A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2722: What backup plan will the Emperor have?

Chapter 2723 What back-up plan would the Emperor have?

Originally, she planned to rob the treasure if the exchange failed, but now it seems that the chance of robbing the treasure is not high.

This is still the West Palace. Once the fight starts, the noise will be too loud and alarm the Emperor. At that time, who knows who will get the treasure.

No matter how you think about it, it's not worth it.

So, the Empress shook her head and showed a gentle smile on her face, "Just now I was just joking with Brother Yang. Since Brother Yang has the ability to keep this treasure, I am relieved."

It's like an apology, but it's not like an apology.

Yang Ming smiled and didn't care.

The reason why he took the risk to get the Four Spirits Banner was because of this.

If there is no Four Spirits Banner, when facing people like the Emperor and the Empress, he can't have an equal dialogue at all, and he will always be inferior to them.

Cooperating with people who are stronger than you, in the end, you can't be easily controlled by them.

He is still coveting the treasure of the Peng family royal court, and he needs to cooperate with the emperor and empress. In order to avoid being sold out after the success, he must hold some trump cards in his hand.

Next to him, Lou Qianji breathed a sigh of relief.

He came here in the middle of the night, wasn't it because he was afraid that the two would fight?

His daughter was indeed a little reckless, lacking consideration beforehand, thinking that as the emperor and empress, she was strong and could easily control the other party, but in fact, facing someone like Yang Ming, the emperor and empress with such a character, it is easy to suffer.


Lou Qianji laughed and made a round, "As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. It is a good thing for us that this fellow Daoist Yang can have this opportunity to obtain such a treasure, and it will be more helpful for our future plans."

The plan he mentioned was, of course, what Yang Ming said about the free and easy Dao heart.

At this time, the emperor and empress also calmed down, and her eyes could not hide the disappointment, but the situation was already like this, and she had to temporarily give up the idea of ā€‹ā€‹seizing the Four Spirits Banner.

Yang Ming looked at Chen Muyu, "Uncle Yu, do you want to join in?"

Called by his name, Chen Muyu smiled faintly, "What did you say?"

"Free and unrestrained Dao Heart."

Yang Ming spat out four words, looking directly at Chen Muyu.

The Queen frowned slightly, is it necessary to pull this person in? Could it be that this person is really a Seven Star Realm expert?

Chen Muyu hesitated for a moment and said, "The Dapeng Royal Court has a strong foundation. With just a few of us, how confident do you think we are? Or, Yang Ming, do you think you can control several Seven Star Realm experts with the beast in your hand?"

Yang Ming smiled slightly, "Of course it can't be just us."

The Queen said, "In addition to us, there are two Seven Star Realm experts from Luoyou Valley. Originally, the Lingnan Twins would also participate, but unfortunately, they encountered such an accident..."

After listening to the Queen, Chen Muyu made a simple calculation.

Even if Li Xu could invite two people from Luoyou Valley, plus the Emperor and Empress, there would only be three Seven-Star Realm at most.

Yang Ming, I don't know if he was bluffing just now. It's hard to say whether he has mastered the Four Spiritual Banners or whether he can exert the strength comparable to the Seven-Star Realm.

As for Chen Muyu himself, he is confident in the Six-Star Realm, but he has no confidence at all against the Seven-Star Realm.

So, under extreme circumstances, the combat power of the two sides is actually similar.

Moreover, this is the territory of the Dapeng Dynasty. If you make trouble in someone else's territory, you will lose the geographical advantage. The variables are really big, and the chance of winning this game is not very high.


The most important point is that even if he participates in it and wins in the end, how much benefit can he get?

"Have you ever thought about whether the Emperor will have other backhands?" Chen Muyu asked.

The Emperor and Empress paused slightly when they heard this.


What backhand will the Emperor have?

We are plotting against him, what can he do?

Chen Muyu said, "You are doing these things under the Emperor's nose, can you guarantee that the Emperor has not noticed it at all? Recently, many seven-star strongmen have come to Xingyang City. This is an unusual signal. You can ask for help, but how can you be sure that the Emperor will not ask for help?"

This sentence made several people silent.

Indeed, they did not make the worst plan, and they all thought too simply.

Take Yang Ming for example, his idea is that it is best if it can be accomplished. If it cannot be accomplished, or if there is an accident in the middle, just run away.

As for what accidents may occur, he has never thought about it carefully.

This is related to his experience and personality. He has always been smooth sailing. Last time in the situation of Wusheng Mountain, he was able to escape from death. The current situation can only be regarded as a small scene for him.

"Uncle Yu, are you thinking too much?"

Yang Ming spoke up and proposed a different idea, "The Emperor is in the light, and we are in the dark. Even if he finds helpers and ambushes us in the palace, with our strength, is it difficult to escape?"

After all, we all have seven-star combat power. Even if we are besieged by seven-star strongmen, it should not be difficult to run.

In the same realm, when everyone's strength is similar, it is easy to decide the winner, but it is difficult to decide life and death.

After all, he has legs and is determined to run. Can you stop him?

Chen Muyu said, "You can run away, but what about the others? The emperor and empress can give up everything now and run away? Can Lord Lou give up on the Lou clan? Yang Ming, of course you are not afraid of being alone, but others can't. "

These words could be said to have touched the heart of the emperor and empress.

Yang Ming frowned and said nothing. He could not refute.

The Empress said, "What Taoist Brother Yang Shui said is true. Although our plan is careful, Peng Kun is very thoughtful and cautious. Even if he doesn't know what we are planning, he will definitely be aware of our intentions." ā€¦ā€

After a pause, she said, "It seems that we still need to make a detailed plan. Our current strength is still insufficient."

Yang Ming waved his hand, "If this is the case, I have no choice. If I want to be foolproof, I can only find more Seven Star Realm strong men. I don't know any Seven Star Realm strong men. Moreover, in this matter, the people who came in The more people there are, the less we will allocate when the benefits are finally distributed..."

"We haven't got the things yet, so how can we distribute the benefits?"

Chen Muyu said, "I think it's better to wait until Li Xu comes back to talk about everything. If he doesn't invite those two Seven Stars back, everything will be empty talk."

Yang Ming didn't say anything. He didn't like Chen Muyu's cautious and forward-looking character.

Lou Qianji said, "Li Xu has been away for a few days. He said he would be back in half a month. I hope there will be no accidents."

The emperor and empress felt a little heavy.

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