural powers."

"In this world, if you want what you want, as long as you pay the starting price, I can find it for you." Mu Jia smiled slightly, but his words were filled with infinite confidence.

Confidence, the root of self-confidence, often comes from strength.

Chen Muyu's eyes fell on Mu Jia, was he bluffing?

Not quite.

"How much do you know about this ancient ruins?"

Chen Muyu didn't waste any more nonsense and directly asked the questions he was concerned about.

It's a pity that this person is just a clone. Otherwise, Chen Muyu can completely use the system to take him in without worrying about his lack of cooperation.


Mu Jiadun ignored it.

"Master, look, I asked you to kill me and just search for my soul." Hu Li said from the side.

Mu Jia put it into his bag, and Dao Jing smiled and said, "According to legend, he was surrounded and killed by a few lords of the Kingdom of God because of the fight for a treasure."

Mu Jia suddenly said, "Doesn't he have any Jida level treasures for sale?"

"Master, let you handle it."

Mu Jia said calmly.

Mu Jia suddenly lost his temper with the man from Hanhu and immediately said, "Who exactly are they being surrounded by and what treasure are we fighting for?"

"Don't you have any other questions about me?" Dao Jing asked.


That question is worth so little and there is no room for negotiation.

The seven continents, small and large, every fiefdom city-state, don’t have me?

"No, as long as his answer satisfies you, you will give him 6,000 top-quality animal husbandry armors." Mujia Dun said directly.

Mu Jiadun became slightly less sluggish.

Cheng Jinya's face was covered with white lines. That guy was reaching out to me for money.

"That's it?"

Trying hard, he forced out a smile that he thought was quite amiable.

Ji Chengjin is probably the best in that world.

The function of the key is to open the small door to retreat into the inner world.

Thinking about it, there seems to be no reason to dare to say it.

As he spoke, Mu Jia suddenly handed over the 5,000 Mu Jia.

Chen Muyu didn't know how strong this person was.

"Those are two questions." Dao Jing responded calmly.

The white lines under Mu Jiadun's face became heavier. According to what the other party said, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

By the time Mu Jia suddenly came to his senses, the Taoist realm was still going in.

Hongmeng Divine Kingdom collapsed.

Sure enough, Dao Jing nodded, "How much does your Majesty need?"

Moreover, it is still a single extremely spiritual jade. Even if I know it, if I tell it, will I get myself into trouble?

Mu Jia suddenly raised his hand to stop the tiger's anger that was about to go crazy.

Having said that, Chen Muyu paused and said, "You know."

"That's all they have to worry about."

Hu was helpless and turned his back angrily.

"Hu Li, come in."

I feel like that guy didn't want to die.

Is he an NPC?

Cheng Jinya hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Why did the Hongmeng Holy Lord fall?"

Therefore, if it can be settled with money, then use money.

"Hey, are you embarrassed? My master asks you something, why don't you speak quickly?" Hu Li scolded.

The guy also learned to raise prices while sitting on the ground.

Mu Jia suddenly frowned, but then he took out another 6,000 top-grade Mu Jia and handed them to Daojing.

That also involves a country that has not yet been destroyed, the Hongmeng Divine Kingdom.

As he spoke, Daojing stretched out his left hand and spread his fingers.

But because the other party is a clone and has an owner, although he can forcefully acquire it, this move will undoubtedly attract the real person behind it.

Killing Souhun is a feasible method, but the key point is that Cheng Jinya wants to offend some old man inexplicably.

On the other hand, I might be able to get a Jida-level treasure from the person behind me, but with that person’s character, even if he asked a few questions, he would ask me for such a small amount of animal husbandry armor to buy a Jida-level treasure from me. Forty percent will be cheated.

While talking, 10,000 Mu Jia Dun were sent back directly to Mu Jia Dun.

Hu Li turned around, his face full of ferocity.

What he said was quite straightforward.

A piece of news, 6,000 pieces of top-quality animal husbandry armor. That guy is crazy about money.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] Still asking?

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with shopping around.

Mu Jia touched his chin and sat there, motionless and calm.

Mu Jia suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Could your Majesty be joking? I accepted your Mu Jia, but told you, do you know?"

Logically speaking, the existence of extremely spiritual jade has a limited lifespan.

Dao Jing smiled and said, "The first question is, who am I being surrounded by? The other question is, do you dare to say..."

Mu Jia suddenly felt depressed and immediately shook his head.

According to the Taoist realm, the world we are in, Hongmeng World, is just the inner world of Hongmeng Holy Lord.


"Make an offer."

Of course, there was no need for Cheng Jinya to delve into that issue.

Cheng Jinya's forehead was covered with white lines, but in order to understand the doubts in his heart, he still counted 4,000 top-grade animal husbandry armors, collected 10,000 and gave them to me.

For just a few questions, I took tens of thousands of Cheng Jin from you and treated you like a villain.

Taking a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart, Mu Jia kept hinting to himself that he was trying to argue with that kind of person.

Mu Jiadun's face twitched slightly, and then he nodded, "That's it, the magic weapon, or the magic weapon fragments, must contain the origin of the Jida..."


The Lord of the Kingdom of God, Holy Lord Hongmeng, is also an extremely advanced weakling.

Cheng Jinya patiently waited for my previous article, but after waiting for a long time, the previous article came out.

While speaking, Daojing waved his hand, separated out half of the Mujia, and sent it back to Mujia Dun.

After a pause, Cheng Jinya added, "It must also be limited to magic weapons..." After thinking about it, Mu Jia paused and said, "You have recently been studying the refining of Jida level treasures, so you need some who have the origin of Jida. Let’s study the magic weapon. If he doesn’t have a magic weapon at the extreme level, or if it contains fragments of the magic weapon that don’t have its origin, I’ll bring it to you to see. As for the price, we can’t discuss it.”

The inner world of the weak with extremely spiritual jade.

"Well, let's ask him the first question, where is the specific location of Hongmeng Divine Kingdom?"

Mu Jia suddenly frowned slightly, "How many is that? Eight Mu Jia?"

Daojing smiled, "That question is worth 10,000 top-quality animal husbandry armor."

Just those few words made Mu Jia feel like he had been cheated.

The Taoist Realm was polite, and took Cheng Jin in, saying, "The Hongmeng Divine Kingdom is located in the East Continent. There are four small divine kingdoms in the East Continent. The Qishan City of the Qishan Divine Kingdom is where the former royal capital of the Hongmeng Divine Kingdom was... …”

The Taoist raised his eyebrows and immediately shook his head, "You can't make the final decision on the magic weapon, but the origin of the Ultimate Dao, your Majesty should know that this is a rare thing, and all the weak people in the Saint King Realm want to have it. Even if they don't have it, if they don't It's his turn."

"Stay here."

"How about it? Is the 6,000 Cheng Jin still worth it?" Daojing looked at Mu Jiadun with a smile.

Chen Muyu paused and shook his head, "Have you ever, yes, have you ever wanted to buy a Jida treasure?"

He's just making gestures, how do you know what he's talking about?

How many clones can you get?

Mu Jiaton also wanted to talk nonsense, so he took out 6,000 top-quality Mu Jia from the storage ring and handed it to Dao Jing, "I hope his answer will satisfy you."

The price there is definitely more affordable than Qizhen Pavilion, so I would mind returning the watch from that guy.

"One question, ten thousand top-grade animal husbandry armors."

Falling seems completely unbelievable.

Do you want to buy it?

The royal capital of the Hongmeng Kingdom.

After all, knowledge is not money. Now, Mu Jiadun doesn't realize it.

Mu Jiadu didn't say anything and allowed Hu Li to use his momentum to force the Taoist realm.

Regarding that question, Daojing did not cover it up and gave Mu Jiadun a detailed summary.

Already in ruins, there is no trace of its former glory.

Cheng Jinya frowned again.

Mu Jiadun quickly stopped me.

A clone, breaking the peak of Lingyu.

"In that case, I'll take my leave now."

After all, the Taoist realm is at the pinnacle of spiritual jade, how can anyone possibly withstand the pressure of Huli?

Daojing nodded slightly, "This ruins used to be the Hongmeng Palace, the residence of the Hongmeng Divine Kingdom. A long time later, the Holy Lord Hongmeng fell, and the Hongmeng Palace disappeared. The thing he manifested was originally called the Key of Hongmeng. According to legend, It is the key to retreat into the inner world of Hongmeng Holy Lord..."


Although Mujiadun felt great, he still asked about the price.

Some people say that the ruins when we came out of Mujiadun should be the location of Hongmeng Palace where we escaped.

Really willing to speak.

Perhaps, I was also afraid that Mu Jiadun would suddenly commit murder.

While talking, Daojing came behind Mu Jiadun and took out a jade talisman from his sleeve, "This talisman can contact you..."

Mu Jia thought for a while. Now, I have not made an appointment with Qizhen Pavilion. The other party will arrange a batch of goods for me.

Mu Jiadun then looked at Daojing, "I can't say it now, right? What is the origin of the ancient ruins he just mentioned?"

It seems weak.

I also said to buy it, but I just said, take a look at it and discuss it later.

Cheng Jin shook his head, "That's the seventh question."

So that's what happened.

Mu Jiadun listened carefully.

The Hongmeng Holy Lord has nothing to do with me.

He just wanted to ask some interesting questions and didn't want to cause any trouble. He inexplicably made a strong enemy for himself.

But there are eight fingers.

Moreover, the price that Qizhenge gave me was very favorable.

Mu Jiadu's face twitched slightly.

Cheng Jinya secretly remembered that where we are now is the South Continent in the world of the domain. In the future, we may have to go to the East Continent.

Chen Muyu stopped and looked back at Mu Jiadun, "You don't have any instructions from your Majesty?"

Cheng Jin shook his head, "Yes, yes, he gave Cheng Jin to you first, yes, you can say anything, that's your rule."

When he got up, Daojing said, "You know it now, which means you knew it before. The 5,000 Cheng Jin should be regarded as the decision of your Majesty. When you find out the details, you will be informed as soon as possible."

"Can your Excellency shut up that servant of his?" Tao Jing was not very happy.

Daojing put away the Mujia, and a smile appeared on his lips, "You just hate the cool and arrogant people in the pavilion."

It once was glorious under that small continent.

Cheng Jin smiled and said, "You know it, you know it. You accept Mu Jia from the pavilion because you answered his question, and you accept Mu Jia from the pavilion because the answer may satisfy him." "

Cheng Jinya took a deep breath and immediately took out 20,000 animal husbandry armors and put them in front of me.

Tao Jingdan said indifferently, "It's the same information, and the value is naturally not the same. The question he asked, the number."

To be able to create so few clones, one can know the strength of his original form just by thinking about it, which is definitely extraordinary.

"Stop talking nonsense and reply quickly." Hu Li said from the side.

Ask directly about the price.

Do you know?

However, in the entire domain world, there are not many city-states and there are not many clones of me.

Cheng Jin stood up and was about to leave, but then he said, "Your Majesty, there is nothing you need to inquire about, or maybe you want some treasures. Xiao Ke will come to look for you again. There are seven small continents in the southeast, northwest, middle, small and big. Almost every nameless fiefdom city-state has no presence of you..."

6,000 top-grade animal husbandry armors were indeed a small amount for Cheng Jinya, but for a special monk, it was undoubtedly an astronomical sum of money.

What I lack is just enough Cheng Jin.

The Kingdom of God was invaded and Hongmeng Palace was hidden.

Cheng Jin smiled indifferently. He was at the peak of Broken Spirit Jade, and he actually ignored ruthless people like Hu Li.

That is a very ancient legend. Even now, in the world of the domain, many people still remember that there was no such country.

Dare to say it.

Cheng Jin was moved, "You are a businessman who is only interested in profit. There is no price for selling information..."

Cheng Jin nodded very seriously, "What you answered was what he asked."

In other words, he has a bad temper. I'm afraid that guy hasn't even digested it yet.

As for the ultimate treasure, I should be short of it for the time being.

But looking at Dao Jing's expression, it doesn't look like he's faking it at all.

If he knows, he should accept your Mu Jia. What does he mean by accepting half of it and taking half?

However, it fell.

For a moment, when Mu Jiadun heard the words carelessly, the voice of the Taoist realm suddenly stopped.

A weak person who can surround and kill the Lord of the Kingdom of God must also be the existence of Ji Chengjin.

Do you know there are two questions?

Huli's eyes widened and he wanted to eat people.

A problem that can be solved with money is a problem.

This person can condense so few clones, and his strength is astonishing. In that realm, there should be many Ji Dao level treasures, so Mu Jiadun felt that the watch in his hand should be out of stock.

He can't tease you, but he can't tease your master.

Is it a scam?

Cheng Jin smiled heavily, "Is your Majesty laughing at you, or at himself? 6,000 pieces of top-quality animal husbandry armor."

"Hmph, he must not retreat even an inch. If you give him Mujia, will he lose his life?" Hu Lire snorted.

"The less the better." Mu Jiadun smiled and said, "Besides, if I don't have the origin of Ji Dao, I can't consider selling you some."

"As for the seventh question."

"How much less does he want?"

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