A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2027 Tushan Divine Kingdom!



You will put gold on my face, Hu Yue smiled softly, "Then, I won't keep you, you can go on your own."

This is when people started to be chased away.

Chen Muyu originally wanted to chat with her for a while.

Anyway, go to Tushan Divine Kingdom, time waits for no one, the most important thing is to get the source as soon as possible and improve your strength.



The Tushan Kingdom is a mountain kingdom, with more than ninety-nine percent of its territory made up of mountains.

The Tushan clan lives in this mountain forest.

The man is handsome and the woman is pretty.

Chen Muyu asked tentatively, but then you felt that you were not stupid for asking. The bad thing is, Tushanshen doesn’t know anyone.

When Chen Muyu heard this, he shook his head repeatedly and opened his mouth, as if he had nothing to hide.

King Tianhe knew that the seven holy masters were trapped in Tangyin Mountain, so he took advantage of them to rob them.

Chen Muyu looked at me in surprise, "It's Zhi, what is it?"

When Tushan God heard this, his brows furrowed.

It must be said that Chen Muyu's desire to survive is really weak.

You have been worried that this weak person will come to you to ask about the situation. However, these weak people waited, but they waited for Tu Shanshen.

If this is definitely the case, I will also use it for the Ten Thousand Trees Divine Kingdom and the Fog Sea Divine Kingdom.

Either warn or silence.

Tushan God smiled and said, "You know, it may not be difficult, but it does matter. Even if they make conditions, you can't negotiate."

Chen Muyu was doubtful.


Tu Shanshen was determined, and then got straight to the point, "I'm telling you this, you came to Brother Chen's country for a visit, and you just wanted to borrow something from your country."

Tushan God presented the ultimatum and said that he was just traveling. Chen Muyu read the ultimatum and explained it to everyone.

To be honest, you are not worried at all.

"Origin Cauldron?"

If this were a race with alternative aesthetics, such as the Luo Ye tribe, the evaluation would probably be extremely ugly and might even make you want to vomit.

When Tu Shanshen spoke, Chen Muyu said quickly, "Tushan is worried. Regardless of what happened in Tangyin Mountain today, Huyue Guoshi has not told you yet. If you are going to reveal a word to anyone, of."

Hundreds of weak people in the super realm surrounded Tushan God at the entrance of the palace.

With Wu Yuyuan's current state, he only showed a slight momentum, and all the weaklings from Brother Chen's Kingdom of Elders came out to greet him.

This is a matrilineal clan, and most of the people in power are women.

It's the King of Tianhe again.

In that world, the person with the smallest fist always had the final say. If he dared to say that he was borrowing money in this situation, he was afraid that the other party would directly wipe out his entire clan.

Chen Muyu is a foreigner, and his arrival obviously attracts much attention.

"Wu Yu, what you said is true. Although you know what King Tianhe used the Origin Cauldron to do, it is true that the Origin Cauldron has not been taken away by me." Chen Muyu emphasized softly.

Chen Muyu.

No matter how arrogant he is, he still has to hold his head high when facing the weak.

Seven people sit opposite each other.

Having said that, Chen Muyu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Tu Shan Shen gritted his teeth, inexplicably not wanting to tear King Tianhe apart.

Chen Muyu looked at me in astonishment.


So, what is Tushan God doing here?

Tushan is the holy mountain of the entire Tushan Kingdom.

Human form, fox tail.

That is the royal capital of Tushan Divine Kingdom, Tushan City.

This clan has a strong sense of territoriality and never expands, but they do not allow other divine kingdoms to encroach on even a tiny bit of their land.

Half a month later, the King of Tianhe may have already been behind me, and the original sacred objects of the two small divine kingdoms may not have fallen into the hands of the King of Tianhe.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Anywhere, the weak deserve respect.

Another point is that the Tushan people never intermarry with foreigners and have always maintained the purest bloodline.

That name still doesn't make me happy.

He is also an elder of Wuyu Kingdom, and his status is quite high.

Tu Shanshen was stunned, and he immediately shook his head without a smile, "Elder Tu misunderstood, you came there not for this matter."

"King of Tianhe?"

Wu Yuyuan also had white lines on his face after hearing this.

So, am I really here to silence you?

The elders all left in anger, leaving God Tushan to Chen Muyu to receive him.

Tu Shanshen took a deep breath, but he was thinking about other things outside his mind.

"Oh? What do you say?" Wu Yuyuan looked at you doubtfully.


But Chen Muyu has the document from the Taihao Divine Kingdom in his hand. In addition, my appearance, except for a few extra tails, is almost the same as that of the Wu Yu clan. Therefore, before retreating to Wu Yu City, there is no Get less and more hostility.

Although Brother Chen's city is outside, the Holy Lord is in the city. You have seen Wu Yuyuan's strength. He could even force Tu Qingqing to death. Did he kill you?

At this moment, Chen Muyu's heart was hanging.

At that time, under such circumstances, Wu Yuyuan was able to survive the impact of Tu Qingqing's self-destruction head-on. Is this really unreasonable?

Tu Shanshen spit out eight words directly. With my current strength, I just had to beat around the bush. In fact, I couldn't steal it directly.

"Elder Tu, do you have nothing to say?" Wu Yuyuan asked immediately.

One by one, they feel like they are facing a small enemy.

The next time I'm in Bodhi City, I won't be cut off by that guy. Now, I'm actually ahead of him again.

"It's just a fluke." Tu Shanshen smiled slightly.

Next time, if Tu Shan Shen forces Tu Qingqing to blow himself up, you may all fall into the formation.

Chen Muyu said, "Just half a month later, the King of Tianhe came to Brother Chen, and I borrowed the Origin Cauldron."

On the top of the mountain, a city is highlighted by white mist.

There were not so many dozens of people present at that time, and they all saw that it was me who forced Tu Qingqing to death, and Tu Qingqing's identity was Tiansi. You know that no weakling from Dongxiao Continent has come recently.

In the palace, there is a restaurant.

"To think that Tu Shan is still alive, next time I come back from Tangyin Mountain, you guys think..." Chen Muyu smiled sarcastically.

Forty percent of them came to me.

"Origin Cauldron."


Wu Yuyuan nodded repeatedly, "Brother Chen, your king is here. The King of Tianhe has come, and you have no way to compete with him. Besides, I declare that I am borrowing, so of course you have no reason to borrow..."

Wu Yuyuan gave a bitter smile, "Tushan's timing was a coincidence."

Chen Muyu said, "Tu Shan is here just for a complicated trip, right?"

Of course, this evaluation is for races with the same aesthetics, for example, people like Chen Muyu.

"Do you know that Tushan's borrowing of the Origin Cauldron is of no use?"

With that formation, I'm afraid many people won't be treated like that.

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