A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2251 Children are ignorant!

Chapter 2252 Children are ignorant!

What kind of kindness can a weasel give to a rooster when it wishes him a happy New Year?

Luojia was extremely defensive, so he took precautions before introducing people into the side hall.

Sure enough, his guess was not bad. Yang Ming actually dared to have an interest in him. Fortunately, he was protected by the laws of Daling Mountain. Otherwise, he would have almost fallen into Yang Ming's way.

If the other party had bad intentions, Luo Jia would not be polite to them, so he immediately activated the boundary seal and sealed them in the side hall.

Luo Jia was still uneasy and directly activated the sect-protecting formation.

By the time Mu Yi and others reacted, it was already too late.

He stole the chicken but lost the rice. He was caught red-handed and locked in a cage.

No matter how Mu Yi explained, Luojia sealed his heart like cement and refused to listen at all. He only said that he would wait for Wu Xin to come back and let Mu Yi explain to Wu Xin.

Mu Yi was also helpless. She felt that although this matter was wrong, it was not serious enough to completely break up with Dalingshan.

The seal of Daling Mountain can actually be broken open with Mu Yi's strength, but in this case, the contradiction will be solidified, and it will be difficult to make up for it later.

Inside the palace.

"Hmph, I don't know who had the bad idea to put us in this situation..."

Min Gang snorted coldly, his words filled with complaints.

He came to Daling Mountain to plunder the tiger's beard, thinking he could get a bargain and make Luo Jia one of his own. Who would have thought that he would end up in such a mess now.

As soon as Min Gang said this, the other people looked at Mu Yi who was sitting upright on the other side with ill intentions.

This idea naturally came from Mu Jia. Now it seems that Mu Yi himself feels a bit bad.

But is it really bad? It’s not.

The key is that they overestimated Yang Ming and the power of his slave-controlling magic.

Who would have thought that the Divine Slave Technique would fail in Daling Mountain and be noticed by Luo Jia.

"Palace Master Mu Yi, you said it yourself, we can go out when Wu Xin comes back. Now, it has been many days since Wu Xin came back, but he has never come to see me..." Yang Ming asked.

Mu Yi said calmly, "Just be patient and don't be impatient."

"How can I stay calm?"

Yang Ming snorted softly, "If it hadn't been for this, if Mu Jia hadn't taken away the treasure, I might have broken through and achieved the perfect state at this moment..."

The resentment in my heart was almost overflowing.

Mu Yi said, "Yang Ming, you have to understand that the treasure of time belongs to Hongmeng Palace. I don't need to ask for your opinion on how to use it. Besides, you messed up this time. It's because you're not good at studying, so we overestimated you..."


Yang Ming frowned, then sneered, "Palace Master Mu Yi, do you mean that your Hongmeng Palace wants to sever ties with me?"

Mu Yi said, "If I wanted to end my relationship with you, I would have broken the formation and left long ago. Why wait until now?"

Yang Ming's face was bruised and purple, "You seem to be threatening me?"

"Did I ever mean to threaten you?" Mu Yi frowned slightly. This Yang Ming was a little too wary.

Is this persecution paranoia?

I'm just stating a fact. When did I threaten you?


Yang Ming just snorted coldly. In his opinion, what Mu Yi just said was nothing more than a warning to him. I can leave you here and go alone.

Leave him in Daling Mountain?

Even though Yang Ming is quite conceited, in a place like Daling Mountain, he can't guarantee that he can escape.

It can only be said that the hope is very slim. The Divine Slave Technique has no effect here. With a strong man like Wu Xin who has perfected the Holy Lord Realm, torturing him can only be the same as torturing a dish.

Yang Ming took a deep breath and said, "After this incident, Hongmeng Palace and I will go our separate ways and we will owe nothing to each other."

In one sentence, it speaks volumes.

In fact, Yang Ming has something to rely on in his heart.

What he relies on is his identity as the Hongmeng inheritor. With such an identity, he can guarantee that Mu Yi and Mu A will not give up on him.

Therefore, he relied on this level of status to say such things, because he knew that Mu Yi would definitely compromise.

He is the inheritor of Hongmeng Holy Lord, and he should be the master of Hongmeng Palace.

Mu Yi didn't expect him to say this.

The implication is that they are separated and have nothing to do with each other.

Mu Yi opened her mouth to say something, but soon, she suppressed her words and said nothing.

Yang Ming was a little surprised and frowned slightly.

What does it mean not to speak?

Could it be that she thought I was joking with her?

Just when he was about to say something, he saw golden light flashing above the door. The original power was swallowed up for a moment, and then the golden light wrapped around the door disappeared.

The two charms disappeared.


A bell tolled.

The golden bell covering the entire hall also disappeared.

There was a bit of astonishment on everyone's faces.

Are you letting them out?

In the hall, no one moved.

Especially Yang Ming, if he suddenly let them out, he would think it was some kind of trap.


The door opens.

The light came in from outside the door, like opening up the dusty decay.

Several figures appeared at the door.


Mu Yi stood up immediately, and one of them was Mu Jia.

Next to them were Wu Xin and Luo Jia, while Mu Jia was followed by someone else.

It's Chen Muyu.

When he saw Mu Jia, Yang Ming's face was a little happy, but when he saw Chen Muyu, his joy froze slightly.

Wu Xin sat directly on the main seat, turned around, and looked at Mu Yi, Yang Ming and others indifferently.

"Everyone, please give me an explanation." Wu Xin said calmly.

He was actually very depressed inside.

Although they didn't lose this battle in Northern Xinjiang, they didn't win either. The result had a certain impact on their layout of Daling Mountain.

This forced him to reconsider how to handle the war in the north. After returning from the north, he was full of anger.

At that time, I wanted to find Mu Yi and the others to vent my anger, but then I thought about it and realized that this matter could actually be put to good use.

He, Dalingshan, is unreasonable and has nothing to say about matters in the north. But now, the people from Hongmeng Palace came to the door and tried to use forbidden techniques to enslave Luojia. No matter where they are placed, it is their fault. Reasonable.

This was a door-to-door thief, and he was blocked. If nothing else, even if he killed these people directly, Mu Jia would not be able to find anything to say.

But what's the point of killing him? It's just to vent his anger.

This matter may be an opportunity for Hongmeng Palace to compromise. Wu Xin can completely use this matter to make Mu Jia willing to compromise in certain aspects.

Mu Yi felt a little embarrassed at this moment.

She didn't know where to start, but she also knew that what happened this time was caused by Hongmeng Palace's unethical behavior, and it was very reasonable for the other party to give an explanation.

At this time, it was not convenient for her to speak, and she had to take charge of the overall situation as her brother.

Mu Jia had a smile on his face, "Brother Wu Xin, I am a child who is ignorant and may have offended you. Please forgive me. I am here to apologize to you."


As soon as these words came out, Chen Muyu next to him couldn't help but laugh.


Tell me, who is the child here?

Wu Xin's face turned dark, "Brother Mu Jia, you think this is a trivial matter, right?"

I'm obviously very serious about discussing issues with you, but you, with a playful smile on your face, want to get away with it, what do you think I am?

Mu Jia stopped smiling and said, "Brother Wu Xin, please calm down. What happened this time was indeed due to my neglect of discipline, which caused them to get into trouble. However, fortunately, it did not cause too serious consequences. So, please Wu Xin." Brother Xin has a lot of..."

Wu Xin looked at him coldly, "Brother Mu Jia, if I hadn't done it for your sake, do you think they would still be alive today?"

These words are as sharp as a knife.

Wu Xin is not bragging. His strength is comparable to that of Mu Jia. Apart from anything else, with the blessing of the barrier on the Great Spirit Mountain, Mu Jia is no match for him.

As for Mu Yi, even though they are both at the Holy Master Realm, they are still far behind compared to him.

If Wu Xin had murderous intentions, even if she couldn't kill Mu Yi, she would definitely pay a heavy price.

Not to mention Yang Ming and the others, they could kill them with one hand.

The reason why they are kept is not just for the current negotiation with Mu Jia.

Mu Jia paused and said, "Brother Wu Xin, tell me how you want to end it."

He knew what the other party was planning. This matter itself was indeed their fault at Hongmeng Palace. There was no other way, they had to accept the punishment.

First listen to what Wu Xin wants. If it's not too much, you might as well agree to it and give it to him.

What Wu Xin was waiting for was Mu Jia's words.

He immediately calmly said, "Two things. First, Hongmeng Palace will no longer interfere in matters in the north..."


Hearing this, Mu Jia waved his hand directly, "Brother Wu Xin, it is not our Hongmeng Palace that wants to interfere in this matter, but the Minkui Divine Kingdom that wants to interfere..."

Unequivocally, throwing the blame on the Nian Kui Divine Kingdom, Mu Jia is still very slippery in this game.

Wu Xin frowned, "Brother Mu Jia, let alone the Niankui Divine Kingdom, I'm just talking about your Hongmeng Palace."

He would not let Mu Jia get away with it so easily.

Mu Jia said, "I'm afraid I can't agree to this. Brother Wu Xin, if I agree to you, in the future the army from the northern border will drive down, and the countries in the northern border will be bleeding into rivers and their lives will be ruined. I, Hongmeng Gong Zi couldn’t bear to see this scene happen..."


Wu Xin smiled, "When did you, Hongmeng Palace, become so kind-hearted?"

"As the saying goes, God has the virtue of good life, brother Wu Xin, we can't just let the hundreds of millions of creatures in the north fill their lives for our own selfish desires, right?" Mu Jia acted like a holy mother.

Do you really care about those creatures in the north? No, you are not. How could I not know what you are thinking?

Wu Xin sneered in his heart, knowing that Mu Jia was morally kidnapping him, but he did not accept this trick.


Wu Xin took a deep breath, "Let's each take a step back. Your Hongmeng Palace can intervene, but as before, those with power above the Holy Lord realm are not allowed to intervene. I don't want what happened in Genting to happen again."

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