A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 273 Check the genealogy! 【First update】

Chen Muyu's name is at the end of the family tree. He is a senior. According to the family ranking, he should actually be called Chen Gaoyu. However, in this day and age, few people add seniority to their names. Back then, his grandfather named Chen Muyu. When I was a child, my parents pointed out that the word "gao" didn't sound good, and later my grandfather decided to use the word "shepherd".

In the genealogy, according to local tradition, people with foreign surnames are not included, and women are not included. In other words, grandchildren, nephews, etc. are not included in the genealogy. Grandpa's branch, in the generation of the senior generation, is also included. There is only one single seedling, Chen Muyu.

After all, the third uncle is not married yet, so it is even more difficult to have a son. The children of the two aunts, cousin Zhang Mingwei and others, have entered the genealogy of other families and cannot leave their names in the Chen family's genealogy.

Of course, the Chen family is not limited to Grandpa Chen Muyu. Several other families in the old house of the Chen family are also in the family tree. Those are left by Grandpa’s uncles and brothers. They all have the same ancestor, but they have been passed down many times. After generations, the relationship has weakened a lot.

If grandpa is still alive, we can still be considered close. Now that dad and uncle are still alive, we can still be considered close. But when it comes to Chen Muyu’s generation, to be honest, they have rarely seen each other for several years. The kind of kinship is already very close. alienated.

Especially now, these uncles and uncles have either lost their descendants or left Chen Jiayan. They don't even come back for the New Year, let alone meet each other. They don't even have a phone number.

There are records for these families in the genealogy, but only for dad and his generation, and not a few below. I think grandpa must have worked hard when revising the genealogy, but the same goes for the current situation of the families next door. Not sure.

But that's not important. If there is any secret hidden in the family tree, it certainly cannot be in Chen Muyu's generation.

The biggest suspects are those of my grandfather’s generation.

My grandfather’s generation is the generation that understands Chinese characters.

People of that generation, even my father and his friends, were pretty standard in their naming, and the middle character in their name most likely represented rank.

Chen Jianzhong, Chen Jianli, dad and third uncle are all Jianzi generation.

There are 22 genealogical records for the Jianzi generation of the same clan. Except for some who have passed away long ago, Chen Muyu has basically seen them before. Even if he has never seen them, he has heard them mentioned by his family elders.

These 22 people are descended from six of the eight uncles and brothers in my grandfather's generation, and my grandfather ranked second among the Guanzi generation.

The three characters Chen Guanhai were prominently listed.

The remaining seven of the eight are Guanhua, Guanyun, Guanhong, Guanqing, Guanfeng, Guanming and Guanyue.

Among them, the four grandfathers of Qingfeng Mingyue are from the same family, Guanhua and Guanhong are from the same family, and Guanyun and grandpa Guanhai are from the same family.

Chen Muyu had heard of the names of six of these seven people, and he had seen a few of them, and he still had some impressions in his memory, but they were many years ago, and the only ones who might still be alive now are probably only eight. Grandpa Chen Guanyue.

He was the one in the house next door in the old house, but five or six years ago, Eighth Grandpa's children took him out to live. I heard he went to Sujiang Province, thousands of miles away, and never came back again.

The eldest grandfather Chen Guanhua has no descendants left, and the third grandfather Chen Guanhong has no descendants records either.

Chen Guanhong?

Chen Muyu frowned slightly, never heard of this name?

Go further up, Qingzi generation.


Seeing this word, Chen Muyu's eyebrows knitted together, as if he had discovered some new continent.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

In the Chen family tree, Guanzi's predecessor was from the Qing generation, and he had previously learned from Gong Daquan that the old owner of Ge Lao Mountain was also named Chen, Chen Qingxian.

And it was such a coincidence that Jin Jianfeng told himself the night before yesterday that his master's wife was named Chen Guanyu, and he also had a not-so-flexible master's uncle named Chen Guanshan.

The Qing character generation is connected to the Guan character generation. Although this is not ruled out as a coincidence, it is too coincidental.

In addition, his grandfather had been to Ge Laoshan before his death, which made Chen Muyu even more suspicious of whether the Chen family in Ge Laoshan were the same family as theirs.

If this is the case, it makes sense why grandpa went to Ge Laoshan at that time.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chen Muyu continued to study the genealogy.

There are a total of thirteen ancestors of the Qing generation recorded in the genealogy.

It contains records such as dates of birth and death, rankings, and some simple life stories. Three of them died young and eight died young. Basically, they died on the battlefield.

Only three people survived. The second great-grandfather Chen Qinglong lived to the age of 62 and gave birth to Guanhua and Guanhong. The ninth great-grandfather Chen Qingxia lived to the age of 79 and gave birth to Qingfeng Mingyue.

Chen Muyu's great-grandfather, named Chen Qingzhi, was the third oldest. He lived to be eighty-one years old, which can be regarded as his death.

"Something's not right here."

When carefully reading the deeds of these thirteen great-ancestors, Chen Muyu noticed something was not right.

There is a problem with the ranking.

There are thirteen people in this generation recorded in the genealogy, but the last person’s ranking is fourteen.

There is one less?

After the fourth child, it is directly the sixth child, missing a fifth great-grandfather.

Is it a typo, or is one of them removed from the family tree?

In the minds of the elders, there should be no mistakes or omissions in something as important as the genealogy, and in Chen Muyu's impression, grandpa was such a rigorous person.

According to common sense, if the fifth great-grandfather made any mistakes and was removed from the family tree, there should be a few words recorded.

But Chen Muyu looked up and found no relevant records.

At this time, Chen Muyu had to wonder if his grandfather would just delete this place when he revised the family tree?

Could Chen Qingxian of Ge Laoshan be the fifth great-grandfather?

"What are you looking at?"

When Chen Muyu was thinking, Mr. Niu came in at some unknown time.

"Second Master." Chen Muyu called.

He casually picked up the Chen family genealogy on the table, closed it, and put it back on the bookshelf. Niu Erye sighed, "Don't look at it, your mother is asking you to go home for dinner."

Looking at the time, it turned out that it had already been an afternoon, and it was almost dark outside the window.

"Second Master, do you know Chen Qingxian?" Chen Muyu was not in a hurry to leave, thinking that Second Master Niu was old enough and was friends with his grandfather, so he might know something about the past events of the Chen family.

"never heard of that."

Mr. Niu simply shook his head and smiled, "Why, couldn't you have discovered something from your family's genealogy?"

Chen Muyu nodded and said, "There is one missing person in my great-grandfather's generation. There is no record in the genealogy. Generally speaking, this great-grandfather should be my grandfather's fifth uncle."

"I haven't heard from your grandfather." Mr. Niu Er shook his head. "I am a migrant, not a native. I don't know much about your family. There are a few older people in the village. You can Ask them."

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