A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 257: Trip to Salt City! 【Third update】

"Come on, you know, I also have a pointy butt and can't sit still!" Chen Muyu sat under the flower stand, chewing a sugar cane in his mouth and teasing the bird in the cage.

Qin Hong has been in seclusion for several days. This bird has gained a lot of weight. It must have been fed by Qian Jueming.

Qian Jueming sighed and looked back at the back room, "I don't know when senior brother will be released from seclusion. It was originally expected to be years ago, but it has only been a few days. There is no movement at all. It always feels like something is wrong... "

"Mr. Qian, please stop being so talkative!" Chen Muyu shook his head.

Qian Jueming said, "The Yuanshen realm is no better than other realms. Although the pills you gave can help to a certain extent, the key depends on spiritual cultivation. Many people are stuck in this realm for their whole lives. Look at the mountains in the distance. Senior brother, your cultivation level must be profound enough. When you broke through to the realm of Yuanshen, didn’t you also go crazy and almost die?”

Qian Jueming's worry is not unreasonable. The Yang Yuan Pill given by Chen Muyu can only help in terms of skill, but in fact it does not help in the most important spiritual cultivation.

Qin Hong's cultivation is naturally inferior to that of Li Yuanshan. Li Yuanshan experienced danger when he broke through to the Yuanshen realm, let alone Qin Hong!

The condensed soul is full of dangers.

Of course, Chen Muyu didn't care too much. Even if Qin Hong really went crazy like Li Yuanshan, he couldn't save him, could he?

"Where did Teng Hu go?" Chen Muyu asked.

"What do I care about him?"

Qian Jueming handed it over and rolled his eyes, "I heard that we are going to Yandu. There is some kind of steel plant over there that is going to be demolished. It's a big deal. Let's go out for bidding!"


Chen Muyu nodded.

"Don't leave today!"

Qian Jueming stopped Chen Muyu, fearing that he would wander off, "You can stay here tonight..."

"Why should I stay here?"

Chen Muyu was a little speechless. He was called over by this old man out of nowhere so early in the morning. Nothing happened when he came.

"Be my companion!" Qian Jueming said.

Chen Muyu rolled his eyes, "Come on, if I have this time, why don't I spend time with my girlfriend and this bad old man like you?"

Qian Jueming waved to Chen Muyu.

"What?" Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows.

Qian Jueming said, "Then you can help me with something?"

Chen Muyu frowned, "No, it doesn't look like a good thing from your expression!"

"Give you money!" Qian Jueming said directly.


Apart from anything else, the word money still has a great temptation for Chen Muyu.

Almost as a reflex, Chen Muyu's ears immediately stood up.

"What do you want to say first?" Chen Muyu asked directly.

Qian Jueming was coy and seemed a little embarrassed to speak.

"If you don't tell me, then I'm leaving?" Chen Muyu said.

Qian Jueming gritted his teeth, "There is Nanhua Town in Yandu City, and there is Wulizhuang Street in the town. I have a yard there, and I have a dog in the yard. I have been away for so many days, for fear that it will bite someone. You Let’s go for a walk…”

"When did you have a place to live in Yandu?" Chen Muyu was a little surprised.

Qian Jueming curled his lips and said, "My world is vast and I have homes everywhere. What do you know!"

"Okay, I don't understand!"

Chen Muyu spread his hands and said, "It's just a dog. If no one comes into your yard, nothing will happen. Not all dogs bite!"

"My dog ​​is no ordinary dog!" Qian Jueming blew his beard!

"Mastiff?" Chen Muyu asked.

Qian Jueming did not deny it, "That was given to me by Master Bama when I visited the Dala Palace on the plateau a few years ago. It was not an ordinary mastiff, it was a spiritual mastiff, and now I have raised it to a larger size." The lion is still big. I didn’t expect to be delayed for so long when I came to Qingshan this time. If you go and have a look, I feel relieved..."

"Didn't you find someone to raise you?" Chen Muyu said.

Qian Jueming said, "I hired someone to help feed her. Her name is Zheng Xiaoduo. After you go over, ask her to bring Hu Zi here to celebrate the New Year."

Zheng Xiaoduo?

"The name sounds like it belongs to a girl's house. Could it be that you are just letting me play with the beauty hidden in the golden house, and the drunkard's intention is not in the bar?"

Chen Muyu looked at Qian Jueming strangely. The old man told him to pick up the dog. I'm afraid picking up the dog was fake, but picking up the person was real, right?

When Qian Jueming heard this, his face twitched slightly, but he did not explain or deny it.

"Just tell me, are you going?" Qian Jueming glared.


Throwing the sugar cane to the side, Chen Muyu stood up, grinned, and went without paying. The key was that Qian Jueming aroused a hint of gossip in him.

Dogs and other things were secondary. He just wanted to see what Qian Jueming was hiding in the golden house.

Qian Jueming took out his wallet, took out all the money in it, put some saliva on his tongue with his fingers, and counted the pile, which was about two thousand yuan.

"Take it and help me finish the work!" Qian Jueming said as the money was handed over.

"Should I pick up a dog or a person?"

Chen Muyu took it with a smile, without counting it, and put it directly into his pocket.

With Chen Muyu's current worth, it is really a miracle that he can be hired for two thousand yuan.

"Pick up people and dogs, pick them all up for me!"

Qian Jueming touched his beard. The old man was thick-skinned and had nothing to be embarrassed about. "When you get there, be careful. Huzi is not an ordinary dog. If it goes crazy, even I can't control it. Just let Xiaoduo keep an eye on it, and don't let anyone else get close to it."

"so smart?"

Chen Muyu was stunned. Even Qian Jueming was afraid of him. Is this dog still a dog? You know, Qian Jueming has also been in the sixth level of concentration state for many years!

No matter what, I'm helping my friend. There's nothing to do anyway, and Yan City is not far away, so it's okay to help him make this trip.

Otherwise, it would be quite pitiful for Qian Jueming to stay here alone.

Before lunch, Qian Jueming kicked Chen Muyu out and gave him another two hundred yuan to buy food on the way.

Chen Muyu's second-hand Jetta was really unavailable, so he randomly found a Mercedes-Benz in Qin Hong's garage.

Or someone else's car is more comfortable to drive.

The border between Yandu City and Qingshan City is not far away. Now with navigation, it is convenient to go anywhere.

We set off after ten o'clock and arrived at Nanhua Town before one o'clock.

He didn't even eat breakfast. He only ate half a sugar cane. He was so hungry that Chen Muyu didn't rush to find anyone. He just found a restaurant in the town and filled his stomach before talking.

Nanhua Town is not big, but it has quite a lot of delicious food. The meat-and-bean curd is a must-have, and there are also a variety of cold food series such as cold rabbits.

Because Yandu produces salt, it is named Yandu. The dishes in Yandu are mainly salty, and it has its own style in Xichuan cuisine, called Yanbang cuisine.

I asked the boss to serve the signature dish, but the boss was also an honest person and served it directly to the table.

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