A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2129 The Winter City is broken!

Chapter 2130 Winter City is broken!

This move will bring disaster to the Apocalypse Kingdom.

"This matter is my own business. I will find a way to solve it. Don't worry, I'm not stupid. I can't do it knowing that I can't do it."

Chen Muyu comforted her, and Hu Yue stopped forcing her.


This time when he came to Tianqi Divine Kingdom, he was not in a hurry to leave. This time he was in retreat for a month. Although he did not break the path, he still gained some gains and needed to settle for a while.

It just so happens that I also want to know what has happened on this continent during the recent period.

In the past two days, Hu Yue's life was not easy. Every day in the court, she was scolded by Hu Cong's group, who also made fun of her for lying about military information, which made her very passive.

Hu Yue didn't explain anything. Now that Hu Cong had won the battle and was in the limelight, there was no need to confront him head-on.

However, pride can always get carried away, and trouble soon arises.

The envoys sent by King Apocalypse to negotiate peace with the Jurong Kingdom were directly executed by King Jurong, and the envoy's magic core was also sent back.

Humiliation, undisguised humiliation.

The two countries are at war without killing the envoys. This seems to be unworkable here in Jurong.

They may have thought that this time Jurong suffered a defeat and sent people to negotiate peace, and there might be some hope.

However, in fact, Jurong did not take them seriously at all. What did the loss of more than one billion mean to the tribes in northern Xinjiang headed by Jurong?

This time I committed a crime, but I came with a purpose. If the goal was not achieved, how could I give up so easily?

Ju Rong refused to negotiate for peace. This was actually expected by many people, but what they did not expect was that Ju Rong would directly kill the envoys they sent.

This means that the other party has no room left at all. This time, it is a fight to the death.

The atmosphere in the court today was extremely solemn.

No one spoke, everyone lowered their heads and avoided eye contact with the Jurong King.

"Father, don't worry. They are just giants. If they dare to do it again, I am willing to lead my army to conquer them again. I swear to catch all the giants and kill them all..."

Of all the civil and military officials in the dynasty, Hu Cong was the most confident. Perhaps it had something to do with the recent praise he received from both inside and outside after his triumph.

It's a bit bloated. It's really hard for anyone not to feel bloated in this kind of environment.

He may think that he is really good at fighting. After all, losses aside, he did defeat the giants.

Even if it is only temporarily repelled, it is still a victory, an indisputable fact.

Before, King Tianqi must have been very happy when he heard this, and he might even praise him a few words, "My son Shenwu is like his father."

However, at this moment, King Tianqi’s brows were furrowed.

He felt that Hu Cong's words were extremely ironic.


The last time we had an army of 6 billion, we already lost 3 billion. If you try it again, wouldn't the remaining 3 billion be lost?

Everyone who was interested did not say anything.

All of them are talented people, and they are good at observing words and expressions. They can all tell that King Tianqi is not in a good mood today.

King Tianqi intended to create a reputation for Hu Cong, and many of them saw it, so during this period, many people cooperated with the performance, but no one took it seriously.

The losses in this battle were too great.

Half of the 6 billion army was lost. You know, this is the 6 billion army, which is more than 60% of the total strength of the Apocalypse Kingdom.

It is also the maximum amount of troops that can be mobilized without affecting the stability of each feudal country.

In other words, this is a war that will overwhelm the country.

If you win with more than you have less, even if you send a fool into battle, the probability of defeat is not high.

With a score like this, to be honest, this result is a failing grade. On a 100-point scale, I would give you a score of thirty points at most.

But King Tianqi doesn't think so. If he has to give him a hundred points, what can others say?

What's more, this is actually not only the intention of King Tianqi, but also the intention of King Taishang. Who among the civil and military officials in this dynasty dares to say no?

"What are your opinions on this matter? How should we respond?"

King Tianqi rarely ignored Hu Cong, but asked for the opinions of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Looking over, no one dared to raise their head.

"Father, I feel that the giant army has insulted me too much. I will immediately gather an army. If they can fight over, we can fight over too..."

No one said anything? Then Hu Cong started to express himself.

"Your Majesty..."

Just as King Tianqi frowned, a person stood up next to him.

An old man with white beard, a little short.

The father-in-law of the state, King Tianqi’s old father-in-law, the queen’s father, and Hu Yue’s grandfather.

Ji Bai is at the 30th level of the super-grade realm.

Although his level is not high, he holds a very high status in the Tianqi Dynasty and is an important minister of the Supreme King's generation.

Seeing someone standing up, King Tianqi's expression softened slightly and his eyes fell on Ji Bai.

Ji Bai said, "After this war, the number of monks who can continue to fight is probably only about 2 billion. Moreover, these monks have just experienced the war and are going to fight again. I'm afraid..."

Having said that, Ji Bai did not continue talking.

Everyone in the entire hall understood what he wanted to say.

If the giant army comes back, with the current military strength of the Apocalypse Kingdom, it will be difficult to win another battle.

"Ha, if you grow up with others' ambitions, you will destroy your own prestige. Master Ji, you have never fought head-on with the giants. Don't mythologise the giants too much. They are just bigger and more powerful. In fact, there is nothing special about them. At..."

Hu Cong talked eloquently and started arguing with Ji Bai on the spot.

In the past, he would have never dared to do this. Ji Bai had a very high status in the court. He was a veteran of two dynasties and the father of the queen. In front of Ji Bai, he could not speak at all.

But now, Hu Cong's mentality has changed a lot. After returning from this great victory, he already has a certain status in the court by virtue of his military exploits.

Ji Bai was obviously displeased. In his eyes, Hu Cong was just a young boy who was still young.

"Your Majesty!"

Ji Bai didn't pay attention to Hu Cong, but bowed to King Tianqi, "There were 10 envoys sent to the Jurong Kingdom this time, and only one of them came back alive. According to what he said, there are only 10 envoys sent to the Jurong Kingdom alone." , the available military strength is 8 billion, not to mention that there are not only the Jurong tribe in northern Xinjiang, but also the barbarians, barbarians, Kui, beasts and other tribes. If all are counted together, the military strength may reach at least 15 billion..."

Having said this, Ji Bai turned to Hu Cong and said, "Your Highness, if the Jurong invades again, do you really dare to lead the army again?"

When Hu Cong heard this, his face twitched slightly.

This is to control your own army!

"Master Ji, your words are a bit dangerous and sensational!"

Hu Cong chuckled lightly and did not give in. He immediately said, "In the barbarian land of Northern Xinjiang, are there any conditions that allow so many monks to come out? I think Jurong deliberately let that man back just to tell you this. Yes, it’s ridiculous that you really believe it, and you were frightened by them..."

There was naturally a bit of sarcasm in his words.


Ji Bai waved his hands and snorted coldly, "Our Tianqi country can gather an army of 6 billion. The giants dare to go to war with the three kingdoms at the same time. How can the northern Xinjiang tribes gather 15 billion monks with this little national power? This is very difficult. Is it difficult?"

At this point, Ji Bai's voice suddenly rose a few decibels, "Everyone, is this difficult?"

No one answered.

Now, the Queen's party is being suppressed in the court, and Hu Cong's party has a lot of people, but at this moment, no one comes out to refute.


Because what they said is right.

Your Apocalypse Kingdom can mobilize an army of 6 billion. It is impossible for other giants to be inferior to you. What's more, Northern Xinjiang is not just giants.

"Your Highness, do you really dare to lead troops on another expedition?" Ji Bai looked directly at Hu Cong.

Hu Cong's lips moved.

This is being set up.

"Father, my son and I invite you to fight!"

Hu Cong immediately knelt down in front of the steps.

As soon as these words came out, Hu Cong and his party instantly became nervous.

He asks for a fight?

What kind of fight do you want?

Jurong hasn't called yet. Do you want to take the initiative?

Isn’t this seeking death?

"Get up!"

King Tianqi was also a little big-headed. He raised his hand towards Hu Cong and glanced around everyone.

"Master Ji is right. Our national power, Apocalypse, will no longer be enough to fight against the giants in a short period of time..."

"My king has asked for help from the surrounding countries, and Dayu and Dayao have expressed that they can send troops for reinforcements. However, you also know that Dayu and Dayao are also fighting against the Jurong, and the situation is not optimistic, so , there are not many troops that can be allocated. The two families combined can send up to 500 million..."

"Five billion?"

As soon as these words came out, there were whispers in the court hall.

An army of 500 million is actually not that small, but considering the current situation, it is indeed a bit small.

This time the Apocalypse Kingdom lost 3 billion troops. Even with these 500 million supplements, it would not be a problem.

It can be said that it is a drop in the bucket!

"Besides, assembly takes time!"

At this time, King Tianqi added another sentence.

The army needs time to assemble. In other words, although the two countries have promised reinforcements, it will still take time to deliver the 500 million reinforcements.

No wonder King Apocalypse changed from his normal state today and kept a sullen face, hiding something in his heart!

Perhaps King Apocalypse himself did not expect that the only two companies next to him would be the only ones who agreed to give him reinforcements.

Originally, with this great victory, he felt that he could let the surrounding countries know that the giants were not invincible. Everyone was desperate, and there would definitely be many divine kingdoms willing to help.

He never expected that there was such a big gap between reality and his imagination.

Now, he was a little panicked. He didn't know when the giant army would come again, and when it came again, what size it would be.

"Your Majesty!"

At this moment, a low shout came from outside the hall.

"Military report!"

Upon hearing these two words, everyone in the hall, including King Tianqi, felt their hearts skip a beat.

"Come in!"

King Tianqi shouted.

Suddenly, a man came in holding a military newspaper and knelt down at the foot of the steps with a plop.

"Your Majesty, Jurong suddenly came out of the Soul-Desolating Abyss yesterday and attacked Winter City. Winter City was destroyed. Pingdong Hou and the 300 million defenders of Winter City were all killed!"

The man trembled and said a word.

There was an uproar in the palace instantly.

"What? Winter City?"

"Ping Donghou was killed in battle?"

The most shocked person is King Tianqi. You must know that Pingdong Hou Huying is the younger brother of King Tianqi.

King Tianqi took the battle report and read it for a long time. He was stunned and didn't speak for a while.

"All 300 million troops are gone?"

After a while, King Tianqi asked.

"No more, all gone!"

The man shook his head repeatedly, "Dead to death, run away, scatter, the giant army is coming fiercely, its military strength is at least ten times more than mine, and there are several super-level perfect strong men to open the way, they suddenly come out from the Soul-Desolate Abyss , Winter City is defenseless and unable to resist..."

ten times?

And it’s still more than ten times?

An army of at least 3 billion?

At this moment, it exploded.


Huyue Mansion.

An official entered the mansion in a panic, and was led by a house slave to the backyard.

In the backyard, Chen Muyu and Hu Yue were playing chess. The two were chatting, and the atmosphere was very good.

"Your Royal Highness, the king orders you to enter the palace immediately to discuss important matters..."

The official immediately prostrated himself.

Hu Yue was a little surprised, "So urgent? Did something big happen to the court?"

If she was questioned again, she wouldn't want to go. She didn't want to see those people with such bad faces.

"The Giant Rong invaded the territory, the Eastern Border, the Winter City was destroyed, and an army of 3 billion Giant Rong was marching from the Eastern Border..."


Hu Yue was shocked when she heard the news.

"Ping Donghou, died in battle!"

Hu Yue heard the official's words and turned to stone for two seconds.

"Brother Chen..."

Hu Yue looked at Chen Muyu.


Chen Muyu didn't say anything.

Hu Yue nodded and immediately left with the official.


Jurong actually changed the direction this time. Instead of going north, he went to the east where the defense was relatively weak.

Borrowing the way from Duanhunyuan, without knowing it, after entering the territory of Tianqi, they suddenly burst out, and they have an absolute advantage in numbers. Who can withstand this?

This time, it is a huge test for the Apocalypse Kingdom.

After experiencing the last time, the Apocalypse Kingdom suffered heavy losses in the northern border. The remaining combat power may barely be able to fight against this 3 billion army, but it is no longer able to form an advantage, and is even at a disadvantage.

There are 1 billion troops stationed in the north, and they must not be moved. As a result, they will have to continue to mobilize troops from various feudal countries. This time it will really strain their muscles and bones and reduce the national strength.

After fighting the north and fighting the east, we were exhausted.

This battle is probably going to end!

At this time, King Tianqi called Hu Yue to discuss matters, which was a bit interesting.


Hu Yue did not come back that night and did not leave the palace until noon the next day.

Not surprisingly, King Tianqi wanted to ask Hongmeng Palace for help, and wanted Hu Yue to help spread the word.

This is the meaning of the Supreme King. He wants to meet the master of Hongmeng Palace.

Hu Yue didn't agree, and of course, she didn't refuse either.

Hongmeng Palace has always wanted to intervene in the war in the north. Hu Yue also felt the same as Ming Jing about this.

But, now is not the time.

The Supreme King wants to see the Master of Hongmeng Palace. Can he meet the Master of Hongmeng Palace casually? If you want to see him, he has to come all the way to see you?


Asking for help does not put oneself in the right position.

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