A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 226 Zhuge Liannu! 【Second update】

When I came to the sixth door, I pulled out the system and scanned it.


Item: Mechanical stone door!

Introduction: The stone door is a machine made of heavy stone. It contains a high-level seal. It can only be unlocked by a thousand liters of blood. If the door is broken by force, the seal will explode and everything hidden inside will be destroyed!

Completeness: 100%.

Acquisition: Acquisition requires 20 million wealth points.

Recycling: The system recycles and you can get a wealth value of 20 million.

Note: This product is owned by an owner, and compulsory acquisition will cost 10 times the wealth value.


It's still the original information. If this door is acquired by force, it will cost a full 200 million.

Chen Muyu's remaining wealth is still worth 700 million, so he can still afford this price.

However, why do we have to spend 200 million yuan to do something that can be done with 2,000 yuan?

Of course, Chen Muyu could not guarantee whether pig blood could be used.

But even if it doesn't work, it will only be a loss of two thousand yuan, and the cost can be ignored.

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Chen Muyu took out the box containing pig blood.

The box is made of foam, and there is an insulation layer in the middle. The insulation effect is very small. When you take out the pig blood bag inside, it is still hot.

It wasn't long ago, and I don't know if it was processed in the slaughterhouse, but the blood hasn't coagulated yet.

Take out a bag and weigh it, ten kilograms.

Pull it open and splash it directly on the door.

Strangely enough, as soon as the pig's blood was splashed on the stone door, it immediately soaked in like water splashed on a sponge.

It was dry in a moment.

Chen Muyu's eyes lit up. This Shimen really has some skills. It seems that pig blood is useful.

Immediately he opened the second bag and the third bag.

A total of 110 bags were poured on the door.

The stone door was like a bloodthirsty demon that would not reject anyone who came. No matter how much Chen Muyu splashed on it, every drop would be sucked away by it.

Not even a drop fell to the ground.

When the ninety-eighth bag was pulled, the entire stone door was stained blood red, and there seemed to be a faint flash of red light. Then, there was only a crackling sound, and the stone door shattered into many small pieces, clattering. collapsed to the ground.

It's that simple?

This is only ninety-eight bags, enough for two thousand catties? It seems that Li Jianmin is very good at doing business. Not only is he not short of money, but he also has plenty.

Inside the door, it was dark.

Chen Muyu was careful and took out a flashlight to shine a light on it, fearing that another mechanism man would suddenly rush out.

In the stone chamber, there was a stone platform with a black object on it.

I walked over and saw it was a crossbow.

The whole body was pitch black, and when the light shone, it glowed with the legendary colorful black light.

He reached out and grabbed the handle of the crossbow, and lifted the crossbow up.

Slightly heavy, but very textured.

No arrows!

He stretched out his hand to explore the bowstring, and heard a buzzing sound, like a dragon's roar.


Item: Zhuge Liannu!

Introduction: Advanced martial arts, the crossbow body has an arrow box, which can be placed with spirit stones. The runes on the crossbow body will automatically fill with energy arrows. The higher the quality of the energy stone, the more powerful the arrows. If you have no owner, you can identify the owner with a drop of blood...


Zhuge Liannu?

Is this thing the legendary Zhuge Liannu?

Chen Muyu was quite surprised.

He bit his index finger and blood dripped on the crossbow.

The blood rushed in quickly.

At that moment, Chen Muyu seemed to have some more information related to this Zhuge Liannu in his mind.

After careful study, there is indeed a cover under the crossbow body that can be opened.

Chen Muyu immediately took a fifth-level Yang Yuan stone from the storage ring and put it in.

As soon as the lid was closed, I immediately felt that the crossbow body was slightly hot, and the bow body glowed faintly with red light.

Click, click, click!

The arrow box under the bow body vibrated slightly, and it rang ten times before stopping.

One energy stone can condense into ten energy arrows.

There is a mechanism next to the handle that can adjust the automatic, single-shot and safety states.

Chen Muyu directly set it to single-shot mode.

With a click, an arrow that looked fiery red with a hint of transparency appeared on the bow, and the bowstring quickly and automatically pulled to the full moon state.

Pointed at the wall and pulled the trigger.


The energy arrow was wrapped in flames and shot out instantly with a roar like an angry dragon.


A dustpan-sized hole was blasted in the wall, more than a foot deep.

Oh, so fierce?

Chen Muyu was speechless for a while. The speed and power of this arrow should be enough to hurt a fifth-level Jingjing realm martial artist, right?

Switch to automatic.

One pull of the trigger.

"Brush, brush, brush!"

The remaining nine energy arrows were shot cleanly in less than three seconds.

A large hole of more than one meter was blasted into the wall, and the entire underground palace seemed to shake.

"Too fierce!"

Chen Muyu's breathing was a bit rapid. He was only in the Essence Condensation Realm now. If someone took this thing and fired it at him like just now, Chen Muyu asked himself whether he could still dodge one or two, but if he hid so many , I'm afraid there will be a few holes left in the body.

This is only a fifth-level Yang Yuan Stone. If a ninth-level Yang Yuan Stone were put in, wouldn't it be able to hurt a ninth-level Void Refining Realm warrior?

If the Martial Saint inner elixir was put in, would it be okay?

High-end martial arts treasure, a real treasure!

An absolute weapon!

Opening the arrow box, the energy of the Yang Yuan Stone had been exhausted. The stone shattered into slag and fell to the ground with a slight shake.

Although it is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy.

Two thousand yuan, in exchange for a high-end martial arts weapon Zhuge Liannu, it's worth it! So worth it!

Chen Muyu was in a good mood and said that the trip was well worth it.

After leaving the stone chamber, the door of the last stone chamber was still open.


Item: Mechanical stone door!

Introduction: The stone door is a mechanism made of heavy stone. It contains a high-level seal that can be unlocked by one hundred thousand liters of blood. If the door is broken open forcefully, the seal will explode and everything hidden inside will be destroyed!

Completeness: 100%.

Acquisition: Acquisition requires a wealth value of 2 billion.

Recycling: The system recycles and you can get a wealth value of 2 billion.

Note: This product is owned by an owner, and compulsory acquisition will cost 10 times the wealth value.


The forced recycling of this stone gate will cost 20 billion. If we continue to use pig blood, it will only cost about 200,000.

Chen Muyu was somewhat eager to know what was hidden in this last stone room.

There is no doubt that its value is definitely far higher than this Zhuge Liannu.

After making sure that there was nothing else in the stone chamber just now, Chen Muyu poured the remaining dozen bags of pig blood on the last stone door in line with the principle of not wasting. After all, it was only a few hundred yuan. The next time he comes, Can save a little.

Seal the door of the underground palace, come out from the horse drinking pool, and close the entrance.

Silt soon covered the entrance again.

Unfortunately, it didn't rain this time, so the thick layer of ice was still frozen in the pool, and the water in the lower layer had been drained, making it look very weird.

After getting out of the ice hole, except for the hole in the ice, it looked the same as before.

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