A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2400: Saints donate spiritual jade!

Obviously, he just tried to persuade him and asked him to come up with a solution, which was really a bit difficult for him.

Ling Kuang's face became increasingly gloomy.

At this time, an old man in red robe next to him said, "Master, what Fellow Taoist Bailu said is actually not unreasonable. The spiritual seed comes from Fellow Taoist Huaian. The spiritual seed can relieve the curse on the master. It is also Fellow Taoist Huai'an." Said..."

"He has fallen."

Ling Kuang snorted coldly and interrupted the red-robed old man's words.

Speaking of Huaian, he was also very angry.

You have found a way to understand my curse and have cultivated the spiritual seed. You should have told me earlier, and I would have sent someone to find you.

This guy didn't know how to find a reliable person, so he chose that guy Chen Muyu, which made the current situation so embarrassing.

Too passive.

The old man in red robe said, "The fall is just a one-sided statement by the boy named Chen. What's more, even if he falls, there may be something left behind. I don't think he can absolutely trust this Chen Muyu. He should have second-hand preparations. Master, We might as well go to Kuishan Sect."


At this time, the white-bearded old man quickly said, "While the three masters are all in the Western Continent, it is the right time for us to go to the Eastern Continent..."

Ling Kuang pinched his chin and started thinking.

These words seemed to speak to his heart.

It is no longer realistic to obtain spiritual seeds now. It is better to try your luck in the Eastern Continent.

The three major masters are not in the Eastern Continent. Shouldn't the current Eastern Continent be left to his hands?

Those three people had done a lot of harm to themselves, so they just took this opportunity to go to their lair and recover their losses.

"What do you think?"

After a moment, Ling Kuang seemed to have made some kind of decision and glanced at everyone.

Everyone still doesn't know the situation.

"I'll wait for the second opinion!"


Let’s talk about the Eastern Continent.

After the unremitting efforts of a group of people, the crack in the barrier under the northern abyss was finally connected to the Kuishan Sect.

With the blessing of the Qiankun Shifting Formation, a space channel directly penetrates two distant spaces.

As long as a strange beast comes out of the cracks in the barrier, it will be teleported to the mountain gate of Kuishan Sect immediately.

Just for this channel, these people have been trying to find the exact transmission node for a long time.

Of course, whether this method will work or not will only be known when the next wave of strange beasts comes.

On the northern border, only part of the garrison is left to guard, and there is no need for other coalition forces to stay.

After months of bloody fighting, it was time to disperse.

There were piles of flesh and blood everywhere on the battlefield. Looking back, it was hard to imagine how the past few months had passed.

Kuishan Sect.

Many strong men came all the way to Kuishan Mountain to see if this natural cage was really that strong.

If the Kuishan Sect's sect-protecting formation cannot trap the alien beasts, their work for so long will be in vain.

Fortunately, after an inspection, they were not disappointed.

The array is not damaged and is completely usable.

Considering the prosperity of the Kuishan Sect back then, the strength of its sect-protecting formation was naturally beyond imagination.

Its intensity depends entirely on how much energy is provided.

If there is enough energy, perhaps even the five-star and six-star Perfection Realm experts may not be able to shake it.

You know, back then so many strong men besieged the Kuishan Sect, but none of them could damage the formation.

Several top experts tried to break the formation, but they couldn't shake it even with all their strength. Everyone knew it and felt relieved.


At this time, Marquis Kui said, "Now that everything is ready, this Kuishan Sect's formation should be able to sustain for a period of time. In a short period of time, we will be safe and sound. However, this formation consumes a lot of energy. I am afraid that the Kuai Divine Kingdom alone will not be able to hold on for long, so next, I need all of you to donate generously."

This is asking for money directly.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. As the saying goes, talking about money hurts feelings. They were happy just now, but now their faces were covered with a hint of embarrassment.

Instead, Luo Jia said, "This is what it should be. What's happening here is not anyone's family's business. If those strange beasts are allowed to escape, no one present will be able to survive alone..."

Everyone nodded.

Luo Jia continued, "If this move can really work, I, the Great Spirit Mountain, will definitely help. In a short time, we can mobilize at least 20 trillion top-quality spiritual jades..."

Kuihou said, "Brother Luojia, 20 trillion is just a drop in the bucket."


If you say this, just tell everyone directly that 20 trillion is too little.

Everyone's face couldn't help but tremble.

20 trillion, this is already a huge sum. If it were an ordinary kingdom of gods, there should be quite a few people who could come up with this number. However, there are absolutely very few people who are willing to come up with such a large amount.

Luo Jia said, "I just said that this matter is not a family affair. There are so many Taoist brothers here, so please donate generously."

There are at least hundreds of peak-level experts present at the scene now, all of them are bosses of one force.

You chip in a little, I chip in a little, and the amount will naturally increase.

Regarding Luo Jia's proposal, King Canglan was the most active, and immediately said, "Our Canglan Kingdom is not as big as Dalingshan, but I can also try my best to collect some spiritual jade, about 5 trillion , it should still be possible to take it out.”

This guy is a bit expressive.

5 trillion is not a small number.

Everyone felt a little sick in their hearts, and some even cursed King Canglan secretly in their hearts, "Just pretend to be a rivalry, it's us who will be hurt, why are you raising the tone so high?"

King Canglan has already stepped forward to follow him, how can the others remain indifferent and not show any signs of it?

Impossible, Luojia and Kuihou were both watching. This was for the sake of the peace of the four realms, and they had been kidnapped by morality.

"Our Green Scale Divine Kingdom should also be able to come up with 5 trillion."

"The Kingdom of Light, 5 trillion."

"The Jurong tribe, 8 trillion."


Some people's expressions changed slightly when they heard King Jurong raising the price.

King Jurong looked at the people around him with a look of disdain, not hiding the superiority on his face.


Everyone cursed secretly.

The price is raised, but no one will pay attention.

After all, no one is that stupid, so you have to do things within your capabilities.

"Dayu Divine Kingdom, 2 trillion coins!"

"Dayao Divine Kingdom, 2 trillion coins!"

"Apocalypse Divine Kingdom, 500 billion pieces!"

"Kuimu Divine Kingdom, 1 trillion pieces!"

One after another, people made offers, and the whole thing became a donation scene.

You give a little, I give a little, although there are more and less, but the victory is more people, Kui Hou secretly took notes.

There are 103 big guys on site, and together they can collect about 400 trillion top-grade spiritual jade.


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