A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 279 The black bear ran away! 【First update】

No more cover!

But that’s not important, what’s important is the content.

This genealogy is obviously very old. The paper has turned yellow and has missing corners. The words on it are also handwritten. I don’t know how many generations it has been passed down.

The earliest record in the genealogy, the origin of Chen Jiayan's Chen surname, can be traced back to the early Han Dynasty, but the time is too far away, and the genealogy only contains guesses.

The ancestor whose exact name and life story is actually recorded was born in the third year of Hongwu in the early Ming Dynasty, and his name was Chen Jingzhi.

It has been passed down for hundreds of years.

The previous content is basically the same as that of Grandpa's revised family tree. The real differences, and what Chen Muyu is most concerned about, are the last few pages.

On the last few pages, Chen Muyu saw his grandfather's handwriting, and the paper was relatively new, so it was obviously added later.

At the transition between old and new, Chen Muyu saw an unexpected name.

"Chen Qingxian, the 121st grandson of the Chen family, fifth in the line..."

The genealogy does contain the name Chen Qingxian, but its records are very limited, just a few strokes.

Moreover, there is a blank space behind Chen Qingxian's branch, and there is no record of it by future generations.

In other words, this Chen Qingxian either has no descendants left, or the descendants have not been included in the family tree.

Looking at the back, it is also the same as grandpa’s revised family tree.

In other words, the only difference in the entire family tree is that this name is added to the 121st generation.

Just to delete this name, grandpa revised the family tree. He also wanted to destroy the old family tree?

Regardless of the reason, Chen Muyu can now basically confirm that the old mountain owner of Yuzhou Pavilion Laoshan must be the same person as Chen Qingxian recorded in the genealogy. He is his grandfather's fifth uncle.

After closing the family tree, Chen Muyu was silent for a long time. After Qin Hong came out of seclusion, he could ask carefully what was going on here. He must know best.

If nothing else, the Chen Guanhong of the Guanzi generation recorded in the genealogy should be Qin Hong.

After all, Qin Hong is his grandfather's cousin, and Chen Muyu has never seen this Chen Guanhong before, so he should be Qin Hong.

"Chen Qingxian, Peng Guanghan..."

Chen Muyu muttered these two names. Chen Qingxian must have been dead for many years, and his grandfather went to Ge Laoshan three years ago.

What would he do in Ge Laoshan?

Chen Qingxian only left one son alive, named Chen Guanshan. Could it be that he wanted Chen Guanshan to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan?

But I heard that Chen Guanshan has some intellectual problems. Could it be that Peng Guanghan obstructed him, which led to conflicts?

No matter what, grandpa's death must be related to Peng Guanghan.

Peng Guanghan will definitely come to the Three Altar Dharma Conference in Shao'e Mountain in the future. When the time comes, this matter must be brought to light.


After not sleeping all night, Chen Muyu was still very energetic. With those three soul lamps, he only needed to meditate for half an hour to basically charge them up and feel full of energy.

I drove the car and took my mother to the town. There were still a lot of things to buy for the New Year.

Chen Muyu was too lazy to join in the fun of these trivial matters. He dropped his mother off in the town, and Chen Muyu drove directly to the city. His mother said that she had made an agreement with Xu Meng to take her back to her hometown to celebrate the New Year.

The journey went smoothly. I returned to town in the afternoon, bought some fireworks and firecrackers on the street, and picked up my mother to go back to the village.

As soon as I returned to the village, I saw a crowd of people gathered outside Mr. Niu's house.


The pig pen collapsed and the black bear escaped!

The iron chain used to tie the dog was torn off, and half of the wall of the pig pen was knocked down.

A bunch of people gathered around the door of the pigsty and pointed.

Niu Erye's face was full of anxiety. Someone had just come to the village to look at it, and people had been organized to search everywhere.

After all, it was a wild beast, a big black bear. If it broke into some house, that would be fine. What if it hurt someone?

It can tear off such a thick chain and knock over a wall. Can humans be its opponent?

Mr. Niu was an elder, and no one dared to criticize him. However, some people could not help but mutter in the crowd, saying that Mr. Niu should not have saved the beast. He was really causing trouble for the village.

Although he said it softly, he was still heard by Mr. Niu, and he didn't know how he felt in his heart.


Chen Muyu walked to the side of Mr. Niu and clapped his hands, "Everyone, stop hanging around here and go do what you have to do. If you have time, help look for bears..."

They said they were looking for bears, so they turned around and left without any interest.

Those who went out to look for bears didn't say anything. They were all beeping here, which was really annoying.

Although Chen Muyu is young, his rich voice and loud voice cannot hide the fact that he came back from the city, so everyone still has to respect him.

Chen Muyu came to the collapsed pigsty and looked at it, then turned around and asked, "Second Master, when did this bear escape?"

"Just at noon!"

Mr. Niu sighed, "I was getting food for it from behind, when I heard a bang. When I came out, I saw that the pigpen had jumped. I saw it running up the mountain. I chased it all the way, but it didn't go anywhere. Catch up!"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly. He did not expect that the bear would wake up so quickly. Last night, he clicked on its sleep hole and received an injection. Chen Muyu estimated that it would take at least two or three days for it to wake up. Unexpectedly, it would take only two or three days for it to wake up. I woke up one night.

That injection of source energy potion must have improved the black bear's strength a lot. It can even climb over a pig pen.

"Okay, Second Master, don't worry, I'll look for you too!"

Chen Muyu was also worried that the thing would hurt people. After all, black bears are wild beasts with untamable nature and can easily get angry and hurt people.


Mr. Niu nodded, "Be careful. If you find it, don't fight it. Let's find a solution together with everyone!"

Mr. Niu was really worried to death. Firstly, he was afraid that the black bear would hurt someone. Secondly, it was winter and there was no food in the mountains. If the black bear escaped into the mountains, it would probably starve to death.

Chen Muyu drove the Silver Shadow Flyboard and turned on the stealth mode. He circled around the village several times and found no trace of the black bear.

There are tracks left behind. Following the tracks, you can see the black bear's movement route. It should be heading into the mountains.

But it was getting dark, and there were trees and shrubs covering the mountain, making it difficult to find.

The search team organized by the village did not dare to go deep and withdrew from the forest before dark. It was too dangerous to enter the mountains at night.

Chen Muyu also withdrew, planning to go out to look for it at dawn tomorrow.


"Are there still bears in your village?"

After dinner, Chen Muyu was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, while Xu Meng was applying moisturizing cream at the desk.

At this age, apart from seeing them in the zoo, I have never seen what a bear looks like in real life.

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