A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 209 Dashan’s love story! 【Third update】

At this point, Qin Hong changed the subject, "You have stayed in your hometown for so many days. Have you studied the passage behind the old house?"

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Chen Muyu shook his head. Now he was a little confused and couldn't think of anything else.

Qin Hong took out something and placed it in front of Chen Muyu.

It was the piece of beeswax that Chen Muyu lent to Li Yuanshan before.

"Where's Senior Li?" Chen Muyu raised his head and looked at Qin Hong.

Qin Hong said, "Senior brother has been released from seclusion. With your help this time, he has been able to break through and stand up again. He has successfully advanced to the Yuanshen realm. He has returned to Shao'e Mountain two days ago. The Three Altar Dharma Assembly will be held soon after the New Year. By then, not only Qingshen He Jingyun and many comrades from home are coming to participate, so senior brother must make preparations in advance."

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, "Is the Three Altar Dharma Assembly that important? What are they doing?"

Qin Hong smiled and said, "The Three Altar Dharma Conference in Shao'e Mountain can be regarded as an exchange meeting within the martial arts industry. In the past, it was limited to Shao'e, Qingshen, and Jingyun. Later, some other domestic sects gradually joined in. , reached its peak forty years ago, but after the death of master Fei Yuanzhen, it gradually declined..."

"This year, Qingjingguan will be the biggest event. Firstly, it celebrates senior brother's promotion to the Yuanshen realm. Secondly, Qingjingguan doesn't want to keep a low profile. It still has to show its status to the martial arts world..."

"I personally have donated 100 million yuan to sponsor, and now Qingjingguan has sent out invitations widely. When the time comes, it will definitely be very lively."

Speaking of this, Qin Hong was slightly distracted.

Chen Muyu's face trembled slightly, "You are really rich."

100 million, used to sponsor Shao'eshan to hold such an event, does this mean that there is no place to use the money?

You are also a rag collector, why do you make so much money?

Qin Hong smiled and looked at Chen Muyu, "When the time comes, you will go too."

"What should I do?"

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows. He was not from the Shao'e sect, nor did he belong to any of the three sects. What reason was there for him to go?

"It's good to go and see the excitement."

Qin Hong patted Chen Muyu on the shoulder, his words seemed to have profound meaning.


Since Qin Hong said he would tell him the truth, Chen Muyu will not be entangled in this matter for the time being. On the second day of February next year, there will be less than two months left.

After returning home, Chen Muyu also asked his father about his grandfather, but Chen Muyu could see that his father really knew nothing.

As for the family tree, dad actually keeps a family tree.

It is said that it was left to him by his grandfather.

But Chen Muyu studied it all night and didn't see any problems.

Thinking about it carefully, grandpa asked Niu Erye to help burn the family tree, and on the other hand, he left a family tree for dad.

This doesn't make sense logically.

The only reason that makes sense is that the family tree that grandpa asked Niu Erye to burn may be different from the family tree that was left to dad.

What is left behind is just what you want us to know.

This aroused Chen Muyu's even greater curiosity.

I hope there will be an answer after two months.

If anyone is really involved, Chen Muyu will never be polite. No matter who it is, they will complain and seek revenge.

By the end of the year, the business at Lantian Station seemed to be much better, and there were more old men and women selling scrap products than usual. My parents were very busy these days, and Chen Muyu had to go to the station to help.

Chen Muyu also enjoyed chatting with a bunch of old men and women.

What surprised Chen Muyu was that Brother Shui actually dated a girlfriend, and within a few days, he even brought her to the scrap station to help.

The woman is thirty-five years old, not far behind Yang Shui. Her name is Tan Juan. She has been friends before, but has never been married. She is not pretty, but she is a capable person.

I heard that it was Chen Muyu's mother who introduced him. When her mother was buying vegetables at the vegetable market, she chatted with a vegetable vendor and learned that the other person had a daughter of the same age at home, so they left each other's phone numbers.

I have to say that my mother is really good at this kind of thing. Chen Muyu even suggested that she open a dating agency.

Brother Shui is lucky this year. He has a car, a house, and a father's love. This guy is in his thirties and almost forty, and he finally has a taste of love.

Since he recognized Wang Laoyao as his father, he has bought a house in the city, his pockets have bulged, Yang Shui's self-confidence has also increased, and his whole temperament has also been changing.

"Xiaoyu, when will your mother introduce one to me?"

Several people were packing waste paper at the scene. Seeing Brother Shui and Tan Juan flirting with each other, Yu Dashan asked Chen Muyu jokingly.

Chen Muyu was happy.

Yu Dashan is almost fifty. He has been following his grandfather since that time, and he is still single now.

In the past, Yang Shui was with him, and the two bachelors could be considered companions. But now, Yang Shui has escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and he is still struggling alone.

"Don't worry, Uncle Dashan, I will never forget you!" Chen Muyu smiled, knowing that Yu Dashan was just joking, "Fate is a wonderful thing, you never know what day it will come!"

"Come on, after the Chinese New Year, I'm almost fifty, man!" Yu Dashan waved his hand.

Although Yu Dashan was a joke, Chen Muyu still listened. Yu Dashan had been with his grandfather for a long time, and he was older than Chen Muyu. His father and third uncle regarded him as a brother, and Chen Muyu also regarded him as an elder.

As far as Chen Muyu knew, when his grandfather was still here, he proposed marriage to Yu Dashan several times, but none of them came true. Only later did the family give up. Maybe he just liked to live alone.

People's ideas will slowly change over time. Today Yu Dashan took the initiative to bring up this topic. Maybe Yu Dashan now wants to start a family again.

At noon, Yu Dashan went to the restaurant to pick up food, and Yang Shui pulled Chen Muyu to the lounge.

Closed the door.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Muyu looked at Yang Shui in surprise. This guy was mysterious and didn't know what he wanted to do.

Yang Shui took a sip of water and lowered his voice, "Xiao Yu, do you know why Uncle Dashan hasn't gotten married these years?"


Chen Muyu was stunned. Yang Shui spent the whole day with Yu Dashan, so he was not sure that Yu Dashan had revealed anything to him.

Yang Shui said, "When Uncle Dashan was young, he had a childhood sweetheart. Uncle Dashan got into a fight over her and even went in. I heard that the girl's family didn't agree and sent her out of the country..."


Chen Muyu frowned, what about such a tortuous story?

"Uncle Dashan has been keeping in mind that he is not getting married these years, but he still misses that woman in his heart. They have been in contact with each other all these years..."

"I heard that the woman is coming back from abroad recently..."

Yang Shui looked very gossipy.

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