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Chapter 2761: Palace Examination!

Chapter 2762 Palace Examination!

"Absolutely impossible."

Ancestor Mo Yi shook his head, "If these two people had been so strong, they would have helped Kui Feng capture me and others, so why wait until now?"

Mirage Yu said, "Kui Feng should know this Yang Shui very well, but it's a pity that this Kui Feng guy is not in the Thirty-three Domains."

He was a little regretful. If Kui Feng was here, maybe they could combine Peng Kun's power to take him down directly and get rid of this serious problem.

Peng Kun took a deep breath, "Anyway, it's good to know his origins. I'm afraid that he will be related to some hidden powerhouse. If the person behind him is just a Seven Star Realm, then that's easy."

Xing Yu said, "This Kui Feng is no ordinary person. He was the clan leader of the Kui clan. After the Hongmeng War, he was besieged and killed by all the clans in the East China Sea. Now that he has escaped from the trap, he must be trying to kill me..."

"Kui tribe?"

Peng Kun is slightly younger, but he has heard of it.

At the time, it was one of the most powerful races among the Sea Clan, and it was also a die-hard supporter of the Hongmeng Holy Lord.

Peng Kun said, "Brother Pingyu, don't worry, you two are close friends with me. Peng will naturally not let this happen. No matter he is from the Kui tribe or what tribe he is, Peng will stand with you two."

Peng Kun is best at speaking in scenes, and he speaks more beautifully than anyone else.

The two of them just listened. It was true that they had some friendship with Peng Kun, but because of this, they knew Peng Kun better. If that time comes, it is absolutely unknown whether this guy can help.

"Kui Feng's matter is not a big deal."

Mirage Yu shook his head, "Brother Peng, the top priority is to eradicate these two people. Otherwise, if the strength of these two people increases over time, it will definitely be a disaster for us."

"Yes, these two people must be dealt with as soon as possible." Patriarch Moyi agreed.


Unexpectedly, when Peng Kun heard this, he just let out a long sigh.

"Why did Brother Peng sigh?" Phanyu looked at him puzzled.

"It's not that I don't want to, I really can't."

Peng Kun shook his head helplessly and told the two men what happened recently.

After hearing this, the two of them frowned. In other words, they had already fought each other, and Peng Kun did not get any benefits.

Ming Yu said, "These two people do have some abilities, but they are not invincible in the seven-star realm. Their strength has definitely not reached eight stars, so we still have a chance..."

Opportunity, yes there is a chance.

In the past two days, the powerful people invited by Peng Kun to watch the ceremony have arrived one after another. Among them, there are already six or seven powerful people in the Seven Star Realm.

With Peng Kun's reputation, more than a dozen people from the Seven Star Realm could still pull it together.

With so many people, it is indeed not difficult to surround and kill one or two people.

However, when he thought of Chen Muyu's weird sneak attack technique, he lost confidence again.

"Both of you."

Peng Kun waved his hand, "I know you are angry in your hearts, and I am also angry in my heart. However, now that the Fengchan Conference is coming, I don't want to cause any more complications, so we can wait until after the Fengchan Conference, okay?"

After the Fengchan Conference, he will most likely reach the Eight Star Realm. At that time, wouldn't it be easy to deal with these two people again?

"I'm just afraid of long nights and lots of dreams." Phan Yu said.

"You two, you should give me some thin noodles." Peng Kun said.

The two of them had nothing to say and left angrily.



Time flies and it’s half a month again.

The day of the Immortal Judici Hall Examination.

After the examination, 180 winners have been selected. Today, these 180 winners will enter the palace, and the final ranking will be selected under the Emperor's personal examination.

From then on, these people could have official status, serve as officials in the Dapeng Dynasty, and enjoy dynasty salaries.

Early in the morning, there was already a long queue outside the palace gate, which can be said to be very lively.

Peng Kuan stood in front of the crowd, dressed in white, standing out from the crowd.

Looking around, there was no Peng Yu, no Peng Ling, and no opponent at all. He should have breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time, he felt vaguely disappointed.

After all, Peng Yu is his biological brother, born from the same mother. It is impossible to say that he really has no feelings at all.

As for Peng Ling, to Peng Kuan, he was a respectable opponent. If he hadn't been superior to him in terms of status, it seemed difficult to defeat him.

The two have been fighting openly and secretly for so long. Now, suddenly this opponent is gone, and they will naturally feel a bit empty.

But overall, he was happy.

Isn’t it a joyful thing to have no more competitors?

Now, looking at the entire royal court, among all the princes, who else can be regarded as his opponent?

A few days ago, he learned from the emperor and empress that the emperor had promised to pass on the supreme position to him. At this time, Peng Kuan's heart was already settled.

Today, he shouldn't have come, but he hesitated and came anyway.

He wanted to perform vigorously in the palace examination so that his father could see his excellence.

"Second brother, are you here so early?"

At this time, a voice sounded.

Peng Kuan paused for a moment and looked around, only to see a richly dressed young man walking out of the crowd.

Walking towards him with a smile.

The fifth prince, Peng Chong.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Peng Chong, Peng Kuan instinctively felt displeased.

In fact, Peng Chong has never been taken seriously by him. However, he has long heard about what happened to Peng Chong during this period. What is certain is that Peng Chong is also coveting him. Big position, and there is someone behind this guy.

If anyone among the princes still posed the slightest threat to him, it could only be Peng Chong.

"Second brother can come, why can't I come?" Peng Chong smiled lightly.

"Huh, you don't have a role in the imperial examination." Peng Kuan was rude.

He didn't hide his displeasure at all.

Peng Chong shrugged, "Although I don't have any part in it, for such an important event as the Immortal Judgment Conference, I should come and see the lively headquarters. Besides, my father asked me to come."

After saying that, he winked and raised his eyebrows, which was a bit provocative.

Peng Kuan frowned slightly, "You are really treated with admiration after three days apart. Lao Wu, you were not like this in the past. Even when you saw me, you were obedient and respectful..."

"Second brother, you also said that that was before. Today is different from the past. Let's not live in the past." Peng Chong shook his head, not giving Peng Kuan any face.

Peng Kuan took a deep breath and said, "Lao Wu, I would like to remind you as a brother, don't think about things that you shouldn't think about, and don't have any thoughts of coveting them."

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