A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2718 A rare treasure is born!

Chapter 2719 A strange treasure is born!

Two Seven Star Realm casual cultivators, Lingnan Twins, passed by Tianhe Valley on their way to Xingyang. Because the valley was emitting black energy, they thought there was a treasure. Driven by curiosity, they excitedly went inside to explore. As a result, they died unexpectedly and were killed by the Four Spirits. The flags are collected in the flags.

Thus the flag soul was completed, and the four spirit flags were completed.

Therefore, when he learned that the Lingnan Lords were about to arrive in Xingyang, Yang Ming couldn't sit still and immediately went out to look for Tianhe Valley.

As long as he can obtain the Four Spirit Flags, he will definitely have the ability to further protect himself in this world.

Now it seems that he came at just the right time.

After a moment, a valley appeared in Yang Ming's sight.

The black air was quickly recovered and submerged into the valley.

The next second, a vast momentum surged out from the valley.

That was the breath of an exotic treasure, a powerful exotic treasure that made the world change color.

Just for a moment, thunderclouds rolled in the sky and the space tore apart.


In an instant, countless void divine thunders descended.

The valley was smoothed out in an instant.

The space ahead is chaotic and the laws are tyrannical, just like the end of the world.

Yang Ming didn't dare to get close at all.

After waiting for about half a quarter of an hour, the thunder just stopped.

Yang Ming immediately dodged and disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he was already in the valley flattened by the thunder.

A large black flag, as tall as a person, stood unobtrusively in the middle of the valley. The flag fluttered in the wind. The jet-black flag, the jet-black flag pole, and the flag were inlaid with gold patterns and gold rims. The strange patterns seemed to be able to enchant the soul. Just looking at it makes people feel dizzy, as if their body is out of control and is about to be sucked into the flag.

Yang Ming's breath froze, and he came to the big flag in an instant, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the flag pole.


At that moment, Yang Ming felt a powerful force that wanted to tear his soul into pieces and suck away the essence of his body.

Yang Ming's spirit was extremely tense.

However, Yang Ming was obviously prepared. At this time, he didn't panic at all and directly opened his palm, and the blood was sucked in along the big flag pole.

It was as if he didn't want money and allowed Oban to accept it.

Gradually, Yang Ming's face became a little pale, but he did not give up because of this.

It is unrealistic to completely tame a divine object like the Four Spirit Flags in a short period of time. Even if Yang Ming is a time traveler and knows a lot of inside information, he still cannot do it.

Therefore, as a matter of urgency, he chose to shed his blood to recognize the owner. He first obtained the ownership of the Four Spirit Flags, did the most basic work carefully, and then found a way to slowly tame the spirit in the flags.

The whole process lasted as long as a stick of incense.

The Four Spirit Flag finally stopped sucking Yang Ming's blood. The entire flag changed from pitch black to slightly stained with blood, looking very evil and terrifying.

"Ha ha."

Yang Ming's pale face finally gained some color, and he immediately held up the big banner and laughed.

Although he was excited before, his heart was always hanging.

But now that the Four Spiritual Flags have been obtained, his hanging heart finally calmed down.

But he never got carried away.

The birth of the Four Spiritual Flags will surely alarm many great powers. Although the spiritual objects will block some of the secrets of heaven, the real great powers will still find their exact location very quickly.

Especially since this place is very close to Xingyang City, it will take at most half an hour for the seven-star powerhouse to arrive.

There are several people in the Seven Star Realm in Xingyang City. With such a treasure being born, they have no reason not to come and take a look.

Therefore, he must leave quickly now.


He had just acquired the Four Spiritual Flags, and he was still unable to fully control them and could not form much combat power. At this time, if they were blocked by a powerful Seven Star Realm, he would not be able to protect himself.

With a thought in his mind, Yang Ming took the Four Spiritual Flags into his body and stored them in his body. The next second, he disappeared from the spot, picked up a random direction, and quickly escaped away from this place of right and wrong.

Sure enough, not long after Yang Ming left, two figures appeared where he was just now.

One male and one female.

Dressed in gorgeous clothes, his temperament is extremely noble.

It was the emperor and empress of the Dapeng Dynasty.

The two appeared almost at the same time. In just a moment, two huge spiritual thoughts enveloped the nearby space and searched repeatedly.

"What a strong residual evil spirit!"

Emperor Zun frowned, his face full of surprise.

There are not many things in this world that can move him.

The Empress nodded slightly, "It seems that a spiritual treasure has been born, and it seems to be an extremely dangerous thing."

Emperor Zun did not answer, but stretched out his hand and clicked into the void.

The space in front was like a water curtain, with ripples swaying in circles. The next second, time went back, and pictures appeared and played quickly.

It felt like looking at surveillance video.

Just a moment later, a valley filled with black energy appeared in front of the two of them.

A big flag stands in the valley.

Two figures entered and were sucked into Oban.

After a moment, the black energy was released, the thunder of the void tribulation fell, and the great banner successfully overcame the tribulation, which was a great achievement.

At this time, a figure sneaked in and took away the big banner.

The scene ends abruptly here.

Emperor Zun frowned, "Lingnan Twins?"

They are both Seven Star Realm powerhouses, so of course they know the two Seven Star Realm powerhouses who have entered the banner.


The Queen laughed softly, "How ironic! These two were both powerful, but they died in such a way."

"This evil item is definitely of high rank, and must not fall into the hands of others. Since it was born in my Thirty-three Regions, it should belong to my Dapeng Royal Court."

The Emperor said lightly, and then asked, "Does the Queen know the person who took the banner?"

The Queen paused, and knew him, of course she knew him.

"I have some impression, but I have to think about it carefully." The Queen said.

In the end, she didn't give Yang Ming out. After all, she could see that this evil item must be powerful. If the Emperor got it, the Dapeng Royal Court would be even more powerful. How would they carry out their subsequent plans?

It would be better for this item to fall into her hands.

Since she knew this person, she was confident that she could make this person deliver the evil item automatically.

"Then, Queen, think about it carefully."

The Emperor left a word, gave the Queen a look that told her to take care of herself, and then disappeared on the spot.

The empress stood there, looking at the ruined valley in front of her, and a smile appeared on her lips.


In just one day, the news of the death of the two Lingnan masters spread like wildfire in the Thirty-Three Regions.

Two powerful beings of the Seven Star Realm were killed by a newly born evil creature in the Thirty-Three Regions.

It sounds so incredible.

Some people just listened to it as a rumor, but some people, those real strong people, believed it without a doubt.

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