A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2341 Mother Mangshan appears!


Chen Muyu shook his head, "Do you think he sincerely wants to trade with us?"

"Master, the price you offered is so outrageous. He agreed without even thinking. He didn't bargain at all. He is obviously not sincere."

"Moreover, the transaction time is scheduled to be after the war. Haha, by then, his subordinates will be free. If we are really stupid and trade with him, we may die without knowing how..."

Chen Muyu said, "Besides, we have already made an agreement with the Taiwu Clan and have already paid for their spirit jade. How can we do anything treacherous?"

In comparison, the Taiwu clan is much more reliable.

From the moment he accepted the spiritual jade from the Taiwu Clan, he never thought about giving the spiritual seed to Ling Kuang.

Especially now that Mingxuan is one of our own, it is the safest way to follow the path pointed by Mingxuan and help the Taiwu Clan become a powerful witch ancestral realm so as to get rid of the curse on himself.

As for Huaian's promise, Chen Muyu didn't take it seriously. You've already cursed me, why the hell should I help you?

What's more, Huaian is not necessarily reliable. Even if he follows Huaian's instructions, the curse may not be solved.

"In this way, we cannot let Bei Continent lose in this battle." Dong Lai looked into the distance, worried.

Chen Muyu nodded slightly.

If the Northern Continent loses, and Ling Kuang retains his strength, he will definitely attack them immediately.

Unfortunately, Yang Ming only said that there would be a war in the Western Continent that day, but did not say the final result of this war.

"You and I can't intervene in this battle."

Chen Muyu had a bit of struggle on his face.

Is there really no way to intervene?

In fact, the battle with Ling Kuang and the others just now, although it was a sneak attack, was enough to prove that Chen Muyu's current combat power could compete with those at the early stage of the Perfection Realm.

The two of them can barely be regarded as two early-stage combatants in the Perfection Realm. If they bite the bullet, they can still intervene.

It's just that the risk factor is higher.

Currently, Ling Kuang's side is well prepared and has more than thirty people in the Perfection Realm. In comparison, the Northern Continent side is at a disadvantage.

If the two of them intervene, the Northern Continent's side can still increase its chances of winning.

"Master, don't be impulsive."

Ancestor Donglai seemed to see the struggle in Chen Muyu's eyes, and quickly reminded, "With our little strength, we can't reverse the occupation. Master, don't underestimate the people of the Northern Continent, especially the Taiwu clan, who are cursed With the help of magic, the Northern Continent still has a chance of winning."

Chen Muyu woke up and suppressed the impulse in his heart.

It's a pity that this is the Western Continent, and he doesn't have any connections, so it's hard to shake people.

All that can be done at the moment is to watch the battle.

Anyway, it's best not to involve yourself.

The battle at Xiaolingshan was far more brutal than imagined.

It lasted for more than two months, and during this period, strong men fell one after another.

On the northern continent, most of the low-level monks they brought were dead or injured. Eighteen of the peak-level warriors had died, and three of the perfection-level warriors had also died.

Ling Kuang's side is not much better. Seven people who are strong in the Perfection Realm have already fallen.

The Taiwu Clan's curse technique is indeed overbearing.

Mingyu and Mingyan didn't even have to go on the field directly. Instead, they hid behind and played support, setting up a cursed blood array, which greatly suppressed the power of the other camp.

As a result, the obvious disparity in combat power between the two sides was evened out.

For two months, Chen Muyu remained as a bystander, holding back and not taking action.

He thought that the battle would be over in a short time, but he never expected that it would last so long.

Although a group of strong men deliberately blocked the aura and controlled the battle within the confines of Xiaoling Mountain, the battle was so fierce that it was impossible for the outside world not to know about it.

Long before the battle started, Chen Muyu had already asked Fan Xin to return to the Eastern Continent.

The current situation can only be controlled by Wu Xin and the other top bosses. Otherwise, if the fight continues like this, the fight will never end.

The strong men fell and the origins escaped. Chen Muyu took advantage of this opportunity to hide in the periphery and pick up leaks. He has obtained about 30,000 supreme origins.

However, the feeling of eating bloody steamed buns was not good. He still hoped that these two groups could stop as soon as possible. If the fight continued like this, both sides would become red-eyed and might be out of control.

How can the world of the four realms withstand the devastation of these powerful men?

Calculating the time, if Wu Xin and the others get the news, they should be here soon.

Chen Muyu didn't know how Hongmeng Palace and the Nian Kui Divine Society would react, but Wu Xin would definitely intervene.

After all, this matter is related to Xiaoling Mountain, which is the foundation of Taifan Kingdom.

Three more days passed.

Chen Muyu didn't wait for enlightenment, but instead waited for someone who he didn't expect at all.

Hu Bugui.

This old guy went missing after some mischief in the Northern Continent, and there was no news about him. We only know that he went to see some old friend.

Now he suddenly appeared in the Western Continent. When Chen Muyu saw him, it was really a surprise.

Outside Xiaoling Mountain.

There was another person following Hu Bugui.

a woman.

He looks to be in his thirties or forties. He is nearly two meters tall and not very tall. He is dressed in a luxurious brocade robe and looks quite majestic.

Especially those pair of eyes, light blue, extremely sharp, a glance at them can make people feel terrified.

"This is Mother Mangshan."

Hu Bugui introduced Chen Muyu.

Mother Mangshan?

Hearing this, Chen Muyu's heart skipped a beat and he was stunned for a few seconds.

According to legend, the woman of Holy Lord Xuanwu, the master of Taimang Abyss, the old mother of Mangshan who is said to have fallen long ago?

Is she still alive? Moreover, he got together with Hu Bugui?

That day, in the Taimang Abyss, in the mansion of Mother Mangshan, Mu Jia and the others guessed that Mother Mangshan might not have died, but maybe she was hiding somewhere, but that was just a guess.

Now, this speculation has become a reality.

"Old Gui, the friend you are looking for is Mother Mangshan, right?" Chen Muyu asked.

Hu Bugui nodded and did not deny it. "It took me a lot of effort to find my mother's residence. An accident might have happened, so no one said anything."

Chen Muyu didn't say much, but turned to Old Mother Mangshan and cupped his hands, "Chen Muyu, I have met Old Mother Mangshan."

Mangshan's old mother's face was very plain. She just glanced at Chen Muyu and nodded slightly, "I heard Hu Bugui talk about you. He praised you very much. Seeing you today is not an exaggeration."

Chen Muyu smiled. He was curious about what Hu Bugui said about him, but obviously, now was not the time to be clever.

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