However, Yougu did not move.

Min Yu frowned slightly.

Turning around, Yougu's eyes were a little hollow and his expression was dull.

But soon, this dullness and emptiness disappeared, and his eyes regained their clarity.

Since when are you still distracted?

Min Yu was a little depressed, "Master Yougu, take him down."

When the same sentence was said a second time, it had obviously lost its momentum.

Yougu still didn't move.

Min Yu frowned.

At this time, Chen Muyu looked at Min Yu in shock, "Queen, the helper you brought doesn't seem very reliable."

Hearing those words, Hao Jie's face was filled with joy. I had never believed in the power of a real stove.

But now, my smallest support has not been cut off, and Haoyuan is not even a tiger with its teeth pulled out. It can only be regarded as a cat with its teeth pulled out. What a trivial thing it can accomplish.

Although Hyoyuan currently occupies a reserve position, it is important. If you want to pull me up, there is no chance.

In the king's palace, when he saw Min Yu returning in a panic, Hao Jie was frightened, thinking that Wenyuan was deficient and something was going on.


For that kind of super-grade treasure, one can simply use common sense to deduce its weakness.

The two of them were so close, and they were unprepared for the attack. Min Yu couldn't dodge this punch at all.

"Not him yet..."

To be honest, the power under Wang Qian's body at this moment didn't scare Yougu at all.


Hao Jie frowned with joy. In my opinion, the reason why Haoyuan was able to achieve his success was because he didn't have a low-level player like Gu Dashen around him.

I originally thought that Yougu would suddenly launch a sneak attack, and since there was no gap in strength between the two, it would be very difficult to defeat Wenyuan.


There was a mistake, and you felt that sense of betrayal again.

"Don't mention me to you."

Wen Yuan nodded slightly, "You have also taken away the True Fire Furnace. When I practice for eight or seven days, haha, there will be no such person in this world."

The lid of the real stove was opened.

A roar that reached the sky.

In the last second, he was sucked directly into the real furnace.

"What Mother means is that this guy named Gu Dashen..." Hao Jie asked tentatively.

Countless laws of power were exerted on Wen Yuan's body.

The original law that transcends the extreme realm can only be broken by the Holy King Realm.

Because this is the existence of super quality.

Before Hao Jie finished speaking, Min Yu scolded him directly, "This piece of shit has the guts to rebel against you. Humph, you haven't beaten me into a real furnace yet."

Yougu's attack was at most offset by 40% by the protective law under Min Yu. Therefore, even though it was a sneak attack, it did not cause you any substantial damage. At least it only made you less embarrassed.


Wen Yuan's eyes widened in anger. Before taking You Gu away, you were still angry and locked the Master Gu directly.

It must be that my mother wanted to settle the bill for others beforehand, so she found an unfounded reason to practice it, right?

Hao Jie's face turned pale, and he pretended to be your son. If so, he would have been thrown out of the real furnace by you long ago.

I was able to move my feet.

At this moment, Chen Muyu suddenly spoke.

so cute.

Remove the stove lid.

Min Yu was stunned.

Wen Yuan scolded, her eyes becoming more and more malicious.

You are too angry, so angry that you don’t have a point in your life.

Hao Jie was overjoyed to win, but his future seemed to become dark again. The flames dispersed, and Min Yu stood there with disheveled hair, and his face was full of flesh.

The anger in Min Yu's chest seemed to have not been released yet. He groaned and turned the entire Duhao Palace into ashes with a single palm strike.

Yougu's strength is inferior to yours, but despite this, before Min Yu showed his magic weapon, he still had no power to fight back.

Yougu obviously realized the seriousness of the problem and moved forward subconsciously.



However, I was wrong.

There was no chance of resistance at all.

"Both of them are going to die."


Min Yu's fat body was directly blown away.

"Tell me, why?"

The real stove grew in the wind, and a ray of light flowed through it. In an instant, the surrounding space was frozen.

Isn't that the power of a super-grade magic weapon?

Wen Yuan was furious, but she still had not suppressed her anger until now.

If he was locked by a super-grade magic weapon, he would definitely have to escape immediately. Basically, he would not be able to escape.


Yougu responded, and like a robot that triggered the command, he suddenly turned around and punched Min Yu in the chest.

"Mother is mighty."

Wen Yuanya's heart skipped a beat.

That, that, that would be too scary.

The low-level player you spent thousands of dollars to hire actually turned against you and turned to kill you.

Wen Yuanya spread her hands, "You and Yougu are old acquaintances. I choose to help you, but to help him. Is that reasonable?"


Min Yu was flying around like a rubber ball.



Min Yu was murderous, and very murderous.

"In this case, just one Haoyuan is enough to worry about."

Min Yu's face was extremely dark. She didn't know what Yougu was up to. Could it be that now he wanted to raise the price and negotiate terms with her?

That's simply forgivable.

Yougu didn't give her a chance to react, he rushed forward and launched another combo.

Min Yu gritted his teeth and threw the real stove directly.

Is this guy Yougu crazy?

It hit the palace's protective shield and bounced down with a bang.

Hearing that, Hao Jie trembled uncontrollably.

At that time, it was too late to say anything.

"Yougu, take her."

Min Yu was completely confused.

With a sound, Yougu was sucked into the furnace.

Min Yu's eyes widened in anger, the terrifying flames rising under his body, and his eyes were also blazing with anger.

God Gu didn't even have time to shout before he felt himself being dragged away by a terrifying force.

At that time, Min Yu's body was filled with anger, and you seemed to be reluctant to say anything.

At that time, God Gu stood up and said, "The king has his own way, so we will naturally choose to stand on the side of justice."

In an instant, a ball of flames rose up, and the terrifying scorching waves directly pushed Yougu in.

There is no law to protect Min Yu, but the super-grade law to protect him.

The real stove flew back to Min Yu's hand.

First it was Min Meng, and now it's Yougu, betraying him without any reason at all.

Gudugudu drank a small bottle of nectar, and then he calmed down a little.

How could Chen Muyu betray him in the face of battle?

"Mother, where is Chen Muyu..."

"If I had known it was so complicated, I should have asked Mother to take action directly."

There was a bang.

You must know the answer.

Seeing that scene, Gu Dashen's heart skipped a beat.

"Let you tell him."

Obviously, he was not satisfied with Gu Dashen's answer.

You are angry, extremely angry.

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