A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2167 The Pilgrimage Road!

Chapter 2168 The Pilgrimage Road!

If this is discovered, why don't you just fight it out?

Therefore, if Chen Muyu is allowed to do it, even if he is caught, it has nothing to do with Hongmeng Palace. He can completely put aside the relationship.

The abacus is quite accurate.

"When do you want it?" Chen Muyu asked.

"Of course, the sooner the better. Now that Wu Xin is not in Daling Mountain, it is the best time. You'd better act quickly!" Mu Jia said.

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "Okay, I happen to have nothing to do, so I can help you make this trip, but you have to hold Wu Xin back, otherwise, if I am caught, I will definitely turn you in!" "

"rest assured!"

Mu Jia waved his hand, "Daling Mountain is actually not a dragon's pool or a tiger's den. The three elders are not on the mountain. There are only some strong men in the late stage of the Holy Lord Realm. But I think these people will not pose a threat to you. There is just one thing." You have to pay attention..."


"That Infinite Jade Wall is the property of Infinite King. It is connected to Infinite King's mind. Only Infinite King can use it. So, when you steal the jade wall..."

"You don't want me to capture the Infinite King for you, right?" Chen Muyu looked at Mu Jia in amusement.


Mu Jia smiled, "Do you dare?"

That is the Infinite King, the face of Tai Brahma Divine Kingdom. If you arrest him, Tai Brahma Divine Kingdom won’t fight you to the death?

"Why don't you dare? Yes, you can, but you have to pay more!"

Chen Muyu shrugged. It didn't matter to him. After all, he was a lonely cultivator and he didn't have so many worries.

Mu Jia waved his hand, "No, if you dare, I don't dare either!"


"I just want you to remove the connection between Wuliang King and Wuliang Jade Wall. Wuliang King has a key to enlightenment in his hand, which is the key to opening Wuliang Jade Wall. If you can, just steal the key together. …”

"Otherwise, based on the connection between him and Wuliang Jade Wall, even if you take Jade Wall away, I'm afraid I can easily find you..."

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, "I can just destroy the jade wall!"

"What a waste!"

Mu Jia gave him a blank look.

In the enemy's hands, this thing is a hidden danger, but in our own hands, isn't it a help?

I just want this thing to prepare for the future war. You just have to see through it without telling me about it.


Since he agreed to Mu Jia, Chen Muyu must do this.

Daling Mountain is not a good place to go, but now that the elders of Taifan Mountain are not on the mountain, there is indeed not much threat to Chen Muyu.

This is also the best time to go to Daling Mountain.

Chen Muyu changed his appearance, and after separating from Mu Jia, he headed towards Daling Mountain without stopping.

It shouldn't be difficult to just steal a jade wall.

He had promised Mu Jia that after breaking the path, he would do three things for Hongmeng Palace.

This is considered the first one, and the difficulty is not bad in his opinion. Although stealing things is a bit unethical, but with the hard work of 2 trillion spiritual jade, morality and other things can be put aside for now.

In three days, Chen Muyu arrived at Taifan Kingdom.

Daling Mountain is the holy mountain of Taifan Kingdom and the absolute center of power.

In the entire West, this place has an absolutely lofty status.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a small town called Lingyin Town.

There are tens of thousands of monks in the town, and almost 30% of them are in the Holy King Realm.

This is just the town, you can completely imagine what the scene is like on Daling Mountain.

Daling Mountain stands tall and straight into the sky, like a god standing between heaven and earth, overlooking the land.

Chen Muyu was not in a hurry to go up the mountain. He didn't understand the situation on the mountain. Although the three elders of Taifan were not on the mountain, they were the largest force in the West after all. Who knew whether Wu Xin had left any methods behind before he left?

I found an inn in the town and stayed there temporarily to check the situation.

Fan Xin had news for him. Wu Xin and Luo Jia were both stranded in Northern Xinjiang and would not be able to come back for a while.

That night, Chen Muyu was meditating in the guest room, and his spiritual thoughts were testing Daling Mountain when suddenly there was a noise outside.

Soon a group of monks came in and searched room after room.

Chen Muyu's room was also searched, and Chen Muyu was questioned about his origin and identity before leaving.

After the people left, the store owner apologized one by one.

Those monks came down from Daling Mountain and conducted routine inspections on the mobile monks in the town.

Chen Muyu called the store owner over and asked.

The boss said that this was a normal inspection, but during this period, the three Taifan elders had left Dalingshan, so inspections were more frequent to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

Chen Muyu found it a bit funny. If someone really dared to cause trouble, would you be able to detect it with this inspection?

So what if we find out? People dare to come to Daling Mountain to cause trouble. Are they still afraid of little shrimps like you?

"Has anyone caused trouble recently?" Chen Muyu asked casually.

The boss laughed dryly and said, "There are some, but just fighting in the town is not worth the action of the gentlemen on the mountain, and they don't care where this place is. Who dares to make trouble in Daling Mountain, unless it's because they hate fate?" It’s grown.”


Chen Muyu smiled and thought, you are trying to say that maybe I just dislike my longevity.

"My guest, you are from out of town. You should be careful during this period. Although everyone who comes here wants to go to Daling Mountain for pilgrimage, I advise you not to go to the mountain..."

"What? I heard that there is a pilgrimage mountain trail in Daling Mountain. Doesn't it mean that anyone with a pious mind can take the mountain trail up the mountain?" Chen Muyu asked.

"That's what I say, but, hey, there are some things that I can't say. Anyway, you'd better not go. Otherwise, no one can save you if something unexpected happens..."

The boss looked very secretive.

After saying that, he turned around and went downstairs.

Chen Muyu hurriedly stopped him, "Boss, please explain clearly, why can't you go?"

At this time, the residents in several nearby rooms also gathered around.

They are all monks from other places, and they all come here for the prestige of Daling Mountain, and they all want to make a pilgrimage to the mountain.

There is a pilgrimage mountain road in Daling Mountain specially for pilgrims to go up the mountain. It is said that as long as the monks can pass the pilgrimage mountain road and climb Daling Mountain, they are eligible to be accepted by Daling Mountain and become disciples of Daling Mountain.

Many of them came here just for this purpose, but now their boss is warning them not to go, which is intriguing.


The boss couldn't resist, gave a wry smile, and sighed, "The mountain road is not as easy to walk as you think. My inn serves as a gateway to the south and north. Over the years, people like you have been here many times, but... …”

"but what?"

"Every year, countless monks go to the mountain, but I have never seen many who can truly become the disciples of Dalingshan."


Some people were surprised and said, "Daling Mountain is an extraordinary force. Naturally, it is impossible to recruit disciples casually. It must be carefully selected. This is normal."

"Huh, normal?"

The boss shook his head, "But I haven't seen anyone come down from the mountain after setting foot on the pilgrimage mountain trail."


When everyone heard this, they paused slightly.

"Boss, what do you mean?" A fat monk seemed to realize something.

"Can Daling Mountain accommodate so many monks? Where these people have gone, I dare not say nonsense, but there have been rumors in the town for a long time. You can go and find out, or you can figure it out for yourself."

After the boss finished speaking, he turned around and left. This was at the foot of Daling Mountain, and he didn't dare to talk too much.

In this case, he would give a warning to almost every wave of guests who came to know that they were going up the mountain, but few would listen to him.

After all, there are always people who take chances, and there are quite a few such people.

"Everyone, what does this store mean?" someone asked in confusion.

"What do you mean, people can be eaten on the mountain!"

"eat human?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you eat people. Daling Mountain is the largest power in the west. If we can worship in Daling Mountain, it will be worth dying."

"He doesn't want us to stay here longer and deliberately makes up some rumors to scare us..."

Chen Muyu ignored these people and turned back to the house.

Pilgrimage trail?

This may be an honest way up the mountain.


The next morning, Chen Muyu appeared at the foot of Daling Mountain.

Ahead was a mountain pass and a winding mountain road appeared in front of him.

Looking up, the mountain road looks like a long winding worm, going around and around into the clouds.

There is no one on duty at the mountain pass, and it looks like this mountain road is very ordinary.

At this time, Chen Muyu had already seen many people entering the mountain pass.

Either in groups or alone, most of them are monks above the Saint King realm.

Everyone was extremely excited, and their faces were full of longing for the future.

Chen Muyu saw the fat man who lived next door to him last night, and the fat man also saw him.

"Brother, do you have company? Do you want to go together?"

The fat man was an acquaintance. He walked directly towards Chen Muyu and said, "I am practicing in the Biluo Kingdom, Bateng."


Chen Muyu smiled calmly and cupped his hands, "Yunding Divine Kingdom casual cultivator, Bai Yu."

I gave a false identity and a false name.

After all, what I have to do when I come to Daling Mountain this time is not glorious.

"It turns out to be Brother Bai Yu."

The fat man said a few times that he was glad to meet him, and immediately became familiar with Chen Muyu, and the two entered the mountain pass together.

Looking up, there were scattered people on the mountain road, in twos and threes, but there were quite a few people.

I didn’t feel any different when I set foot on the mountain road.

Some people are very pious. They take one step and bow down.

Some people walked up slowly without bowing.

Some people walk as fast as flying.

The fat man was a little hesitant. He also wanted to kowtow all the way up the mountain to express his piety and yearning for Daling Mountain.

But when I looked up, I saw that the mountain was so high. It would take so many years and months to kneel and worship all the way up!

Obviously, he doesn't have the patience.

After asking Chen Muyu, he found that Chen Muyu was even more unlikely to bow down, so the fat man was relieved and walked as fast as flying.

It was obvious that Dalingshan wanted more than just piety when accepting disciples.

If you were pious enough to be admitted as a disciple of Daling Mountain, Daling Mountain would probably be overcrowded long ago.

The whole journey was peaceful, and half an hour later, before we knew it, we were halfway up the mountain.

Passing by a waterhole, we took a break.

"Brother Bai Yu, I think this pilgrimage mountain road is not as scary as the innkeeper said. At this rate, we can reach the top of the mountain in half an hour!"

The fat man washed his face and was obviously very excited.

Chen Muyu just smiled, it would be nice if it was that simple.

"Brother Bai Yu, why do you look like you are not looking forward to it at all?" The fat man looked at Chen Muyu in surprise.

Along the way, he never saw Chen Muyu smile.

"Look forward to it, why don't you look forward to it? We will be able to worship in Daling Mountain soon. Have you decided who to worship as your teacher?"

Perfunctory, too perfunctory!

The fat man looked embarrassed, "It doesn't matter who I want to be my teacher. What matters is who is willing to accept me!"

"The water from Daling Mountain is so sweet!"

After drinking the water from the pool, the fat man let out a sigh.

This is such a good place.

After walking up for a while, a canyon appeared in front of us, and the mountain road passed through the middle of the canyon.

When the two entered the canyon, the atmosphere became wrong.

Many people were stranded in the canyon.

They were all people who had gone up the mountain before, and there were nearly a hundred people.

There is a waterfall at the end of the canyon. Through the water curtain, you can see the road on the opposite side.

To get there, you have to cross the waterfall.

"what happened?"

The fat man immediately came forward with a curious look on his face.

Why don't these people leave? Why are they stuck here?

No one answered him.

A pair of eyes were looking at the waterfall water curtain, as if there was some monster in the water curtain.


A strong man snorted coldly and stood up, "A bunch of cowardly rats, with just this little courage, they still want to worship in Daling Mountain."

First he scolded everyone, and then he raised his legs and stepped into the water curtain.

Passed through the water curtain easily.

Logically speaking, when others see him, they should immediately follow him.

However, at this moment, no one acted.

A little weird.

After the man passed through the water curtain, he did not appear on the mountain road opposite the water curtain. The whole person seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The fat man obviously noticed this and immediately retreated to Chen Muyu's side.

There was a moment of silence.

"It's just a cover-up. It's too superficial. I want to use this to stop us. Everyone, don't be afraid, just pass through."

The person who spoke was an old man, a strong man at the 15th level of the Transcendent Realm.

In this group of Saint King Realm, the old man's words obviously still have some weight.

A deception?

Everyone was a little stunned.

Then they saw the old man taking the lead through the water curtain, and the rest of the people hesitated for a moment, and finally followed him in.

After all, we have already come this far, and being blocked by such a curtain of water would be too despicable to spread.

Once someone enters, others who are still wandering will naturally choose to follow. The herd mentality applies everywhere.

Even the fat man was not far behind.

"Brother Baten."

Chen Muyu stopped him.

Bateng turned around and looked at Chen Muyu in surprise, "Brother Bai Yu, hurry up..."

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