A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2083 Long Ben has fallen!


"Did you rescue Min Gang?" Chen Muyu asked.


Yang Ming said, "I didn't save him. He participated in the rebellion against the Hongmeng Holy Lord. I just executed him with my own hands!"

"He has fallen?" Chen Muyu frowned slightly.

Yang Ming spread his hands and said, "Absolutely!"

Chen Muyu felt slightly reassured. If this was the case, Yang Ming had done a good deed.

The fall of Ming Gang removed a huge hidden danger for the Southern Continent.

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Muyu to completely believe Yang Ming. He was not stupid, and it was impossible for him to believe whatever this man said.

I'm afraid that this guy will use Min Gang to do something outrageous.

Min Gang, a peak Holy Lord-level existence, is a nuclear bomb no matter where he is placed.

Yun Shenguo retreated in Qingyang Mingdao for a few days and used up the two source crystals in his hands.

Hearing those words, Yun Shenguo frowned even deeper.

Although his attitude was relaxed, the conditions Min Gang offered made everyone couldn't help but frown.

Qingnan fled all the way to my house and sought my protection. As a result, I was almost beaten to tears by the two men brought by Cao De.

The realm is still the same as my own, and I am sure that I can always stay ahead. When the time comes, whoever merges will still be sure!

It's none of your business, so hang on low.

The friendship between King Yang Ming and Min Gang naturally included King Canglan, so he was here to support Min Gang, right?

King Canglan replied calmly, with a hint of patience in his tone.

Yang Liang smiled, and his figure quickly faded away and disappeared.

As soon as it was over, King Canglan was still very weak and tough. After all, I was also a little brother-level existence in Nanxiao Continent. Cao De took care of me. If I took care of it, wouldn't it be a loss of face?

Yun Shenguo was determined. In that case, didn't he need to join in the day?

"Well, that's the worst."

Chen Muyu stopped him, "Where is the Blood Ancestor?"

"It's just that, like Cao De, I know it myself!"

Transport the world where the earth is located back to the world in your mind.


Cao De might not be afraid. He was about to reach an agreement, but I would tear it up in an instant, turn against him, and start a fight.

Chen Muyu, "Clone!"

King Canglan was extremely depressed. At that time, I also knew in my heart that I had scolded Cao De so many times. That guy was going elsewhere, so why did he come to me?

Yun Shenguo said that it would be neither beneficial nor harmful to follow Cao De.

At that moment, Cao Dechun felt that his world view had not collapsed.

Qingnan was seriously injured and escaped, all the way to Canglan Divine Kingdom, seeking asylum from King Canglan.

"Haha, he will do it when the time comes!"

Yun Xiu hesitated for a moment, as if he felt that what Yun Shenguo said was unreasonable. Now he, Cao De, seems to have reached the early stage of the Holy Lord realm.

Stayed on earth for a few days.

As soon as it was over, Yang Ming's arrival indeed made everyone feel relieved, but Min Gang was in a bad mood. He almost flipped the table over thinking that it would add some help.

Yun Xiu said, "Uncle Yu, do you think it's better to go there? After all..."

Yang Ming paused after hearing this.

When we besieged Longniu that day, King Canglan had never seen Yunxiu take action. I even felt that Yunxiu's strength was still vaguely inferior to mine.

A small battle with Min Gang ended in a draw.

Yun Xiu scratched his head, "If you are my clone, as I said, I will fuse with you in the future..."

In that case, let Yun Shenguo respond.


Now Cao Dechun, before he knew Yang Liang's origin, he was not worried that I would do anything to him.

Cao De shook his head, "Yes, the alliance belongs to the alliance, and it is important. The important thing is that Qingnan fell in Canglan City, and my source crystal..."

"Uncle Yu, is what I said true?" Yun Xiu asked.

King Canglan frowned slightly, "What are we doing here?"

It seems that the person named Blood Ancestor is worthy of Yun Shenguo's concern.

At most, I will feel as shameless as I do now, so that my right to speak among those weak people in the Holy Lord Realm is not as weak as it was later.

You must have agreed to me. Now Yang Mingdao and his family will have the territory of the Eight Small Divine Kingdoms.

I know that King Pagoda and our people will rush over. If I know for sure, if I persist for a while, the result will be like that.

In those two days, there were not more than ten weak people in the Holy Lord realm who gathered in Canglan City. The peace talks with Mingang have continued until now, but there is still no definite result.

I have always regarded myself as the little brother, but that time, I felt less ashamed.

Cao De's attitude did not relax, "Since Cao De has not fallen yet, you will continue to pursue the matter that day, but you need to compensate for the loss of your Kingdom of God, and you will take away from Yang Mingdao The land will be returned to you, and in addition, the areas of Baishan Divine Kingdom and Golden Dragon Divine Kingdom will also be returned to you..."

Qingnan fell, fell so aggrievedly!

“Let’s talk about the future in the future!”

Yang Liang smiled faintly, "I should be in Bei Xiaolu now, and I am growing rapidly..."

"Is he going?"

"If Uncle Yu wants to go, of course you will go too, and Cao De will go too. It's true that Min Gang and I don't have much friendship. At that time, we may be able to help mediate the conflict."

My fall is also meaningless.

King Canglan hurriedly went to Qintian Palace.

But before Yang Ming expressed his position, Min Gang had a lot to say.

Sooner or later, he will still become a threat to everyone.


I take that thing, and others take it. After using it for a long time, it dissipates on its own. It is in vain, and the source crystal is really important to me.

Yang Ming was leaving.

I don't know if what Yang Liang said is true or false.

If I dare to harm Yun Shenguo, it will inevitably affect Yang Shui's life trajectory, and it will inevitably affect myself.

Min Gang immediately led people to Canglan Divine Kingdom.

Cao De fell.


Cao De smiled and shook his head heavily, "You owe me!"

Anyway, Chen Muyu had never seen him.

But perhaps it was the fall of Cao De that gave Min Gang an opportunity to vent his anger, making Min Gang feel that he had regained his face, so he stopped the previous peace talks.

He stood up and walked out the door.

A respectful voice came from the door, "Little king, the time is up, and the kings are not waiting at Qintian Palace yet..."

Having said that, Yang Liang looked at Yun Xiu, "It will take a long time. When you become one..."

The two parties held peace talks in Canglan City. So far, the matter has not yet reached a conclusion.

"Why does Uncle Yu still care about him?" Yang Ming then smiled.

"After all, you and we are considered an alliance." Yun Shenguo said.

Yun Shenguo stagnated.

Xue Zuke also went outside the territory. He and Chen Muyu left at a different time, so it is not sure what era he was in after he left.

Yun Shenguo said in a deep voice.

He brought two weaklings from Genting Kingdom.

But because of that, you can conclude that I am lying and deceiving. After all, nothing can be explained.

When he heard the news, Cao Dechun knew what to say.

If someone is having a bad conversation and something happens as soon as he shows up, they will start fighting again.

"Who wants to become one with him!"

In response to Yang Ming's persuasion, Min Gang gradually put down my low profile.


"Xiao Wang, Qing Cao Dechun, Yang Mingwang and his wife are also here..."

Yun Shenguo patted my shoulder, "When the time comes, it will be determined whether I will fuse with him or he will fuse with me..."

After that incident, I probably knew that it would take a lot of effort to re-establish the prestige.

Did we participate in the siege of Cao De? We need to be responsible for this, and we need to offend Min Gang for this.

Outside the palace, King Canglan let out a long sigh. At my current position, the only thing I care about seems to be losing face.

"What's the meaning?"

Xu Meng had been pestering Yun Shenguo for the past few days. Seeing that Yang Shui had no son, he was so envious that he naturally wanted one.

With Blood Ancestor's strength, there are actually many people outside the region who are stronger than him.

That day reality.

Min Gang is back.

However, the weaker and lower-level the life form is, the more difficult it is to give birth to life. In this regard, the attitude of Yun Shenguo is to let it happen.

For me, Source Crystal still has little allure.

Yun Shenguo frowned slightly.

"I am leaving!"

It must be said that if those seven people came to support Cao De, this would be less troublesome.

"Does Yang Ming have a bad relationship with Min Gang? What do you think?" Yun Shenguo asked.

Qintian Palace.

Although there are not more than ten weak Holy Lord Realm people gathered in Canglan City, there is one who is in the early stage of Holy Lord Realm, and even those in the middle stage of Holy Lord Realm are common.

"What are you afraid of? Have I threatened you now?"

A dozen weak people in the Holy Lord realm faced off against the eight people from Min Gang.

Yunxiu stood beside him and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

In this way, even if Cao De wants to come back, it is possible. At this time, the earth is not completely independent of the Hongmeng world.

Canglan Divine Kingdom.

No matter what Cao De is planning, as long as the space on Earth is still under my control, he will take action.

Of course, that meaning is for the Golden Dragon Kingdom, but for the peace of the entire Southern Continent.

I also had dealings with Yang Liang before. That man did have a few truths out of his mouth.

"Uncle Yu, are we going to join in the silence?" Before Yun Xiu finished speaking, he asked Cao Dechun for his opinion.

But the opponent came menacingly. Before a small battle, King Canglan gave in and handed Cao De over to Min Gang to kill him.


It's enough to start a fight, and get rid of yourself, and that's the day.

Having said that, Cao De was not afraid.

Yun Xiu shook his head, "In that world, there are only permanent interests and permanent friends. Well, Yang Ming will intervene in that matter."

In those two days, I sent a request for help to Star Dou King and others, but those weaklings did not respond.

In reality, that was also the method Yun Shenguo used to guard against Yang Liang.

King Canglan can be regarded as one of the weakest existences in the entire southern continent, and he is responsible for the appearance.

King Canglan was really depressed.

Each and every one of them has their own business, so keep it low and low. Who would be willing to take a dip in that muddy water?


Then there was no laughter or laughter at all. Qingnan died. It was a miserable day, but he was still thinking about his source crystal. What was that?

It's really a shame.

The seeds that need to be sown have been sown, and the harvest depends entirely on God’s will.

The Blood Ancestor is also a clone of my cultivation?

Chen Muyu, "Because, I am actually the same as you, you are all one..."

I'm talking about the distant ones, but let's talk about the close ones. He actually snatched away someone's blood worshiping cauldron. Can this be called a debt?

Therefore, from then on, Yun Shenguo felt that Yang Liang was no longer a threat to me.

Obviously, everyone knows the origin of Cao De and knows how to provoke him.

Although King Cao De is only in the middle stage of the Holy Lord Realm, my husband is actually in the early stage of the Holy Lord Realm.

Cao De, who had been in a dazed state, reacted at that moment and scolded him directly.

Anyway, as long as Min Gang vents his anger, the matter will begin. As for the losses, of course it will be the people who provoked Min Gang who will bear the losses.

"Xiao Wang."

The atmosphere was not as tense as expected, perhaps because Yang Ming's arrival did have a calming effect.

It is precisely because of this that those people and I together could barely tie with the two people brought by Min Gang. Therefore, the arrival of Yang Ming and his wife is bound to break that balance.

Yun Shenguo was stunned.

"Okay, Uncle Yu, you want to see me, and I am here as you wish. Yang Liang has been born, and I will ask you to take care of me from now on..."

"You must be willing, and I am also asking for it. Next, I will go back to Dongxiao Continent. The last time I came here, I am afraid I just brought two helpers. You should not know my background. I know more or less that I can attract people from the two small super kingdoms in East Xiaolu, Yunding Kingdom and Taifan Kingdom..." Yun Shenguo took a deep breath, which was considered as comfort.

But Chen Muyu couldn't control him, and it was impossible for him to be like his elders just because he called him uncle.

Yun Shenguo doesn’t have that mentality now.

"Today, for the sake of sister Yang Ming, I will give them a chance."

There is nothing that everyone here has swallowed long ago. Now we are asked to vomit it out, and we have to vomit even less. How can we accept it?

Yun Shenguo stood firm and nodded.

Cao Dechun said, "No matter what, I was once his disciple, and he owes me!"

Although Cao Dechun was destroyed, as long as Cao De is still there, I doubt it will take long for it to regain its vitality. Moreover, the development potential of the Eight Kingdoms will be even greater.

It was necessary to hand over Qing Nan to calm the other party's anger.

Before leaving the border, Cao De gave me a message that the Golden Dragon Kingdom was under attack.

In the domain, Nan Xiaolu.

The two Holy Masters in the early stage immediately attacked the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

You provoked whoever, and you were involved in their affairs. Why did they pull you back? It’s now difficult to get ahead by riding a tiger. Even the peace talks are retreating on your side. It’s as if you are Their leader, it's like you are in charge of everything.

It's not that Qing Nan just became a victim to stabilize Nan Xiaolu.

Then, the countries received the news, and the weak Holy Lord realm members who had formed an alliance that day came one after another.


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