A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 25 Good poem, good poem!

The sweet-scented osmanthus on the roadside is fragrant, and the dead leaves are swaying in the wind;

The scorching sun shines brightly in the sky, and a glass of wine warms the heart;

Humming a tune and singing a song can make people feel refreshed during happy events;

The girl smiled and asked me who I was? Chen Alang collects scraps.

"Well, what a poem, what a poem!"

On the outskirts of Xicheng, in the Thousand Buddha Rock Scenic Area, there is a tavern.

It was broad daylight, before it became busy, and Chen Muyu was the only customer in the store. Sitting on a window seat on the second floor, Chen Muyu ordered two bottles of fruit wine and drank them in a playful manner.

While drinking the wine in the glass and enjoying the scenery outside the window, Chen Muyu suddenly felt that he was also full of ideas, and when he put together a few words, he turned out to be decent.

Seeing Chen Muyu amusing himself, the waiter who was clearing the table next to him couldn't help but snicker.

Chen Muyu made pretentious gestures, raised his eyebrows and smiled, making several young girls blush with embarrassment and almost scream.

Alas, it’s just that he’s handsome, but he’s so talented, which is really distressing.

At this moment, Chen Muyu seemed to understand why those ancient poets had so many sighs and sentiments.

"Haha, little brother, you are so elegant, and your poetry is really good!"

At this time, a voice sounded from the stairs, as loud as a bell, full of energy, and three laughters that shocked people's hearts.

When I looked back, I saw a fat old man.

Chen Muyu quickly stood up and greeted him. This was the real master he was waiting for today.

Xu Sihai!

This morning, Xu Sihai called him. Of course, the purpose was just to ask Chen Muyu if he wanted to sell the picture.

In Xu Sihai's view, such a treasure map would only be a pearl covered in dust in Chen Muyu's hands. Moreover, the map was damaged and needed to be repaired and protected. How could a stupid boy like Chen Muyu preserve such a treasure map well? Treasure map?

If one were not careful, if this picture disappeared from the long river of history, wouldn't it be a sin? After seeing the picture of the eagle spreading its wings that day, Xu Sihai was already a little uneasy.

After waiting for a few days, Chen Muyu didn't call him. Xu Sihai couldn't hold himself back and took the initiative to contact Chen Muyu.

It just so happened that the Qianfoyan Scenic Spot was unveiled in the past two days, because the entire planning, design and construction of the scenic spot was contracted to a construction company under the Sihai Group. As the boss, Xu Sihai of course had to attend the unveiling.

Yesterday's event had ended, and Xu Sihai wanted to make an appointment with Chen Muyu, otherwise he would have to go to the provincial capital in a few days, and he didn't know when he would come back next time. It would be bad if something unexpected happened.

Chen Muyu was quite happy and agreed to meet without saying a word. The location was agreed to be at the Thousand Buddhas Scenic Area.

The scenic spot has just been opened to the public, and it is not a weekend, so there are not many tourists coming and going, but it is quiet.

"Show your ugliness and make Mr. Xu laugh!"

When Xu Sihai saw that look just now, he felt a little embarrassed when he thought about it.

Xu Sihai laughed, stretched out his hand to shake Chen Muyu's hand, "I kept you waiting for so long, little brother. Just now, a few old friends forced me to talk about something. I'm sorry!"

"Mr. Xu is a busy man, and I have just arrived!"

Chen Muyu was not a stranger. He led Xu Sihai to his seat and poured him a glass of fruit wine. The man in front of him was a big benefactor, so he had to be taken care of!

"Then, I'll punish myself with a drink first!"

Xu Sihai picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Chen Muyu felt a little distressed when he saw it. This wine cost RMB 288 per bottle. With just one sip, he might have spent dozens of dollars.

"Mr. Xu is a good drinker!"

Chen Muyu praised it, quickly filled it up himself, and took a deep breath.

Xu Sihai looked at Chen Muyu cheerfully, "Don't forget about Mr. Xu. He looks unfamiliar. He has been busy with his career these years and looks a bit older. I won't turn 60 until the end of this year!"


Chen Muyu hesitated, "If you don't call me Mr. Xu, what do you call him?"

"Call me uncle or uncle whatever you want. Can I also call you Xiaoyu?" Xu Sihai said.

You don't even notice it. Such a big benefactor takes the initiative to get close to you and build relationships with you. Why don't you just follow his lead and climb up the ladder?

Chen Muyu also smiled cheerfully. Xu Sihai was several years older than his father. It was definitely not appropriate to call him uncle, so he called him Uncle Xu.

This Xu Sihai is really a veteran in shopping malls. With just a few words, Chen Muyu felt like he was taking a breath of spring breeze and felt a little carried away.

"Xiaoyu, let's not beat around the bush. I invited you here today because I actually want to talk to you about that painting again!" Xu Sihai started to get straight to the point.

Chen Muyu nodded.

Xu Sihai said, "You should have understood the value of that painting in the past few days. After seeing it that day, I have never forgotten it. It is such a pity that such a good painting was destroyed like this. Xiaoyu, you and I You probably don’t want to be a sinner in history, right? Look, can you give me that painting, and we can have a good chat about the price..."

Xu Sihai talked a lot, trying to impress Chen Muyu, but he was afraid that Chen Muyu, a stupid young man, didn't understand anything and still insisted on holding the painting and not letting go.

Chen Muyu patted the backpack next to the table and said with a smile, "Uncle Xu, I brought the things, and I don't want to take them back today."

His eyes fell on the backpack, and his whole heart became a little brighter. Xu Sihai smiled happily, "Okay, that's right. This painting is a masterpiece. It needs to be repaired by experts quickly. Can you give it to me?" , is definitely the best protection for it!”

"The so-called beauty matches the hero, and the sword matches the knight. I also understand this truth. In the hands of a person like me who doesn't know how to appreciate it, a painting is indeed like a pearl covered in dust..."

As Chen Muyu spoke, he opened the zipper of his backpack and put his hand in, but he was not in a hurry to take out the painting.

Xu Sihai's eyes were staring straight at him, full of expectation, but Chen Muyu stopped moving at this moment, which made him feel itchy.

"Uncle Xu, what was the price we talked about last time?" Chen Muyu asked.

Xu Sihai didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As expected, this boy still liked to talk about money.

However, this is a good thing. For him, it is not difficult to solve things with money.

"600,000 yuan. This painting is too badly damaged. It is already ideal to have this price. Of course, if you feel you are losing money, Xiaoyu, I can give you a little more!"

"No, I mean, how much would this painting be worth if it were complete?"

Xu Sihai was stunned when he heard this, and then said, "A few years ago, there was a painting of Tang Yin's "Spring Trees and Autumn Frost" in Xiangjiang. It was sold for more than a thousand at that time. Your painting of "Eagle Spreading Wings" should be similar. Count on it. With the currency inflation in the past few years, if we shoot now, there is absolutely no problem with 20 million!"

At this point, Xu Sihai paused and said, "Xiaoyu, your painting is too damaged. It will cost a lot of money to find someone to repair it, and..."

Obviously, Xu Sihai was afraid that Chen Muyu would be stubborn, and just wanted to remind him that if you want to sell it at a high price, you must find someone to repair the painting. Can you afford such a large sum of money? Even if you can, can you find a restoration expert of that level?


Thanks to the book friends "Zeng Aniu", "Chief AV Director", and "Ou Tuanzhang" for their reward and support. I love you, haha. In the new week, I call all book friends and dads to continue to support me. Please collect and recommend. , please give me a reward, ho ho ho!

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