A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2764 Meeting at Zhaixing Tower!

Chapter 2765 Meeting at the Star-Zhailing Tower!

The expression on Xumi's face was very solemn.

"In this case, if we delay for one more day, the strength of these two people will probably increase by one point, which will only make it more disadvantageous for us."

After a moment, Xumi said in a deep voice, "You two, really don't want to think of a way to deal with them as soon as possible?"

Xing Yu said, "With just the three of us, it would be difficult to kill even one of these two people."

"Maybe, not necessarily."

Patriarch Mo Yi pondered for a moment and said, "This Chen Muyu is indeed evil, but that Yang Ming is not necessarily so."

"Oh?" Mingyu was a little surprised.

Patriarch Mo Yi said, "Brother Xingyu, do you remember that we were targeting Yang Ming that day, and this Yang Ming also discovered us, but he did not take action against us, but led us to see him That Chen Muyu.”

Phan Yu frowned, "Yes, that is to say, this Yang Ming probably doesn't have the confidence to fight with me. On that day, Yang Ming didn't actually take action..."

"In that case, we can deal with Yang Ming first?"

Xumi's eyes moved slightly, "As long as he is prevented from meeting Chen Muyu, it shouldn't be too difficult for the three of us to deal with him, right?"

After all, it is not the Eight Star Realm. After all, not everyone is like Chen Muyu and has the ability to escape beyond recognition.

"It's not difficult."

Mirage said seriously.

If Yang Ming was strong enough and had attacked them directly that day, how could he have led them to see Chen Muyu?

Xumi said, "Then let's deal with Yang Ming first. If you are not confident enough, we can call on one or two more colleagues..."

"No need."

Phan Yu raised his hand to interrupt, "One more person means more benefits. For this Tianhong inheritance, it's just the three of us, isn't that good?"

"That's right, there's no need to invite anyone else."

Patriarch Moyi agrees very much.

Xumi frowned slightly. After all, these two people were actually unreliable.

The two of them are one, and it is not impossible to kick him away after the thing is done.

But Xumi didn't say much. Since he decided to cooperate with these two people, he would have a way to get his own share.

Xing Yu said, "I will check Yang Ming's movements in the past two days. Let's find an opportunity to deal with him alone."


As a result, the three of them hit it off.


In a small courtyard in Beicheng, Yang Ming didn't know that he was already being noticed.

I am meditating in a quiet room and practicing the four spirit flags.

When the Qing Nu was killed that day, the Four Spirit Flags absorbed a large amount of origin and seemed to be somewhat stronger.

After digesting these origins, Yang Ming felt that his strength had become slightly better.

However, there is still some distance to go further.

The five-star perfection realm is not so easy to enter.

For the current plan, all he can think of is to return to Earth and choose to enter the world and gain enlightenment. If the knot in his heart is not removed, it will be difficult to make progress in the future.

Unfortunately, Chen Muyu refused to let him go back.

This troubled him.

"Uncle Yu, Uncle Yu, you are really doing a lot of harm to people."

Yang Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head repeatedly. The Four Spiritual Flags can absorb the source, allowing him to continuously increase his strength, but there will always be some distance from the Five Star Realm.

At this moment, Yang Ming suddenly felt a wave of heart palpitations.


This feeling was familiar to him.

Calculation, this is the feeling of being calculated.

I tried to calculate with my fingers, but I couldn't figure out why.

Yang Ming didn't feel good. The feeling came and went quickly. It could be said to be fleeting, but he didn't think it was an accident.

Ever since he became successful in cultivation, Yang Ming has been cautious, taking every step with trepidation, walking on thin ice. Since he feels that someone is plotting against him, he will not ignore it easily.

Who would plot against himself?

Yang Ming had a hard time having a clue.

"Senior Yang."

At this moment, a voice came from outside the yard.

This voice was very familiar to him. It was a maid named Cuihong beside the emperor and empress.

Usually if the emperor or empress had any messages, they would come from Cuihong.

Yang Ming pushed the door open and Cuihong was already standing in the yard.

Although the name is a bit rustic, the girl is still very pretty.

After all, she is the maid next to the emperor and empress, no matter how bad she is, she can't be much worse.

"What's the matter?" Yang Ming asked in a deep voice.

Cuihong said, "Senior, your Majesty asked me to send a message to you. We'll discuss important matters when we meet at Zhaixing Tower."

"Star Reaching Tower?"

Yang Ming frowned slightly, "Why are you in the Star Reaching Tower?"

"It's no longer safe in the palace. Emperor Zun's spies are everywhere." Cuihong said.

Yang Ming nodded, didn't say much, put away his doubts, and followed Cui Hong out the door.

Star-catching tower.

A restaurant in the north of the city can be regarded as a landmark building, and it is the property of the Guozhang Mansion.

The building is eighteen stories tall, making it stand out in Xingyang City, where houses are generally low.

This star-catching building is membership-based, and only people with a certain status will be allowed to enter and spend money.

Moreover, depending on your status, Zhaixinglou also divides guests into three, six or nine levels, and each floor requires different permissions.

The higher you go, the stronger your spending power and the higher your social status.

The eighteenth floor of this building is only open to the most distinguished guests.

So far, only two people have climbed to the eighteenth floor.

One is the Emperor, and the other is the Empress.

On this day, the eighteenth floor, which had been closed for a long time, was opened to the public again.

Because there was a distinguished guest in the building.

The Emperor and Empress.

On the eighteenth floor, there is a large platform. Standing here, you can almost have a panoramic view of the royal city.

It makes people feel that they are in control of everything.

When Yang Ming came, there were already many people gathered here besides the Emperor and Empress.

Chen Muyu is here, Lou Qianji is here, Master Qingling is here, Ye Bato is here, and there are three Seven Star Realm beings.

But Li Xu was not seen.

If Chen Muyu is also counted as Seven Star Realm, there are already seven people.

Including Yang Ming, there are eight.

Yang Ming was the last to arrive. After sitting down, he felt that the atmosphere on the scene was a little solemn.

"I wonder what important matter the Emperor and Empress called us here for?" Yang Ming asked directly.

When everyone was present, the empress said, "Everyone, during this period, the emperor has recruited many Seven-Star Realm masters. I'm afraid he has already known our plan. As of now, there are already eighteen Seven-Star Realm masters here. With just a few of us, it will be difficult to overthrow the Dapeng Dynasty and get what we want?"

"Eighteen Seven-Star Realm masters, this should not be all." Lou Qianji said beside him.

Everyone frowned.

Yang Ming said, "So, what do you mean? Your Majesty wants to say that everyone should disband?"

Hearing this, everyone frowned even deeper.

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