A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 2868 Heading to Overlord’s Palace!

Chapter 2869 Heading to Overlord’s Palace!

Are you kidding me?

Do you want to practice again?

What do you think I am? Medicine?

For a moment, Chen Muyu was really speechless.

I stole my chicken twice before. Isn’t that enough?

Is it now changed to Ming Dynasty?

Are you still discussing it with yourself so openly?

"Can I refuse?" Chen Muyu's face twitched.

Concubine Ming smiled, "Of course, why do you ask this question? With your current strength, I can't control you!"

"Then I refuse!"

Chen Muyu said immediately.

Concubine Ming said, "I'm afraid that Ling Ming can only follow you. Wherever you go, she will definitely know where you are going!"

Chen Muyu said, "Just follow, it doesn't matter!"

He is not that hungry. Although his strength will greatly improve every time he practices with Dingqiao, this is not what he wants.

It's not that he got an advantage and behaved, the key issue is that it was against his will, which felt very bad.

"That's what you said!"

A faint smile appeared on Concubine Ming's lips.

Chen Muyu frowned slightly, feeling that this was what she had planned from the beginning, to let Lingqiao follow her.

The next second, the temperament on her body quickly faded away, replaced by a playful and graceful face.

Needless to say, dexterity is back.

"Husband, are you so unwilling to practice with me?" Lingqiao said lightly.

That sound can really kill someone.

Chen Muyu's face was covered with black lines. How should I answer your question?

Ling Qiao stepped forward and took his arm, "Anyway, you just agreed to allow me to follow you?"

Chen Muyu said, "I've gotten into so much trouble, and such a powerful man wants to kill me. Are you still willing to follow me? Aren't you afraid of being implicated by me?"

"I don't care."

Lingqiao shook his head repeatedly, "As the saying goes, when you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and when you marry a dog, follow the dog. I don't care who you offend, or who wants to deal with you. Anyway, your enemy is my enemy, and your enemy is my enemy. "


Chen Muyu smiled and said, "You don't understand how powerful the other party is."

"I can help you become stronger."

His two big eyes flashed deftly, and his delicate face revealed a bit of innocence.

Chen Muyu couldn't laugh or cry.

He was being relied upon.

Just do it if you want, he won't say more, it's impossible to persuade her.


The matter in Tianyu Palace has come to an end, the situation of Master Miaoxuan is improving actively, Chen Muyu's goal has been achieved, and there is no need to stay.

The next day, he said goodbye to everyone in Tianyu Palace and embarked on the road to the Ninety-Fifth Domain.

Of course, dexterity comes with it.

"There is a large teleportation array in this domain. It is on the top of the Arctic Beast King Mountain. It is an unknown teleportation array that has existed for an unknown period of time, and it is unknown who built it. It is a one-way teleportation array that can be transmitted to Central Continent at any time. If we want to take a shortcut in any area of ​​the mainland, we might as well take this place..."

"Oh? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"This Beast King Mountain is occupied by a mysterious strong man. My master and the others have been there before, trying to compete for the ownership of the teleportation array, but they failed in the end. Come to think of it, the people on this mountain are at least at the top of the Seven Star Realm, and some even There may be powerful people from the Eight Star Realm hiding..."

"It's just an eight-star realm, why do you care about it?"

When Chen Muyu said this, he felt a little inflated.

Of course, he also has this expanded strength.

Let alone the Eight Star Realm, even if he meets a strong person from the Nine Star Realm, he now has the confidence to give it a try.

"Then, let's go to Beast King Mountain."

Ling Qiao said obediently, and then took Chen Muyu north.

Zhongzhou can be regarded as a circular continent, which is equally divided into 360 domains.

The seventy-one domains at this time are under this circular continent, at the southernmost edge.

Walking towards the center of the circle means heading north.

The center of the circle is the North Pole of the seventy-one regions.

Standing at the center of the circle, of course it is easy to go anywhere.

However, each domain is so huge that it is a bit difficult to transmit it to any location as you wish.

In the center of the continent, there is an area completely covered by a barrier.

This barrier is very powerful. It seems to be a seal, and it also seems to be caused by some kind of law. At present, even the strong people in the Seven Star Realm cannot shake it.

No one knows what is in that area.

On the outskirts of this area, within the scope of the Seventy-One Domain, there is a large mountain standing upright.

The majestic Beast King Mountain reaches into the clouds, and the mountain is steep, like a sleeping giant, lying quietly on the earth.

On the top of the mountain, the ancient teleportation array exudes a faint light, as if it shares the same fate with the mountain, and an ancient power sleeps in it.

The surrounding vegetation is lush, the ancient trees are towering, and every leaf seems to contain the wisdom of endless years.

The mountain wind was brisk, and the light from the teleportation array was swaying, as if telling an unknown secret.

In the distance, the sea of ​​clouds billows, bordering the mountain tops, forming a magnificent picture.

The morning light first shines, the sun penetrates the clouds and shines on the teleportation array. The golden brilliance is intertwined with the ancient atmosphere, making people feel as if they have traveled through the long river of time and space.

At the foot of Beast King Mountain, a winding path stretches into the distance, with wild flowers blooming on both sides and dancing butterflies and bees flying.

The clear springs in the mountains are gurgling, and the sound of water is accompanied by the chirping of birds, forming the most beautiful sound of nature.

From time to time, mountain apes jump over the branches and pass over the leaves, disturbing the tranquility of the forest.

On the top of the mountain, the teleportation array has existed for who knows how many years. Dozens of stone pillars stand in the sky, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

Around the teleportation array, although the words on the stone tablets have been eroded by the years, they can still make people feel the glory of the year.

Every stone slab and every rune carving reveals the wisdom and mystery of ancient times.

The teleportation array is very large, covering an area of ​​about two or three miles.

"That's it?"

Feeling the power of time and space in the formation, it seems that it is not as powerful as imagined. Then look at the mottled scene in front of you.

It is more like a ruin than a teleportation array.

Can this thing still be used?

Chen Muyu was a little skeptical.

"It works."

Ling Qiao said firmly, "Not only can it be used, but it is also very easy to use. As long as you locate the location you want to go in your mind, this teleportation array can automatically teleport us there. Of course, the premise is that this place is on the Central Continent... …”

"It's just that this place is dominated by a mysterious being. If you want to use the teleportation array, you have to pay him some tolls."

After Ling Qiao finished speaking, she looked around, as if searching for the whereabouts of a certain being.

Chen Muyu also completely released his spiritual thoughts, covering the entire Beast King Mountain.

Suddenly, the mountain shook, and a figure shot out from the mountain.

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