A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2620: Who did I provoke?

Chapter 2621 Who did I provoke?

No matter what, I just missed this move.

"Saying these words now has no effect."

Ming Yu said, "Now is not the time to blame who is right and who is wrong. Now, do we still want to fight for the Tianhong inheritance?"

Kui Feng looked at Ming Yu with a look that looked like a fool, "What do you think? Didn't you hear that senior say, Yang Ming, did he keep that kid? Is it possible that you still have any ability, can you Compete with the experts in the Eight Star Realm?"

Phan Yu's face turned red, "Kui Feng, you don't need to be so arrogant. Huh, there are at least a dozen of the seven-star strong men gathered in the forty-eight domains now, and as the news spreads, the number will only increase." More and more, although he has the combat power of the Eight-Star Realm, he is only one person after all. If we gather these seven-star powerhouses and we all work together, we may not have a chance. "

He said it with confidence.

Although the gap between the stars is huge, it is not impossible to make up for it. As long as there are enough people, it is still possible to make a comeback.


Kui Feng still mocked unceremoniously, "Do you have the ability to make everyone listen to you?"

Mirage's face trembled slightly.

They are all beings in the Seven Star Realm. Who is not a big boss? They are all strong men at the top of the pyramid. Who will listen to your orders?

"If you don't try, how will you know it's not possible?"

Ming Yu gritted his teeth. He didn't want to argue with Kui Feng, "Brother Mo Yi, let's go."

Now that things have happened, he no longer wants to get entangled with Kui Feng.

However, Kui Feng didn't want to let him go like this, "Stop."

Pingyu turned back to look at Kuifeng, "Why, do you still want to keep me?"


A trace of evil flashed in Kui Feng's eyes. They temporarily joined forces because of the Tianhong inheritance and temporarily put aside their hatred. But now, the Tianhong inheritance has nothing to do. This alliance will naturally collapse, and only hatred will remain.

Judging from Kui Feng's attitude, it seemed that he wanted to settle the account now.

Mo Yi stepped forward and stood directly in front of Mirage.

Although they were both injured, and although Kui Feng was armed with a sharp weapon, the two of them might not be able to defeat Kui Feng together.

On the other side, Xumi had been far away, his eyes filled with eagerness.

If it weren't for his status, he might have started to act as a cheerleader, cheering for them.

Let’s fight, let’s fight, it’s best to die together.

There was a voice shouting in Xumi's heart that he had long been unhappy with these three people. If these three people died due to internal strife, he would take the opportunity to seize their destiny.

Especially if you get the Three Treasures Jade Spirit Bead, you may not be able to break through to the eighth star.

Thinking of this, Xumi's eyes became hot.

Kui Feng waved his long sword and looked at the two people opposite him proudly, "Make an appointment, Ming Yu. The grudges between you and me will always be resolved."

Kui Feng is not stupid either. If they fight in this situation, I am afraid that none of the three of them will survive.

After all, there are many Seven Star Realm powerhouses watching around here now. It is almost certain that they will not be able to get the Tianhong inheritance and will destroy you and steal your creation.

Hearing what Kui Feng said, Phan Yu and the two men breathed a sigh of relief.

Ming Yu is not a person who is afraid of trouble. "Three months later, in the forty-three regions, at the former site of the Five Sacred Mountains, there will be a life and death battle."

A cold light flashed in Kui Feng's eyes, "Okay, it's best not to involve others in the grudge between us."

These words are just a nod to Mo Yi, don't mix anything else into it.

Patriarch Moyi remained silent.

"It's a deal."

Xingyu left behind a word and immediately left hand in hand with Patriarch Mo Yi.

"Oh, Brother Kuifeng, how did you let them run away?"

Xumi ran over, feeling a little sad, "If you are afraid that you won't be able to defeat me, I can help. What a great opportunity..."

Disappointed, Xumi is really disappointed, he couldn't even start a fight?

Kui Feng turned to look, and there was an unnoticeable gleam deep in his eyes. That look in his eyes made Xumi feel a little chilled down his spine.

"Brother Kuifeng, did I say something wrong?" Xumi laughed dryly.


Kui Feng snorted coldly and turned into the wind and flew away.

Xumi stood there with a look of astonishment on his face.

Who did I offend?


Xumi also snorted depressedly.

Turning back and looking deep into the mountains, Tianhong inheritance seemed to have no chance with him.

After all the hard work, it turned out to be in vain, which was really depressing.

He clenched his fist tightly.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Xumi's mind.

Isn’t there still that kid?

That boy named Chen.

Although everyone is sure that Yang Ming has obtained the inheritance, it is not impossible for the boy named Chen, right?

Since it is impossible to catch Yang Ming, then, that boy named Chen...

No one will compete with me, right?

The corner of Xumi's mouth curved. For him, it couldn't be easier to find someone.


Another ten days later.

Feizhou has entered the fifty-three realms.

In the past ten days, he did not encounter any pursuers, and Chen Muyu also found time to stabilize his realm.

His current one-star realm of Consummation has just been broken through, and he has had several battles in a row, which has consumed a lot of energy, and there are some signs of loosening and slipping.

From this, Chen Muyu also discovered that the use of Thousand Finger is not completely without side effects.

Although it can greatly increase his power, there is a danger of his own realm slipping after using it.

Therefore, this finger of a thousand fingers cannot be used without restraint.

Sure enough, not everything is perfect.

Chen Muyu felt a little regretful, but he could still accept this side effect.

Even if his realm does slip, it won't have much impact on him.

There is a system in place, spend some wealth points, take some time, and you can replenish it quickly.

In the past ten days, the realm has stabilized. Chen Muyu checked himself and found that it would take some time to reach the second-star realm. Otherwise, if he breaks through frequently, the realm will become more unstable.

He is not in a hurry. Now, with the increase of Thousand Finger, he can easily kill the five-star realm experts.

How many five-star realms are there in the entire Central Continent?

Suddenly, Chen Muyu felt something in his heart.

The figure flashed and disappeared from the cabin.

Reappearing, already in his own inner world.

A spear floated gently, and the whole body was emitting a strong colored light. The light was extremely dazzling, and it was getting more and more dazzling.

Next to the spear, Hu Yichun sat cross-legged.

The Gourd of Divine Punishment had been upgraded two days ago and was now a second-level super treasure.

The Hongmeng Spear is different. This time, it is upgraded from the second level to the third level. The starting point is higher than the Heavenly Punishment Gourd, so it will naturally take longer.

This is still in Chen Muyu's inner world, blessed by the law of time, otherwise, he doesn't know how long it will take.

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