A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2318: All races gather to form an alliance!

Back then, Ling Kuang left a huge shadow on the Northern Continent. Such an inexplicable death was really unrealistic. What's more, Ling Kuang was not only a person, but also an organization. God knows that after Ling Kuang was defeated and left the Northern Continent, After so many years of secret operation, how many powerful fans have you gained?

To this day, no one can tell how big the Ling Kuang organization has grown.

It is like a virus. Over the years, no one has controlled it, and no one knows to what extent it has spread.

This alliance will also focus on discussing this matter. The strength of the enemy, after so many years of preparation, is already unknown. In order to avoid repeating the tragedy of the past, all races must show great determination.

We will not give up until the Ling Kuang organization is completely eradicated.

When necessary, strong people can even be borrowed from other continents.

After arriving at Tangyin Mountain, the alliance began within two days.

But nothing happened to Chen Muyu. For the Taiwu clan, Chen Muyu's role was just an introduction, a bait to attract Ling Kuang to show up.

As long as the news about Chen Muyu's spiritual seed is spread, that organization will definitely take action. In this way, the powerful people from various tribes will be able to act according to their own circumstances, seize the opportunity, and wipe out this organization in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Chen Muyu did not show up during the alliance meeting. The specific countermeasures were all discussed by the thirty-six ancient tribes in the northern continent.

The entire alliance lasted for three days.

During these three days, Tang Wushan was in a closed state, and everyone used various means to screen the strong men brought by each family one by one.

You wouldn’t know it if you didn’t screen it, but you’d be shocked once you screen it.

A total of 82 people have been screened out and have been controlled by the Divine Art of Controlling Slaves.

All of them are in the Holy Lord Realm, and 25 of them have reached the peak of the Holy Lord Realm.

This was something that no one expected.

After all these years, the tribes of the Northern Continent thought that they were in peace with each other after driving Ling Kuang out of the Northern Continent. Little did they expect that the other side still did not give up infiltrating the tribes of the Northern Continent.

And, without realizing it, the penetration was already so deep.

These are just the powerful people they brought to the meeting. It is hard to imagine how many other people in the clan have been infiltrated.

Above the main hall, there was no one except the Nether clan, and the 35 clan leaders all looked gloomy.

The situation is indeed very serious, and some people have even broken into cold sweats.

This Divine Slave Control Technique can be prevented and checked, but it cannot be solved.

Everyone discussed how to deal with these people. They couldn't bear to kill them. Moreover, they were afraid of attracting the attention of the organization, so in the end, they just sealed these 82 people in Tangwu Mountain.

In the future, if the leader of Ling Kuang is captured, maybe these people can be rescued again.

Originally, these clan leaders didn't pay much attention to the Taiwu clan's intention to request an alliance, but now, everyone knows that the matter is more serious than imagined.

Previously, Chen Muyu told Mingxuan that Ling Kuang had fallen, and this matter seemed to be self-defeating.

Ling Kuang is not dead, he is still alive and well. Not only is he alive and well, his ambition is still expanding and he is always making plans. Otherwise, where would these enslaved strong men from the 36 tribes of the Northern Continent come from?

After the alliance, the first thing to do was that all the tribes left in a hurry and went back to check on the tribesmen.

After that, reliable strong men were sent to the Western Continent one after another.

Since Huaian asked Chen Muyu to send the spiritual seeds to the Western Continent, there is no doubt that Ling Kuang's headquarters is in the Western Continent.

It's just that there are many strong people hidden in the Western Continent. The number of strong people in the Perfection Realm is not inferior to that of the Northern Continent, or even more than that of the Northern Continent.

Among them, I don’t know how many of them are from Ling Kuang’s group.

After so many years, how could Ling Kuang not make any achievements in the Western Continent?

Therefore, Mingxuan and the others also felt that this trip to the Western Continent would not be so easy, and there might be a fierce battle.

But regardless of the outcome, this battle is inevitable.

The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. Now there is an opportunity to attract this enemy hiding in the dark. They cannot give up.

The other party's desire to destroy me will not die. The longer it is delayed, the stronger the opponent's strength will accumulate, which is extremely detrimental to the tribes in the northern continent.


A few days have passed, Mu Jia and others have come out of seclusion, and their lost memories have been restored to some extent.

After several people confirmed each other, the whole picture of what happened in Wangquan that day was basically restored.

That day, Mu Yi and Dong Lai were fighting with Ming Yan and his son. Kunlun suddenly escaped from the trap and caught Ming Yan off guard. He grabbed Ming Yan's body and flew away.

Mu Yi and Donglai Ancestor were affected by the Law of Wangquan and lost their memory, but King Netherworld was still awake and chased them out.

That's it.

Wu Xin tried to save Kunlun but failed, and was almost saved by Kunlun in turn.

Kunlun was born and took away the great master Ming Yan. The world of the four realms was bound to have another great being.

It is difficult to judge how the situation in the four domains will develop in the future.

Of course, for Mu Jia and the others, even if it has an impact on them, it will take time to brew. Their own strength is not weak. This time they fell into Kunlun's way, completely because they underestimated the enemy and had no defense at all. .

Who would have thought that Kunlun would counterattack, and its retained strength would still be so strong.

If they are on guard, in fact, these three people may not lose to Kunlun.

After all, these three people are already considered to be the top beings in the world. No matter how strong Kunlun is, he is only in the perfection state.

There is no need to stay here in the northern continent anymore. Mu Jia is a little worried, fearing that Kunlun will go to find Kunhong.

After all, Kun Hong is the inheritor of Kunlun, and he retains part of Kunlun's inheritance, including Kunlun's inner world, all in Kun Hong's hands. Now that Kunlun is out of trouble, in order to quickly reach the peak of strength, he may go to get it back. All of this.

If such a being were to go to Hongmeng Palace, and there was no Perfection Realm powerhouse sitting in Hongmeng Palace, I don’t know what the situation would be like.

Therefore, the group of people left the northern continent in a hurry.

Before leaving, Mu Jia came to see Chen Muyu.

After learning about the Northern Continent Alliance's plan, Mu Jia didn't say anything but wished Chen Muyu good luck.

He also knew that the alliance plan in the Northern Continent would definitely trigger a large-scale battle, but he did not want to get involved.

Not to mention him, neither Qian Mang nor Wu Xin wanted to be involved.

Their eyes are set on the most important Eastern Continent. If the Northern Continent and Western Continent can work together, they will be free of worries and can concentrate on dealing with the war in the Eastern Continent.

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