A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2088 What is this place?


Everyone has their own secrets, especially those who are the inheritors of the powerful Saint Lord Realm.

It was already interesting enough that Chen Muyu could bring them in. If he kept asking questions, Chen Muyu might really throw him out.

Of course Hu Bugui also understood this. Even though the old man was a little annoying, he was only stubborn about many things, but he knew it in his heart.

So I didn't ask again.

My legs were a little weak, so I returned to the cabin and rested for a while before I could catch my breath.

The feeling of escaping from death is refreshing, but I don't want to experience it a second time.

"What should we do next?" Hu Yue asked.

Chen Muyu said, "The storm in the Sea of ​​Sin has been detonated in advance. A storm of that magnitude just now will probably take a month or two to calm down. During this time, we can only stay here and wait for the storm." Go out after calming down."


All three of them nodded, obviously no one dared to venture out.


Although she was far away from the center of power in the Kingdom of God, Yunxiu had already become a Buddhist before the victory in the fight for the throne. In her own eighty-acre plot, it was quite bad to be a free king.

Hu Yue and Zheng Zhu didn't have much of a friendship.

After all, without two weak people in the early stage of the Holy Lord Realm following them, it was impossible for these eight people to escape from the predicament.

Hu Bugui looked at Mu Tengwen and Kun Hong, "Both of them have no inheritance, and what's more, that matter is a secret in South Xiaolu. I'm afraid the situation will be much worse in East Xiaolu, so …”

"By the way, Brother Teng Wang, have you not seen Jurong and others from Chen Muyu Kingdom recently?"

Before the energy was released, the Sea of ​​Sin gradually regained its intensity. Although the space was still more violent than the empty energy in other areas, its maximum level had not decreased slightly.

The young man in white is also quite handsome.

But at most, we are in danger if Hu does not return.

There are too few weak people in Dongxiao Continent and the power is too simple. What we couldn’t predict is that our path to recover the inheritance will not go as planned.

Xiaoyu Divine Kingdom and Apocalypse Divine Kingdom are neighboring countries. They are also the remnants of Hongmeng Divine Kingdom. They are of the same origin and species. The relationship between the two countries is actually quite wrong.

"King Mu Teng's strength is also at the peak of the Holy Lord Realm. There are also many weak Holy Lord Realms in his clan. Therefore, he has always been a minor nuisance to you and other Eight Kingdoms."

In the palace, Hu Yue introduced the eight Hu Bugui to Yun Xiu.

Yun Xiu shook his head, "The existence of the Holy Lord Realm will basically take into account the rules of your great feudal country. Even if I come and show up, you may know my whereabouts. Moreover, Dongxiao Continent is not the only place where you are. One is the outlet to the sea, in the south, Aolai Country, which is even closer to Zheng Zhuhao Country, and there is a small chance that we will land here."


Hu Yue frowned slightly, "When did Mu Teng become so cowardly that he dared to attack eight of your kingdoms at the same time?"

Jurong, who can be regarded as unknown, was also a former contender for the throne of Chen Muyu Kingdom. However, Jurong was the seventh generation of Chen Muyu Kingdom, one generation lower than us.

Yun Xiu put down the wine glass, and the expression on his face became a bit serious, "There is no information at your place. What kind of useless news is there? Yes, you heard that some time later, the crown prince of Apocalypse God was not like him. My younger brother Hu Bi led his troops to conquer Muteng personally, and was attacked by the Muteng clan in the northern border of Tianqi..."

Hu Yue smiled and said, "This time when we return to the Apocalypse Kingdom, Hu Yue also needs the help of the two of us."

Even if I survive, I'm afraid I will have to shed several layers of skin.

"In the inherited memory left to you by Father Xuanwu, the aura, monkey, seems to belong to..."

Hu Yue made her best introduction.

At this moment, after relaxing, the four of them felt a little tired.

Turning to Hu Yue, "We can only take shelter in the Apocalypse Divine Kingdom during this trip. Hu Yue knows their situation better. Without your mediation, you should be able to gain a foothold in the Apocalypse Divine Kingdom. As for Canglong, that matter is urgent. It’s better to slow down and let’s take a long-term approach.”

She set off again, heading east to the mainland.

A flying boat appeared in the Sea of ​​Sin and quickly crossed the area. It took half a day to escape from the Sea of ​​Sin.

There was no seriousness on his face.

"It's not bad. Although your place is remote, you only have to worry about those bad things, and you also have to go to the battlefield and die..."


When Yun Xiu said that, he paused and said, "Sister Yue'er came back at the right time. Recently, Zheng Zhu invaded the country and affected the northern borders of Tianqi, Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyao. You, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyao, The country barely keeps its borders closed, but their Apocalypse Kingdom doesn’t have much..."

Although we belong to the same Kingdom of God, we are of the same origin and species, and we are also the eighth generation of the Kingdom of God, so we can be considered equals.

"Old Turtle, we don't have our own secrets, Brother Chen doesn't have my secrets, we need to dig deeper..."

Kun Hong raised his hand and interrupted me, "Has Canglong passed the test? I am not..."

Yun Xiu shook his head and smiled bitterly, "That's what you can understand. If we dare to start a war, if we don't have the confidence, the weak people in the Holy Lord Realm of the Eight Kingdoms all have a tacit understanding whether to take action or not, and they seem to have tacitly approved of that battle. Guess, According to past practice, Mu Teng and your lower-level people from the Eight Kingdoms have probably never communicated with each other..."

Even if these people like Jurong are still alive, I'm afraid they haven't left yet.

Hu Yue said, "Mu Teng is a small clan kingdom in the north of Dongxiao Continent. Although the small territory is covered with wasteland and the conditions are more difficult, the territory is very small, smaller than the eight of you countries combined. How much..."

Yunxiu's feudal kingdom is at the westernmost end of the East Continent. There is a very small chance that we, the Jurong, will pass through this place.

Hu Yue smiled bitterly, "I almost came back, he said."

Yun Xiu said, "The specific situation is also clear. Xiao Yue is fighting for some treasure. In the past two months, the two sides have not fought several times. King Yunding even went directly to Xiaoling Mountain to give King Youliang to After being scolded, he should know that the people from the Taifan Kingdom are very shameless. King Yunding’s move is suspected to have touched Xiaolingshan’s bottom line. I’m afraid it won’t be difficult to calm down the matter. ." Kun Hong shook his head, "Don't worry about that. Who I am has something to do with you. We just need to know who you are..."

"I saved a life, but it seems to have been cursed by King Mu Teng. What's the specific situation? It's Hanhu."

The two nodded repeatedly.

"For this trip, the best we can do is keep a high profile."

"Everyone, please rest yourselves. It's important to save your life. There's no need to rush out."

In particular, the wars in the Kingdom of God are all wars above the Holy Lord Realm. There are no agreed-upon rules among the weak in the Holy Lord Realm, and they will participate in the battle in difficult situations.

During the dinner, Yun Xiu asked about Hu Yue's next plans. I understand Hu Yue's personality. Since she chose to come back, she must have run out of ideas.

"Sister Yue'er, is there a deep conflict between him and that Jurong?" Yun Xiu asked.


Zheng Zhuhao said, raising his eyebrows slightly, "Sister Yue'er, why are you interested in Zheng Zhuhao's country?"

"Two months later, I did go to sea from you and took two weaklings from Chen Muyu Kingdom to the Southern Continent. I had seen me again before," Yun Xiu said.

Yun Xiu said seemingly thoughtfully.

Zheng Zhuhao didn't say anything. He looked away and closed the boat window.

In the room, Hu Bugui opened the hatch, and his old eyes were staring blankly at the empty space in the distance.

Hu Yue also asked casually, just wanting to confirm the status of the few of us who had arrived in Jurong.

a month ago.

Yun Xiu and Hu Yue could be considered to be in the same boat, and their fates were almost indistinguishable.

Yunxiu's words were more or less self-deprecating.

Although the Chen Muyu Kingdom does not have the blood of the Hongmeng Divine Kingdom, it is not a member of our Group of Eight. In the Eastern Continent, the competitive relationship between countries is very relaxed.


"The people of the Mu Teng Kingdom are generally small in size, violent in temperament, like to eat flesh and blood, and are extremely aggressive. In the early years, you, the weak of the Holy Lord Realm from the eight countries, worked together to build a Great Wall in the north to block Zheng Zheng. Bamboo invasion has no effect, but Mu Tengguo will still find ways to break the seal and disturb you and other eight countries..."

"Monkey, does he think that the aura of that space is not the best for her?" Mu Tengwen asked loudly.

The duration of that riot period was much shorter. The fundamental reason was the delay in the rampage in the Sea of ​​Sin area. The space storm originally needed to brew for a long time, but it broke out concentratedly in a small area, and the energy was delayed in releasing, which shortened the rampage period slightly.

"This will cause trouble for Miss Huyue." Mu Tengwen became polite at that moment.

Yun Xiu said, "Before he returns to the country, he can't rely on this matter to ask Tianqi Wangshen for a book. It's not the right thing for us, a giant army, to bully a big one with a small one. Now, there is a conflict between Chen Muyu Kingdom and Taifan Divine Kingdom. Haha, I will have no background on both sides in the future, but now, depending on how the conflict between the two countries evolves, whether it turns out to be bad, that guy will be a human being on the outside."

Hu Yue changed the topic.

Zheng Zhuhao pinched his chin, with a solemn expression on his face, "If I am, who am I?"

"You two are welcome."

Zheng Zhuhao said and nodded slightly, but he didn't mean it in general.

Even though that territory is on the edge of the small continent.

"Zheng Zhu and the rest of us, do you know whether he died or not?"

Hu Bugui shook his head, fearing that it would be so difficult.



"We met on the road. We don't have any festivals." Hu Yue also tried to hide it.

Kun Hong didn't say anything, and came to sit next to Zheng Zhuhao, looking inside through the boat window.

A divine kingdom on the west coast of East Xiaolu, a feudal kingdom above Xiaoyu Divine Kingdom.

Mu Tengwen blew his beard and said, "You're just confused. Why is he so sensitive..."

I have no vague understanding of the current situation.

Hu Bugui was sighing after hearing this. When he was in South Continent, he only heard about how awesome the super divine kingdom in East Continent was. Only now did he know that it turned out to be an absolute enemy.

Yunxiu also participated in the battle for the crown prince of Xiaoyu Divine Kingdom, and was the first to enter and exit victoriously.

The waves are sparkling under the sea and the sky is overflowing with light, just like the clear sky before the rain.

Hu Yue looked surprised, "Why are there conflicts between Chen Muyu Kingdom and Taifan Divine Kingdom?"

Baiju Divine Kingdom.

"Who is Mu Teng? Is it weak?" Hu Bugui asked.

"Old guy, what are you looking at?"

Everyone in the family gets what they need. Just give them shelter and they will do things for you.

Hu Yue raised her eyebrows, "What's the result?"

Chen Muyu breathed a long sigh of relief. Sure enough, he felt most secure in his own mind space.

But did I leave in anger like Hu Yue? Instead, I chose to acquire my own fiefdom and build my own kingdom of God.

In this case, we are afraid that we also think that Zheng Zhuhao and his gang have not fallen yet, so there must be no reason to stay.

The name of the Lord of the Kingdom of God is Yunxiu. He is the forty-seventh son of Holy King Xiaoyu. He is at the seventy-seventh level of the Super Realm and has not retreated into the Holy Lord Realm.

Hu Yue took a deep breath. It would be easy for a weak person in the Holy Lord Realm to join the battle. After all, all weak people in the Holy Lord Realm must have joined the battlefield. This can only prove that there is no way to reconcile the contradiction. When the time comes, he will die, not you. To the point of living.

Again, the common man is guilty of having a treasure in his possession. Although the inheritance has not been lost now, others will think so and it will always bring us all kinds of hidden dangers.

Yunding Shen said for a moment, "That guy, are you so cowardly? You know his identity, but you still dare to attack him? You must be ignoring the Kingdom of Apocalypse, right?"

"Sister Yue'er must have done nothing when she returned that time, right?"

Hu Yue shook her head and said more.

Ten days ago, I had not seen the coastline of Dongxiaolu.

Did Hu Yue admit it? She just smiled indifferently, "Doesn't Brother Teng understand what is going on in the Apocalypse Kingdom now?"

In the ring space left to me by Xiongqiang, the seventh layer of seal is still not broken, which does not mean that Zheng Zhu should still be alive.

There was no conflict at all during the encounter under the sea, which was unusual.

Before Zheng Zhu came back this time, he came to the dock to greet him in person.

Looking at the endless sea, the mood of several people was gone, and they were all wrong.

"Oh? Did you see me back?" Hu Yue was not surprised.

That time, the journey was smooth, but there were no obstacles again.

"I heard that here in the Apocalypse Kingdom, there are some feudal cities that have not been destroyed by Mu Teng. The crown prince personally went to the expedition and returned in defeat. The morale impact on the Apocalypse Kingdom was very small. When Sister Yue'er came back that time, If the opportunity is right, if he can achieve nothing in this matter, build up his personal prestige, retreat to the lower level of vision again, and get back these things that should belong to him, it is possible."

Mu Teng asked, "My heart is full of expectations. With the level of violence today, I think the probability of Jurong and us surviving is low."

In the Eastern Continent, it is very rare to be able to seal a territory and establish your own divine kingdom.

Having said that, Mu Tengwen paused, "That space is normally vast and stable. It can withstand such a level of space storm without being shaken at all. Haha, it is much lower level than your Xuanwu world." It's even lower level than his Kunlun world..."

Having said that, Mu Tengwen paused, "He said, I will be..."

Kun Hong opened the door and came in, startling him, and Hu Bugui looked away.

Of course, Hu Yue heard this and was silent. There was a hidden light in her eyes.


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