A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1937 The king is angry

It is no exaggeration to say that all the cultivation of high-level monks is in this magic core.

The Tao Fruit of Taoists like Chen Muyu and others are actually the same principle.

The things are basically the same, just with different names.

Although he is already a strong man in the extreme realm, King Taihao has never fallen behind in his daily practice.

Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. This is true even for those who are strong in the Holy Lord Realm.

King Taihao knew that everything now was hard-won, so he practiced diligently and never relaxed in the slightest.

At this time, King Taihao's brows moved slightly.

He opened his eyes, opened his mouth slightly, and the magic core flew over in mid-air and was swallowed by him.

The next second, the brilliance all over the body was restrained, and the Tao was hidden.


King Taihao shouted, his voice was quite majestic.

"Your Majesty!"

After just a moment, the palace door opened, and a figure quickly came to King Taihao with broken steps, bowed and stood, "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

King Taihao frowned slightly, "Who borrowed my original holy book?"


When Tan Shang heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said, "As far as I'm concerned, the eldest prince borrowed it."


When King Taihao heard this, his brows furrowed even more.

At this moment, Tan Shang was murmuring in his heart, why did the king suddenly ask about this matter? Didn't he never ask about the original holy scripture?

Although this holy scripture was King Taihao's most enlightened treasure. King Taihao relied on meditating on this holy scripture to achieve the ultimate realm. However, after King Taihao became enlightened, this thing lost its value.

After all, those who are strong in the extreme realm understand stronger laws, and the origin of the extreme realm is almost useless to them.

Therefore, King Taihao took out this treasure and gave it to his subordinates to borrow.

This is a way to win over his subordinates.

There is a limit to how long each person can borrow it and how much benefit they can get from it. King Taihao is not worried at all that these people will make breakthroughs with this book.

After all, the person who knows this book best is King Taihao. King Taihao also knows best how much potential it still has.

Therefore, King Taihao never cared about how to borrow the book.

But now, King Taihao suddenly asked this question.

Why, could it be...

Greedy Shang heard this and his heart trembled.

At this moment, King Taihao spoke again, "Recently, has the origin leaked out on the black market again?"

Greedy Shang paused for a moment and nodded quickly, "Replying to your Majesty, a lot of origins have indeed leaked out. As far as I know, after the King's birthday, Huaiyu Tower sold at least more than 8,000 origins..."


King Taihao snorted coldly, "After the eldest prince borrowed the Origin Book?"


Tan Shang bit the bullet and responded.


This snort was full of anger, "Eating everything inside and outside."

King Taihao was obviously angry, and he actually started scolding him.

"Your Majesty!"

King Taihao's aura was slightly revealed, Tan Shang could no longer bear it, and his face turned sallow.


King Taihao snorted again and calmed down his momentum.

Tan Shang also knew that King Taihao was not scolding him, but someone else.

The eldest prince has borrowed the Holy Scriptures of Origin many times, and the queen has also come forward to help him borrow them many times.

And after every borrowing, a large amount of the source will soon be circulated in the black market.

And the black market is related to the queen.

How is it possible to say that there is no relationship between the two?

In the entire Taihao City, anyone with some discernment knows that the black market is opened by the Queen's family, and most of the origins circulated in Huaiyu Tower are obtained by the Queen's family from the Origin Scripture.

This is already a semi-open secret.

Including King Taihao, he probably knows this as well.

However, King Taihao has almost always acquiesced to this approach and has never taken the initiative to mention it.

Everyone knows that King Taihao is wary of the power of the Queen's lineage.

Everyone knows that King Taihao is enduring.

But this tolerance must have its limits.

Just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't care. You think I don't care, so you just get worse?

Now, King Taihao is really depressed.

In recent months, he has been able to sense the rapid loss of the origin in the origin scripture.

This is simply not the speed that ordinary monks can borrow.

It has been three or four months since my birthday, and you still haven’t stopped.

What's going on, you want to clean out the origins in this king's sacred book?

So presumptuous and impatient?

Or do you think the person behind you is about to break through? So you can be unscrupulous and challenge me openly?

King Taihao is very depressed now. He feels that it is necessary for him to show some dignity.

This matter must be dealt with seriously.

"Call the eldest prince to me."

King Taihao suppressed his anger and gave Tan Shang instructions.


Tan Shang didn't dare to look at King Taihao, so he quickly stood up and left.

A moment.

Haojie went to the palace.

"My child pays homage to his father."

As if sensing something was wrong in the atmosphere, Hao Jie hurriedly came to kneel in front of King Taihao with his head buried.

Looking at the seemingly loyal son in front of him, King Taihao narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Jie'er, did you borrow the Holy Scripture of Origin?"


Origin Holy Scripture?

When Hao Jie heard this, his heart skipped a beat. My father called me over in a hurry. Just for this?

Immediately, I felt relieved.

If it's just a matter of the original holy scripture, it's not a big deal.

Everyone knew that his father didn't value this thing.


Hao Jie responded, "It's at the kid's place. Why did the father ask about this?"

King Taihao frowned slightly, "From my birthday to now, more than 10,000 sacred scriptures have been lost. How do you explain it?"

The tone was calm, but at this time, Haojie could already tell that something was wrong.

There was obvious anger in this voice.

Moreover, he has already felt the pressure from King Taihao.

"Father, Father, I..."

Hao Jie reluctantly raised his head and looked at King Taihao with an angry face. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond.

This isn't right.

Doesn’t the father not care about the source scripture? He has done this before. He has always turned a blind eye. Why this time...

Hao Jie immediately started to sweat profusely.

"Say it!"

King Taihao's voice suddenly increased by several decibels.

The anger in it is self-evident.

"Father, please forgive me. My child doesn't know."

Hao Jie immediately fell to the ground, trembling all over.

"You don't know? Didn't you borrow the Holy Scripture of Origin? Don't you know?"

King Taihao was already ready to use the topic to get angry and beat this ungrateful thing.

So that you know who is your biological father.

Hao Jie was so frightened that he lost his mind and said quickly, "Father, calm down, the child knows, it must be him..."


King Taihao frowned slightly, he wanted to hear what else this kid could say.

Hao Jie swallowed hard and calmed his fearful heart, "Father Wang Mingjian, it is true that the child borrowed the original holy book, but the person who really borrowed the original holy book was not the child."

King Taihao's brows knitted together.

Hao Jie continued, "It was a Saint King Realm strongman under the Eighteenth Brother. He borrowed the Origin Holy Book from the child. It must be him. He stole the origin and wanted to frame the fault on the child... "

Hearing this, King Taihao was very happy.

Tan Shang's forehead next to him was also covered with black lines.

"King Jiehao, this is wrong."

Tan Shang forced himself to speak, "If he is a member of King Shaohao, why would he ask you, King Jiehao, to borrow the Holy Scripture of Origin? Moreover, why would you, King Jiehao, lend it to him?"

"Didn't you hear? He wants to put the blame on me!"

King Jiehao was furious. He didn't dare to shout loudly at King Taihao, but he still dared to scold Tanshang, "As for why I lent it to him, it's because he took the initiative to seek refuge with me. It is said that the benefits promised to him by the eighteenth brother were not fulfilled, and he wanted to abandon the secret and turn to the light..."

"Yes, that's it. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid someone is deliberately trying to put the blame on me. Father, you have to make the decision for the child."

I have to say, there is still some logic.

Tan Shang also secretly thought that something was wrong. He never thought that King Jie Hao would come like this at this time.

This move will push the boat along with the current and divert disaster to the east. It is simply not necessary to play too hard.

Quibble, complete quibble.

King Taihao was almost happy, "Who are you talking about?"


Hao Jie wanted to say those words, but held back, "I don't know, kid."

"You want to say he's your eighteenth brother, right?" King Taihao said bluntly.

Hao Jie's face twitched slightly, "I don't dare, but the eighteenth brother is indeed suspicious. That person came to me for no reason and asked me to borrow the Holy Scripture of Origin. The kid was not prepared and believed him. Unexpectedly, they actually stole it. origin……"


King Taihao scolded.

The sound almost caused the hall to collapse.

Hao Jie was stunned and didn't dare to say anything.

"This time it was your eighteenth brother who put the blame on you. So, what about the previous times? Every time you borrowed the holy book, a large amount of origin would be circulated on the black market. Can you explain to me, is it also your eighteenth brother who did it?"

King Taihao looked at him coldly.

Hao Jie swallowed hard, "My child, I don't know."

Talking about current things, why bring up the past?

Everything in the past has already happened, and there is no evidence or evidence, so how could I admit it?

Anyway, just insist that it was not me who did this, but King Shaohao designed to frame me.

Hao Jie still has something.


King Taihao was about to kick him and scold him for eating everything inside and out.

At this time, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from the door of the hall.

A plump figure squirmed in.

"Your Majesty, what's going on? What did Jier do to make your Majesty so unhappy?"

But it was Queen Min Yu.

When Tan Shang came to summon Hao Jie, she already felt that something was wrong, so she followed him. Unexpectedly, something really happened.

"Why is the queen here?"

King Taihao turned sideways, as if he didn't want to see this fat face. That face and bloated figure made him feel a little tired.

"I was afraid that Jier would offend the king, so I came over quickly to have a look."

Min Yu also had a look of panic on his face, "Your Majesty, what happened? What's wrong with Jie'er?"

"Humph, let your good son speak for himself."

King Taihao flicked his sleeves.

When Haojie met his mother, he felt that he had a supporter. He immediately burst into tears and told Min Yu what happened.

Of course, the story was distorted and the blame was placed on King Shaohao.

After listening to this, Min Yu's face was full of seriousness, "I didn't expect that Haoyuan was so narrow-minded that he would come up with such a way to frame Jie'er. Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for Jie'er."

Next to him, Tan Shang's face was already covered with black lines.

Aren't you telling lies with your eyes open?

Min Yu said this with confidence.

Because she knew very well that with the power of her family behind her, as long as her father was still around, King Taihao would have to be polite to her.

King Taihao took a deep breath, "Queen, you know the truth, I know it, and he knows it even better..."

"I don't know what you are talking about, Your Majesty, or if there is any misunderstanding. The matter of origin is a small thing, but framing my brother is a big deal. Now, the Holy Code of Origin is not in the hands of Jie'er, but in the hands of King Shaohao's subordinates... "


King Taihao scolded, "I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore."

Immediately, he glared at Hao Jie angrily and said, "Give you one day to get the source scripture back to me. Otherwise, you can imagine the consequences yourself."

Hao Jie swallowed hard.

At this time, King Taihao had already left.

"Your Majesty..."

Min Yu chased her for a few steps, but King Taihao didn't respond to her at all. He had no choice but to step back. His son was more important.


In the queen's palace.

Hao Jie was sweating profusely and his body was still shaking.

Just now, the furious King Taihao really scared him.

If his mother hadn't arrived in time, he couldn't imagine what would have happened.

He even felt that his father might kill him directly.

"You're not stupid enough to throw dirty water on Haoyuan."

Min Yu patted Hao Jie on the shoulder to calm him down.

Fortunately, she arrived in time, otherwise, if she was caught by King Taihao, there was no telling what the consequences would be.

Min Yu was also frightened for a while.

"Mother, what should we do now?"

Hao Jie took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

He had never seen King Taihao so angry with him.

Min Yu said, "It's okay now. Your father should have compromised. He just asked you to get the original holy scripture back. You go find that person immediately, take back the holy scripture and give it to your father. Let's forget about it." Give it up."

Indeed, it seems that King Taihao finally chose to settle the matter.

After all, he still worried about the power behind the queen.

Moreover, if the queen also throws dirty water on King Shaohao, without any evidence, this will also be very detrimental to King Shaohao.

This time, it can be regarded as a warning to the Queen's lineage, so that they can restrain their hands and feet.

After all, this is the Kingdom of Taihao, and King Taihao is the only heaven.

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