A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2298 It’s a bit tricky!

Chapter 2299 It’s a bit tricky!

As soon as these words were spoken, Wu Xin was immediately speechless.

"Brother Mu Jia, you are really eloquent."

Wu Xin spoke calmly, with a cold expression on his face. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Okay, I don't care about this matter. Let's just pretend that you found the jade bi, but you have to tell me. How was the jade found, where was it found, and who stole the jade..."

Outside the cave, in the distance.

On a hilltop, Chen Muyu and three others were watching a show.

The spiritual sense detects everything in the cave. Although a few people in the cave are aware of it, no one cares about them.

When he heard Wu Xin say these words, Chen Muyu's expression changed instantly.

Who stole it?

Wasn't it him who stole it?

"Otherwise, let's withdraw first." Ancestor Donglai also felt something was wrong.

What the hell if the Mu Jia brothers and sisters directly sold Chen Muyu, Wu Xin might be chasing him all over the world.

Hearing this, Hu Bugui's eyes looked a little strange.

Turning to look at Chen Muyu, "Brother Chen, could it be you who did it?"

Originally, he just thought Chen Muyu's reaction was a bit strange, so he asked casually, but after asking this question and looking at Chen Muyu's evasive eyes, he immediately understood something.


Hu Bugui was so angry that he didn't even know what to say.

He even eats melon. He eats melon so much that he eats it on himself.

"Go, go, go."

Hu Bugui was a little anxious and quickly asked the wind to pull.

It doesn't matter if you die, but don't hurt me either.

"No hurries?"

Chen Muyu calmed down, "It's unfounded. Who said it was me?"

Besides, Mu Jia may not sell him.

If Mu Jia didn't sell him, what would he do if he ran away?

At this time, in the cave.

Facing Wu Xin's question, Mu Yi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mu Jia's eyes.

Mu Jia greeted Wu Xin with a smile, "The people under my command found the things. I didn't ask much about the specific circumstances. If Brother Wu Xin wants to know the answer, he might as well wait until he returns to the Eastern Continent. Find someone to ask about the situation, and I’ll inform you later.”

Wu Xin frowned, how could he believe such a thing.


Mu Jia smiled and said, "The Infinite Jade is here now. If Brother Wu Xin wants to know the answer, he can use the Jade to find out the cause and effect."


Wu Xin chuckled lightly, and with a big move of his hand, the jade bi flew back into his sleeve, "Okay, when I find out the cause and effect, Brother Mu Jia, don't deny it when the time comes."

This immeasurable jade is something that the immeasurable king recognizes as its owner. If you want to use it, you have to use the essence and blood of the immeasurable king. Otherwise, you can only use a jade order from the sect, but there is a cooling time, at least It can only be used again in half a month.

Yubi had just been used by Mu Yi, so it was obviously unrealistic for him to investigate again now.

Mu Jia breathed a sigh of relief. Although he felt unwilling to do so, at this point, he had no choice. He could only let Wu Xin take the things away, otherwise he would have to fight.

If Dalingshan accuses him of stealing a jade wall, first of all, they will lose morally.

"Palace Master Mu Yi, what did you just find out?" Wu Xin looked at Mu Yi calmly with his eyes.

Mu Yi felt quite depressed at this moment, "I originally wanted to check the whereabouts of the Origin Pearl, but I was interrupted by Brother Wu Xin and couldn't find out what happened!"


Wu Xin smiled, "Why, do you still blame me for this?"

Mu Yi hesitated, they were always the ones at the loss.

In the distance, Chen Muyu broke into a cold sweat!

Fortunately, Mu Jia was still loyal and did not confess him on the spot.

After hesitating for a moment, he moved forward.

When they came to the cave, the atmosphere between the two parties was a little subtle.

"Everyone, have you found the Origin Bead?" Chen Muyu asked.


Before Mu Jia could say anything, the man next to him laughed wildly, "I didn't find the Origin Pearl, but I did find the Infinite Jade Wall!"

There was a hint of joking in his words.


Chen Muyu seemed to have just found out, "Found it? That's a good thing!"

After saying that, he cupped his hands towards Wu Xin and said, "The treasure was lost and found. Congratulations to Brother Wu Xin!"

Wu Xin raised his head and glanced at him without saying a word, as if to tell him, "Brother Wu Xin, we are not familiar with each other."

"Brother Chen!"

At this time, Mu Jia spoke, "Brother Wu Xin is suspecting that I stole the Wuliang Jade Wall..."

These words are aimed at Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu looked back at him, "Oh? Is it brother Mu Jia?"

"How can it be!"

Mu Jia chuckled lightly, "I can swear that Hongmeng Palace has nothing to do with the theft of Wuliang Jade Wall. I, Hongmeng Palace, do not have such sneaky people..."

Chen Muyu froze for a moment, brother, are you taking this opportunity to scold me?


Before Chen Muyu could say anything, Wu Xin said, "Mu Jia, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you brothers and sisters here. I have something to do. Let's negotiate slowly when we return to the Eastern Continent!"

After saying that, Wu Xin left directly.

A bunch of people were left, looking at each other.

"This matter is a bit tricky!"

Mu Jia looked outside the cave and said something for a long time, obviously for Chen Muyu.

"Yeah." Chen Muyu hummed.

The man looked at the two of them and asked, "What riddle are you two doing?"

"Heh." Chen Muyu laughed.

Mu Jia also spread his hands, "The immeasurable jade has been taken away. Isn't this troublesome enough?"

Indeed, the jade is indeed very important to them. If Dalingshan obtains the jade, they will definitely have a great advantage in the future battle between the three families.

The loss and recovery of this thing is not good news for Hongmeng Palace, nor is it good news for Liankui Divine Kingdom.

"Can't we just find another way to get it back?" he said madly.


These words were really shocking. Mu Jia smiled and said, "Brother Yanmang, do you have a way to get the Infinite Jade Bi back from his hands?"

That was Wu Xin, and the thing was already in his hands. Who else in the world has the ability to snatch the jade back from his hand again?

Just standing and talking without pain in the back.

"Methods are thought up by people, let's study them later," he said.

After saying that, he smiled and didn't care.


The Origin Pearl has not been found yet, so Mu Jia and the others will not give up so easily.

A group of people were searching upstream along the Bailong River, hoping to turn the entire Bailong River upside down and clean it up.

Mu Jia found a chance to be alone with Chen Muyu.

"Half a month, within half a month, if there is no countermeasure, Wu Xin can use the jade to check. It should not be difficult to find out that you stole the jade. By then, I won't be able to save you."

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