A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2354 The destination of spiritual seeds!

Qionghua Mountain.

Originally, Chen Muyu wanted to wait for Mu Jia and the others to recover from their injuries and come to Qionghua Mountain together. However, Ming Yu was obviously unwilling to involve others, especially Mu Jia and the others.

Spiritual seeds are very important to the Taiwu Clan.

Although it is of little use to monks outside the Taiwu Clan, even the cursed aura released by the spiritual seeds will affect the monks' practice, so they can only stay away from it.

However, this does not prevent other monks from causing damage.

In the world of spiritual practice, the weak eat the strong. If you are strong, I will be weak. So why should I make you strong?

Mingyu knew this well, so in order to avoid unnecessary complications, he did not bring anyone with him except the Taiwu clan members.

At this time, Qionghua Mountain was almost flattened due to the impact of the explosion, but the space overlap point was still there.

A hint of joy appeared on Mingyu's face.

He took a step forward and entered the void. With a wave of his sleeves, the surrounding wasteland quickly condensed and a huge mountain rose from the ground.

In just a moment, Qionghua Mountain basically returned to its original appearance.

As soon as he pointed out, where the spaces overlapped, a cave was formed.

Mingyu walked in casually, waved his sleeves again, and placed the corner of the holy land that he had originally put away in the overlapping space.

Pools, stalactites, and two-headed snakes reappear.

The overlapping of spaces is so wonderful.

The mysterious power of space closely connects two places that are extremely far apart.

Strictly speaking, this place belongs to both the Western Continent and the Northern Continent.

"How does it work?"

Chen Muyu came to the cave and looked at the familiar scene in front of him. There was not even a decent piece of land. Where should the spiritual seeds be planted?

Mingyu pointed to the pool in front of him, "Just put the spiritual seeds into the pool. The spiritual power here is enough to support the growth of the spiritual seeds."

Chen Muyu nodded.

"Are you sure you want to plant it here?"

Confirming with Mingyu again, after all, the opportunity is only once, and Chen Muyu cannot predict what will happen if the seeds are planted.

Mingyu nodded, very sure.

At that moment, Chen Muyu took out the wooden box without saying a word and opened it simply.

A green seedling grows in the box, full of vitality.

Ming Yu and other Taiwu clan members were all stagnant in breathing, as if they could feel some energy from that seedling that Chen Muyu could not feel.

The box tipped over.

The seedlings slid out together with the soil in the box and fell into the pool.

When the soil comes into contact with the water surface, it will soon assimilate the pond water, and it will expand and grow rapidly like soil.

But after a long time, the water in the pool was sucked dry, and was replaced by a pool full of dark brown soil.

In the middle of the dirt, the ground shook slightly.

A sapling soon sprouted from the ground.

The surrounding source energy quickly gathered towards the sapling, and the sapling grew taller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, long-lost smiles appeared on the nervous faces of Mingyu and others.

Live, live, live.

Mingyu took out the jade bottle and poured down the remaining half of the bottle of Shi'e stalactite.

The sapling gained energy and continued to grow wildly.

It didn't stop until it grew to more than one foot tall.

This tree looks a bit like an orange tree.

Vaguely, a few small flowers seemed to bloom, and a strange fragrance spread directly over the scene.

The excitement on the faces of Mingyu and others was even greater.

It’s done, it’s done, it’s really done.

Immediately, the two-headed snake flew to the tree, circled the trunk and reached the branches, swimming back and forth.

Nobuko kept swallowing and swallowing, as if he was tasting something delicious.

The human face is full of confusion.

Finally, the two-headed snake coiled around a flower and buried its head, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

The excitement on the faces of Mingyu and others was obvious.

Chen Muyu, on the other hand, didn't know what this meant to the Taiwu Clan. He just felt that the aura released by this tree made him feel a little depressed.

Presumably, it should be some kind of curse power, or some kind of special energy that the Taiwu clan relied on to practice.

"You will practice here for the time being and protect the sacred tree. There must be no mistakes before the sacred tree bears fruit."

Mingyu recovered his mind and gave instructions to everyone.


The six or seven remaining members of the Taiwu Clan sat down around the small tree in the cave.

At this time, Mingyu turned around and looked at Chen Muyu, "Brother Chen, look at the curse on you."

Chen Muyu smiled bitterly.

He picked up his hand and showed it to Mingyu.

At the tiger's mouth, the leaf-shaped mark still existed, and it seemed to be darker in color.

In other words, even though he followed Huaian's instructions, the curse was still not lifted.

"It seems that Huaian didn't even think about letting you live." Mingyu sighed helplessly.

Is it?

Chen Muyu was also helpless. He had already thought of such a result, but perhaps Huaian could not be entirely blamed. After all, Ling Kuang was still alive.

Perhaps, some of his operations did not follow Huaian's original intention.

But it's too late to say this now.

If he did it again, it would be impossible for him to hand over the spiritual seed to Ling Kuang.

A person like Ling Kuang is so crazy. He has not yet broken through to the Perfection Realm, but he is already so tough. If a spiritual seed was given to him and allowed him to break through to the Perfection Realm, would he still be able to achieve it?

"Brother Chen, don't worry. When the spiritual tree bears fruit, I will break through to the realm of my witch ancestor and give you a try. I believe it won't be difficult to undo the curse on you by then."

Mingyu expressed relief at the right moment.

Chen Muyu asked, "How long does it take for this tree to bear fruit?"

Mingyu glanced back, "It's hard to say, but over the years, our Taiwu clan has accumulated a lot of Shi'e stalactites, and with the Shi'e stalactites watering them, it won't take long to bear fruit. "

He knew that Chen Muyu was anxious, but Mingyu was equally anxious.

He must rush to break through the witch ancestral realm. Only then can the Taiwu clan have a real say among the powerful powers in the four realms.

Chen Muyu glanced at him thoughtfully. Listening to Mingyu's tone, he still had a lot of spiritual liquid in his hand. This Taiwu clan probably has a really strong foundation.

"What are your plans next?" Chen Muyu asked immediately.

Now, Ling Kuang has run away, and this matter has come to an end for the time being. Will he go back to the Northern Continent next? Or do you want to continue to stay?

Mingyu said, "I'm afraid I won't go back to the Northern Continent for the time being. In half a year, I'll have to go to the Western Sea to take a look. It's a lot of trouble to go back and forth. Moreover, the spiritual tree has not yet bear fruit, and there are too many variables. In the past six months, Just stay in the Western Continent for now."

Chen Muyu didn't say much, but just reminded, "Ling Kuang is very likely to leave and come back. Fellow Taoist Mingyu, be careful."

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